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BrunettexAmbition t1_iuai1qs wrote

While still giving the city life a New Yorker wants. Hi Baltimore, it’s me a New Yorker who moved here 🙋🏻‍♀️.


DoIt2It t1_iuair4g wrote

Yeah, but these are cops. In New York they all live in south Staten Island. Here, they’re going to move to Bel Air, and not spend a minute more in Baltimore than they need to to crack skulls and collect overtime.


archenemy_43 t1_iuaplgl wrote

They also won’t spend their money here. Therefor they’re simply extracting money from the city to spend and get taxed in the county of their choosing so that way, their kids get to go to a good school.

Remember this when you vote people.


mrspanky124 t1_iubx8z7 wrote

Whats the solution to this? We are already paying these big bonuses and still cant get locals to be cops.


Xanny t1_iudtse7 wrote

Locals don't want to be cops cuz they know the police are corrupt AF. There is no bandaid fix when what's needed is abolishing the BPD and rechartering with local neighborhood pds accountable to their constituents.


TCFirebird t1_iufobfr wrote

Right now, BPD is run by the state of Maryland. Vote yes on Question H in the midterms, to bring control back to the city.


Xanny t1_iufwdb6 wrote

Problem is this implies the city government is any more interested in serving the people, which is, uh, another problem.


Appropriate-Lab-5015 t1_iuau809 wrote

Central Harford is full of city cops and firefighters. You'll have 2 fire captains and 3 police lieutenants in the same subdivision. Retired cops and FF out golfing all summer at the public courses.


Gitopia t1_iubevwe wrote

And that's only bmore. If only you knew how many moco, pg and DC personnel also live in Bel air. It's absurd tbh


kosherkenny t1_iudgbxt wrote

i don't know how fair that is. if these are new recruits, maybe they want to actually instill change in the police force.

source: when i was coming back from deployment i started going the route of becoming a part of BPD, but decided to stay in my current career field instead.


caro822 OP t1_iub1v1i wrote

But I work in the middle of the city. So IDK.


BrunettexAmbition t1_iuao30i wrote

Or the BK, or BX, or Queens, or Long Island while using a different address.


DouchebagMcfucktard t1_iuca7ok wrote

wish they could spend more time to cracking skulls (that don't even house brains)


DeliMcPickles t1_iubwncd wrote

That's white cops from Jersey who "live" in Staten Island. I think it depends on the cop here as to where you live.