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CasinoAccountant t1_irajvhj wrote

> That’s my thought, because it would take a long time to rack up that much in water bills.

It was over 18 months, he's got a pool and over half an acre of grass

The amount is almost certainly correct.


Comradekels_ t1_irbgkuf wrote

My dad has a pool and a lot of grass and I can guarantee he doesn't pay 20k per year in water.


MD_Weedman t1_ircm97h wrote

Tell me you have never owned a pool or any grass without saying you have never owned a pool or grass.


DogFishHead17 t1_irc922q wrote

So he didn't pay anything over 18 months? I don't own a pool, but it was my understanding they you see these big water tanker trucks bring water to fill up pools. Maybe it was topping off the pool?


TheAzureMage t1_irf2cn2 wrote

That is still pretty substantial, even so.

I have a pool, but I sure as hell don't spend 12k/yr on water.