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7h33v1l7w1n t1_ix03pmu wrote

There’s an MDOT survey exploring possibilities to implement a line like the yellow one in this graphic. Go take it!


guest0112 t1_ix08n53 wrote

The closet racists on NextDoor are having a field day trying to stop it


wavy-seals t1_ix0l76u wrote

I went to the MDOT meeting up in Lutherville and was surprised there were only like 5 people there who were actually for it (out of maybe 300 people there), and surprised at how stupid some of the reasoning was. Examples:

  • Public transit is ableist. I am disabled, and i cannot go up and down steps and then walk to my destination. Therefor no one should have public transit.
  • Public transit would mean it would take more time for me to get to work, because of all the stops. It would mean I would miss breakfast with my 5 year old kid. Therefor no one should have public transit.
  • Public transit is only safe for the people who ride the trains, it’s extremely unsafe for children playing outside. Having rail lines go down our streets would increase the amount of children dying in accidents. Because a train that comes by every 15 minutes is more dangerous than cars that comes by every 5 seconds.

People are so shortsighted.


coys21 t1_ix1dwfa wrote

I live in Lutherville. I would love to expand public transportation via a rail system. Most of the the people I know that don't want it is because mdot hasn't explained how they would run a light rail down York rd without it complicating everything. I get it. I can't picture it. There are obviously the racist and nimbys that oppose it for no reason. Personally I'm a big fan of option four which is the subway from Towson -> Port Covington and maybe beyond.


wavy-seals t1_ix26rbv wrote

I’m for the subway as well - or the bus rapid transit system. Light rail is okay, but not ideal. I understand the concern of it running down two lane streets for several blocks, but I also don’t think we should halt progress for four blocks worth of road.

I’ve lived abroad, I’ve seen BRTs, and subways, and trams, and have ridden all of the above. The American car brain mindset grinds my gears. People really can’t wrap their heads around how great public transit can be because their only frame of reference is the light rail ride to Camden Yards four times a year.


coys21 t1_ix28h8t wrote

I'm just north of the beltway on a side street just off of Dulaney Valley. I'm far enough away that a light rail down York Road would not necessarily impact me for good or bad. From Ridgely to the Circle is just under 3 miles of heavily commuted York rd. I can't envision how that could be done. You'd have to widen York rd or just get rid of the turn lane. I'd prefer the whole damn thing be a subway. Or, instead of a standard light rail, let's do some San Francisco style street cars. I would ride the shit out of those.


troublewthetrolleyeh t1_ix290ic wrote

Jesus Christ re: the disabled person. Public transit is significantly more accessible. They wanna keep waiting for MTA Mobility five hours after Mobility said they would be there?


wavy-seals t1_ix29ddx wrote

They’d prefer to drive to their destination, park in handicapped parking, and have a shorter walk. Which is totally fine. No one is forcing you go take public transport when you can drive, lady, it’s just an option for the rest of us…


Cheomesh t1_ix2nxxq wrote

The existing rail even has roll-on for wheel chairs.


BoysenberryNo4959 t1_ix4lyjg wrote

The ADA has to make public transportation accessible; it’s federal law. She sounds like a buzz killer.


dcfb2360 t1_ix3x0ui wrote

> public transit is ableist

lol you should hit ‘em with “so do you want blind people driving on the roads?” Disabled people are also poor (often poorer) and rely on public transit like everyone else


Blatmore t1_ix37qlq wrote

Liberals gleefully embraced the tool of all these isms when they needed to halt any economic leftward momentum. I guess they never thought the wreckers would wreck beyond their intended purpose.


wavy-seals t1_ix3aoyn wrote

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, and I don’t understand the need to bring “liberals” into this.


Blatmore t1_ix4etd0 wrote

This sub is supermajority liberal. I like to point out to them when their decisions lead to the things they hate.


wavy-seals t1_ix6sz0u wrote

Liberals are overwhelmingly for public transport, so where does your comment fit in to this discussion?


Blatmore t1_ix8szsi wrote

Liberals also made isms a higher priority than things like public transit. They got you to vote for them thinking they'd do both, but they're only ever going to do the isms, because those are cheap to do and allow the HR departments to make it easier to fire you.


inohavename t1_ix0e4mw wrote

I don't think they're all that closeted. I've seen some pretty overt stuff.


[deleted] t1_ix0id57 wrote

Yep. Basically they’ll say anything that won’t definitely get them immediately banned.


reeking_lizaveta t1_ix1lw4y wrote

Anti-Baltimore sentiment is a huge obstacle to functional transit in the region. I think Baltimore's only hope of getting a decent local transit system is to sneak it into a regional rail system servicing the entire Baltimore-Washington area. Unfortunately the MTA keeps proposing mediocre projects that rile up the racists but fail to get anyone excited.


Agile_Disk_5059 t1_ix0yxtv wrote

Hunt Valley is very white suburban and higher income and it's survived having a light rail station. Why would Columbia fair any worse?


Signal_13 t1_ix3uth1 wrote

Except that the Hunt Valley Walmart actually had to close down and move because the shoplifting losses got so out of control after the Light Rail arrived. They moved several miles south where there was no rail stop.


theutzigs t1_ix0hoc3 wrote

You able to link a post where there are comments?


guest0112 t1_ix1btzn wrote

I’m not in “stoneleigh” but I live close enough that I get stoneleigh posts in my newsfeed or whatever. I think it’s against Reddit policy to out specific people but the two guys who posted daily for 10 days straight rhymed with Watrick Phite and Patt Mirnot. They started a NextDoor group called “New York Rd Corridor Transit Discussion Group” to coordinate efforts. Their posts have been nauseating


wbruce098 t1_ix0s3bp wrote

Well let’s have a field day making it happen. We can’t let the closeted-or-not folks step in the way of progress without running them over a little.


reeking_lizaveta t1_ix1ftv9 wrote

Yea, except none of the proposed alternatives for the north south line interline with the existing north south light rail, and some only have a transfer to it at Penn Station where it has extremely limited service. The yellow line as depicted here is much better - build a tunnel that can service both a new north south line in the York rd corridor and the existing light rail between Camden Station and Penn Station. This would greatly speed up the existing light rail and give it a much better transfer to the metro at Charles Center as well as better downtown station locations on Charles St, enable easy transfers between the two lines, and allow the new line to use existing maintenance facilities and rolling stock. It would also allow trains from Towson to run south to BWI instead of ending in south Baltimore.