Comradekels_ t1_ir9s8le wrote
My mom has about 12,000 because of a burst pipe that’s technically on the sidewalk and therefore the county’s problem. She has been working on getting it sorted for over a year, they told her it isn’t hers to pay but there’s literally nothing she can do because the system is terrible, apparently this happens a lot.
That’s my thought, because it would take a long time to rack up that much in water bills.
jabbadarth t1_ira0yt8 wrote
A year or so before they switched to monthly billing I got a bill for thousands that was just flat out wrong. No leak, no extra water usage just someone read the meter wrong or someone input a number wrong. Took my like 5 or 6 phone calls, being on hold for hours and a fee weeks, if not months to get it fixed.
And that was before the switch to the new meters and the new billing schedule. For some reason baltinore just can't seem to get people water and charge them accurately. It's insane.
Comradekels_ t1_irbgst7 wrote
Yes, my mom calls all the time and has even written to government people. It's insane. It started during covid though so they said they were backlogged.
Matt3989 t1_iraqeoo wrote
If the pipe burst in a place where the meter is registering the flow, that would be on the property owner.
You are responsible to maintain the service lines within your right of way.
Comradekels_ t1_irbgdd9 wrote
The county already told her she is not at fault, it is just unlikely she will get a refund because of how messed up the system is. this happens a lot as I said.
LaraineAgain t1_irc3sh3 wrote
Yes!! This happens all the time. Back in the good ole days of $120 every quarter we had our meter freeze and break — leaking a ton of water. Our bill was $1200 instead of $120 and it took calling our council person and speaking w the head of DPW to help us clear it up, after months of calling and harassing though.
CasinoAccountant t1_irajvhj wrote
> That’s my thought, because it would take a long time to rack up that much in water bills.
It was over 18 months, he's got a pool and over half an acre of grass
The amount is almost certainly correct.
Comradekels_ t1_irbgkuf wrote
My dad has a pool and a lot of grass and I can guarantee he doesn't pay 20k per year in water.
MD_Weedman t1_ircm97h wrote
Tell me you have never owned a pool or any grass without saying you have never owned a pool or grass.
CasinoAccountant t1_ircmoju wrote
wrong on both lmao
DogFishHead17 t1_irc922q wrote
So he didn't pay anything over 18 months? I don't own a pool, but it was my understanding they you see these big water tanker trucks bring water to fill up pools. Maybe it was topping off the pool?
CasinoAccountant t1_ircmpls wrote
depends on their set up!
TheAzureMage t1_irf2cn2 wrote
That is still pretty substantial, even so.
I have a pool, but I sure as hell don't spend 12k/yr on water.
[deleted] t1_iragchk wrote
Cold-Couple1957 t1_iralczw wrote
No it doesn’t. And u don’t fill ur pool from the faucet guy lol.
CasinoAccountant t1_irak36t wrote
Big ole pool, bout a half acre of grass.
This is literal public record, he owns the home in his own name in SDAT where anyone can find it. He is a public figure. This is completely appropriate to share.
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