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guest0112 t1_iubt5ox wrote

Our mass transit options suck


FinalCartoonist t1_iueb9ex wrote

Thanks, Hogan


DaWangQiu t1_iufgzao wrote

ugh a lot of the cities that can grow rapidly right now are able to start developing on top of underused transit -- that redline would have paid off massively


wbruce098 t1_iufwq6h wrote

I’d ride it 5x a week; it would’ve been perfect, but here I am driving a car like a peasant.


FinalCartoonist t1_iufpjex wrote

Seriously! It was the biggest letdown, but I've read about the possibility of it's resurrection, if not as light rail then maybe as BRT.


roccoccoSafredi t1_iubuo4v wrote

Fuck Andy Harris


kreebob OP t1_iubwxjh wrote

Yeah that dude can suck a big ol bag of dicks (county)


BJJBean t1_iubx412 wrote

That crab cakes outside of MD by and large suck. Get that over breaded junk out of here.


illpoet t1_iucaslg wrote

This is the one thing pretty much eveyone in maryland can agree on.


Red_Sea_Pedestrian t1_iuc6z2f wrote

Water billing department is an absolute joke.


Wolfman3 t1_iubvhj3 wrote

Marilyn and Nick Mosby have the collective IQ of a moldy ham sandwich.


Avocadofarmer32 t1_iubw31l wrote

I saw her once at R.House SCREAMING at someone on the phone with the biggest RBF. Glad to know she’s just as big of a see you next Tuesday as she plays one on TV.


tapitha t1_iud6uno wrote

I attended a fundraiser for House of Ruth and she sat at my table. I could forgive the constant phone usage (it was during the day and she may have had messages to respond to) but I could not forgive her for 1) not using her napkin (it sat folded up on the table and not in her lap) 2) chewing with her mouth open, and 3) holding her fork with a fist like a toddler would, All that money she made from her job and her fake travel agency, and the homes she bought to "live in" but rented in Florida and she doesn't know how to eat like a grownup.


Timid_Teacher t1_iud1o6m wrote

I saw her at Artifact one time wearing a shirt with her name plastered all over it, as if we didn't know who she was already...


awildyetti t1_iuc1hlt wrote

The ham sandwich probably has more culture too


kreebob OP t1_iubx511 wrote

We can agree here. I think in general you could replace the Mosby’s with “City Mayors”.


BmoreBr0 t1_iui679s wrote

We can agree here. I think in general you could replace "City Mayors" with “most city leaders.”


POGTFO t1_iucdlai wrote

Hard disagree. They are trash. Corrupt trash. But they have been in power long enough, that they have to be smart.


dopkick t1_iud3m4u wrote

They definitely play the game fairly well. Not as well as some politicians that will go much further, but well enough.


dopkick t1_iubtzmx wrote

The state of Ohio sucks.


sxswnxnw t1_iucobeo wrote

Went to a party last night where we spent a decent amount of time talking about how Ohio is weird, and Indiana, too


peanutnozone t1_iudmywq wrote

I've lived in Baltimore for 12 years but from Ohio. I think the thing in Ohio is that you have to know where to look. There are some fantastic things, and Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati, have some awesome parts to them. The politics, though, SUCK.


dopkick t1_iuev7v1 wrote

This is really similar to FL. By land mass it is largely wasteland with insane politics. However, there are some islands of sanity in that wasteland as well as a few bastions of hope.

I think a large part of it is that the elderly are often retired with too much time on their hands so they look for drama. I’ve seen some shit go down at dog parks among old people and the level of gossip makes middle school seem tame. And the ones still working are bitter they didn’t make their millions that was promised to them.


midwestUCgal t1_iudwlwb wrote

Agree on all of this. I moved here from Michigan most recently and I got enough Ohio hate there, let me live Baltimore sub!


andio76 t1_iueo7kj wrote

Columbus is nice...especially the German neighborhood


ChromaticKeysBmore t1_iucyo10 wrote

So true. Is that why there are so many Ohio to Baltimore transplants?


dopkick t1_iud2sff wrote

I think it’s a lot of Midwest transplants, Ohio inclusive. It’s also the seventh most populous state so the statistics favor a lot of Ohio transplants


cmdub- t1_iudl2ve wrote

Cleveland is a great city.


AreWeCowabunga t1_iue1f8e wrote

Sure, we'd all love to flee to the Cleve and clubhop down at the flats.


DonCavalio t1_iucy7v8 wrote

The roads are fu*ked


Beefovens9th t1_iudahez wrote

After living in South Carolina for a bit, I will never complain about Maryland roads. I saw a tractor trailer get swallowed by a pot hole and then a mosquito the size of a Volkswagen Beetle swooped in and took the driver. True story. Kinda. I took some liberties. But SC roads are crazy bad.


DonBoy30 t1_iude5nk wrote

lol come to PA and complain about MD's roads.


DonCavalio t1_iudg044 wrote

😂 nah that's real! had to stay in York at a Marriott and literally said , damn, how they get Baltimore streets out here!


DonBoy30 t1_iudjthy wrote

Lol if you head up to the northern cities of pa, you literally need a moon rover. I’ve been on gravel roads that were friendlier to my cars suspension than some side streets in Wilkesbarre/Scranton/Hazleton.


DfcukinLite t1_iudw5hh wrote

They’re not bad when you go outside of MD. MD actually puts its money into roads. Drive in any state north and south of us. That’s one thing I will say about this state. Roads are vastly better.


wbruce098 t1_iufwx8x wrote

Just not in the city 😢

(Seems like some are getting better though, must be that infrastructure bill money from last year. Thanks Biden!)


Flowing_North t1_iugba8n wrote

Yep, the counties all have roads of silk, the city you'll bend a rim with-in 3 blocks. Between that and traffic sometimes the scooter is the better option for around town.


Aphile t1_iudoqei wrote

You’re delusional. Maryland has some of the best designed, safe, and well maintained roads in the entire country.


BmoreBr0 t1_iui5v7a wrote

Just had a tire get destroyed by a pothole in Towson and I was going 20 mph.


Bubhubbub t1_iuc653g wrote

Virginia drivers are terrible.


ronnulus t1_iuc758o wrote

Jesus Christ they’re so bad. I want to not be proven right every time I look at the license plate of whatever jackass is pulling some awful maneuver around me, but eight out of ten times they’re from Virginia.


TheRainbowpill93 t1_iucuv79 wrote

They literally don’t know how to drive down there. It gets worse the farther south you go towards VA.


neutronicus t1_iudbiz4 wrote

The aggressive driving on those NOVA highways is crazy


Ok-Act3606 t1_iudgq0k wrote

Protect the gunpowder falls and Loch Raven Reservoir and lake Roland because we all use them and need them for drinking water


TheSpiritedMan t1_iuccapi wrote

Yankees suck. I’m a New Yorker and Yankee fan. BUT I think y’all from county and city hate them equally for reasons.


matt45 t1_iucy0z9 wrote

Brah… that’s the rest of America


RobNobody t1_iuekgu1 wrote

Yeah, this is basically the opinion of everyone outside of NYC's immediate sphere of influence.


Kitsu_ne t1_iud07om wrote

Pretty sure we'd all agree that the buses are never on time.


Sir_Moneybagzzz t1_iuc06s1 wrote

Pie > cake.


jabbadarth t1_iucawsc wrote

We should do birthday pies instead of birthday cakes.

And while we are at it close all these cupcake shops and open cup pie shops.

I'd much rather have a nice 3 or 4 bite sized cherry pie than an $8 cupcake with too many flavors and wacky candy and too sweet frosty on top.


goetzecc t1_iudd3p3 wrote

Tomorrow is my bday. Pie today rather than cake. Pumpkin and apple with some candles. A few cupcakes as consolation for the nonbelievers.


MiseALepreuve t1_iucai5w wrote

Ekiben is amazing


good_fox_bad_wolf t1_iud0x5s wrote

Do people from the county go to Ekiben? Aren't they afraid of getting murdered?


MiseALepreuve t1_iud7lcb wrote

County people love to talk shit about the city, but it’s where they go out. They just don’t want to live here because then they’d have to actually pay taxes and contribute. They like to use city resources and benefit from the city then leave and whine about how awful the city is


good_fox_bad_wolf t1_iudogxx wrote

I think there are a few county people like this but the majority (especially anyone over 45) refuse to go past the city line. I once had a coworker tell me she refused to go to the Towson mall because it's dangerous.


MiseALepreuve t1_iuefgvw wrote

Well most people in general barely leave their homes. But the city is full of county folk who come here for the culture that their manufactured shithole communities lack and then complain the whole time about how awful the city is.

Also they’re poor tippers.


guest0112 t1_iudd1p2 wrote

Yea exactly. My county friends talk shit but they go to the breweries that have parking and Hampden is their dining out destination. Plus ekiben pick up


judeiscariot t1_iufdctj wrote

No, that's only old people from the county.

Plenty of others go to the city and have fun (and don't even complain like others suggest).


ThebesSacredBand t1_iud6aub wrote

That we couldn't imagine leaving the city/county to live in the city/county.


kreebob OP t1_iudf0ba wrote

As a former Remingtonian, this made me lol. I hated living in the county for the first year or two but I couldn’t afford to send my kids to private school so it was a necessity. 10 years on and I couldn’t imagine not living in the county. That said, Remington was a wonderful place for our young family, nothing but fond memories.


sxswnxnw t1_iuconrl wrote

That they are both located in the state of Maryland.

That we have a traffic problem.

That Maryland with all of its flaws is still indeed better than say a flyover state.


IntellectualDarkWave t1_iue7y1r wrote

I think everyone in the city and county can agree that we need comprehensive public transit that not only covers the entire city but extends at least to the beltway. I know there are people in both the city and county who disagree, but they are inherently wrong and can go fuck themselves.


cornpine t1_iug5ya1 wrote

I am new to Baltimore from NYC and the lack of public transit is a really hard adjustment. IMO one thing that would be great to have is a public transit link to Montgomery County. Looking for jobs, I've had more than one interview where a company in the Baltimore region has an office in MoCo and going there weekly would be required. I've also seen a decent number of jobs in Silver Spring and Bethesda. It's frustrating because having been in NYC so long, I wouldn't want to jump into such a long grueling drive but going all the way down to DC and back up is a non-starter. As a newcomer, it's easy to forget that we're the same state!


IntellectualDarkWave t1_iuhqwin wrote

It depends where exactly you are because it's not accessible to some parts of Baltimore, but the MARC train leaves from Camden Yards and will get you to college park in about 45 minutes. From there you can take the green line 2 or 3 stops to ft Totten, transfer to the red line and you'll be in silver spring after a few stops. Probably take you about an hour and fifteen minutes when all is said and done.

Bethesda would probably take longer as you would have to take the Penn Station marc to union Station and then hop on the red line and go all the way through DC.

Honestly, I would just be ecstatic if there was reliable transit that could get me downtown, which there isn't unless you live right along the light rail line or the subway line. The busses here are so chaotic.


Ant1101 t1_iue811n wrote

that Baltimore and Maryland are 2 different places 😂


Armistarphoto t1_iuc73we wrote

That the 2 block segment of Harford rd north of Northern will never get plowed if it snows.


pk10534 t1_iuc58nu wrote

Ravens > Commanders > Steelers


ImNotAHeroIQuit t1_iucubwp wrote

Chick-fil-A lines can get ridiculous, use the mobile app during lunch and dinner rush!


Timid_Teacher t1_iud1vkk wrote

Just during those times? I use it all the time, but at some locations it doesn't even help. I live in the city, but I go to Hunt Valley to go to Wegmans and then I go to Chick Fil A. Their drive through is awful. I get done ordering in 5 seconds, but there's no way to go around the others in front of me who didn't use the app to order.


ImNotAHeroIQuit t1_iudlm7d wrote

Yes lunch and dinner rush for me. Usually breakfast is pretty smooth. The issue for them is just taking the orders. They always have enough employees but you can’t predict what a customer will order.


Timid_Teacher t1_iue5rid wrote

Yeah, it's in no way the fault of the employees, but I wish they had a smoother system.


RG_Viza t1_iuehk0j wrote

Roads suck in the city except for the bourgeois areas.


dcdave3605 t1_iudco7d wrote

Roads suck, driving is dangerous thanks to terrible drivers, and taxes are too damn high.


rockybalBOHa t1_iufisw4 wrote

The Chesapeake Bay is awesome!


dcfb2360 t1_iug2lpv wrote

Fuck the Steelers


gu_chi_minh t1_iuc2wuf wrote

We all agree that the city is better


kreebob OP t1_iuc4ink wrote

New York City is definitely better than both, yes agreed.


rental_car_fast t1_iud194d wrote

New York is good for a 3 day visit once every 4 or five years. I can’t stand being there longer. Baltimore is far better.


boneholio t1_iuckb9g wrote

the county/city pissing contest is a contrived cultural circlejerk that only exists on reddit


AreWeCowabunga t1_iucpsfx wrote

The concerned look county people give me when they learn I live in the city says otherwise.


good_fox_bad_wolf t1_iud12nt wrote

Literally this is all my coworkers anytime I mention doing something fun (i.e. in the city).


NewrytStarcommander t1_iud1oy2 wrote

Haha this was my county co-workers when I told them they should come to the Lantern Parade with me- after dark? Patterson Park? In the city? OMG!


good_fox_bad_wolf t1_iud3a7m wrote

I told my friend's dad I was going to run the Baltimore marathon and he asked if I needed a bullet proof vest. I think it was only half joking.


NerdyOutdoors t1_iucst20 wrote

Just had a chat with an otherwise enlightened, smart, respectable county resident who refuses to go into the city… she thinks she’ll end up a squeegee victim or get robbed and tossed in the harbor, or run over by a dirt bike…. Her reaction was just VISCERAL and the opposite of a reasoned response. So the city/county divide is 100% real, at very least on the county side.


rental_car_fast t1_iud1do8 wrote

I live in the County and Its pretty real. That said, I’m in the city all the time!! We’re not all like that.


boneholio t1_iujwp6i wrote

> at very least on the country side

that's basically what i'm getting at, it's one-sided as all hell


boneholio t1_iujuw97 wrote

i get that a lot when i talk about moving into the city, but it has always seemed pretty common sense and self-evident to disregard the emphatic pearl-clutching you get from the sheltered middle-class non-identity who espouse fear and repression as a form of virtue


DonBoy30 t1_iudfc99 wrote

what were not around for the red line debacle? Or whenever crime happens near Cromwell, towson, or hunt valley LR station? Or literally every state election cycle? Find a local news facebook page about any given murder of any white person in the city and read the comments.


boneholio t1_iujue32 wrote

on general principle i expressly try not to pay attention to whatever racial fear-mongering that insecure suburbanites / upper class well-to-dos try to stir up

and 'contrived' is precisely the word to describe the attitude and imperative of people who create facebook groups about black-on-white murder conspiracies


todareistobmore t1_iudr4ly wrote

Growing up, my dad's mom lived in Parkville, my mom's family lived in AAco. Coming up 295 or down Harford, we had to make sure our windows were up and doors locked going into the city.


boneholio t1_iujsnuj wrote

fair enough, i’m familiar with this suburbanite fear-culture where they use the city as a scapegoat for their own insecure aversion to nuanced morality, racial diversity, and alternative culture.

my original sentiment comes from this place of like - if you’re part of the bmore subreddit, i place it in good faith that you’re a fan of Baltimore, right?

and that’s a position where it’s impossible to ignore the city. like, who actually reps bmore because of the county, you know what i’m saying?

maybe i’m blind, or i just don’t pop out on the subreddit so often, but i don’t really see a lot of die-hard county mouthpieces on here, so i assumed the subreddit was localized from the city perspective in the first place, which makes it feel contrived to even want to talk about the county


Bravesfan043 t1_iubv1su wrote

Good luck getting County folks to put down their hot pockets long enough to type an answer.


kreebob OP t1_iubwuvi wrote

Kinda missing the spirit of the post here


Kitsu_ne t1_iucyaw6 wrote

As a City folk with my hot pocket in hand, I am pretty sure the city and county will be able to manage to reply and unite over our taste in microwavable foods. YUM! 🤣