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AreWeCowabunga t1_iucpsfx wrote

The concerned look county people give me when they learn I live in the city says otherwise.


good_fox_bad_wolf t1_iud12nt wrote

Literally this is all my coworkers anytime I mention doing something fun (i.e. in the city).


NewrytStarcommander t1_iud1oy2 wrote

Haha this was my county co-workers when I told them they should come to the Lantern Parade with me- after dark? Patterson Park? In the city? OMG!


good_fox_bad_wolf t1_iud3a7m wrote

I told my friend's dad I was going to run the Baltimore marathon and he asked if I needed a bullet proof vest. I think it was only half joking.


NerdyOutdoors t1_iucst20 wrote

Just had a chat with an otherwise enlightened, smart, respectable county resident who refuses to go into the city… she thinks she’ll end up a squeegee victim or get robbed and tossed in the harbor, or run over by a dirt bike…. Her reaction was just VISCERAL and the opposite of a reasoned response. So the city/county divide is 100% real, at very least on the county side.


rental_car_fast t1_iud1do8 wrote

I live in the County and Its pretty real. That said, I’m in the city all the time!! We’re not all like that.


boneholio t1_iujwp6i wrote

> at very least on the country side

that's basically what i'm getting at, it's one-sided as all hell


boneholio t1_iujuw97 wrote

i get that a lot when i talk about moving into the city, but it has always seemed pretty common sense and self-evident to disregard the emphatic pearl-clutching you get from the sheltered middle-class non-identity who espouse fear and repression as a form of virtue