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t1_ivm6t4q wrote

There’s a lot of foxes and other wildlife in the corridor from west hampden through woodberry and up to mt Washington. Foxes, deer, possums, squirrels, groundhogs, and maybe some other critters.


t1_ivm8eje wrote

NE Bmore is full of them. Anywhere north starting at Herring run or so is where you really start seeing them.


t1_ivm9s4k wrote

yeah, i see them occasionally in hampden, but i hear them at night all the time. i live in a woodsy area and theyre loud as hell, and their call (bark?) is high pitched and kinda creepy


t1_ivmbrsc wrote

I’m up in Mt. Washington and I’ve seen a couple of full grown foxes and a couple of youngsters in my yard the last few months. One brave one walked right up to my porch windows to stare in.


t1_ivmdjdw wrote

We have them in Curtis Bay. One I called "Red" has a love of killing my chickens and ducks if they aren't missed at bed check when we put them away at Filbert Street Garden. :) She is a beautiful fox and has been coming and goes for years on our cameras.


t1_ivmiyj8 wrote

I live in Hamilton and I've never seen more foxes anywhere in my life. It's crazy. I like them but I have two little dogs so I get nervous about it too.


t1_ivmksti wrote

Reminded me to re-watch Fantastic Mr Fox. Thanks Op.


t1_ivmkvv5 wrote

I had to turn off animal alerts on my security cameras because one comes on my porch at night.


t1_ivmlr5u wrote

I had the coolest sighting last winter. We live up in a woodier area of 21211 - I woke up around 2am one night to a strange cackling outside our window. I go to peek outside and in the middle of the street, under a streetlamp, I see two foxes. One with a white tail-tip, and one with a regular black tail-tip. The one with the white tail-tip would sort of skip across the street... and the other one would follow. And then white tail-tip would skip back across the street... other one would follow. They were chasing each other and canoodling like teenagers! They'd catch up and sort of nuzzle and flirt and then scamper off again. Magical moment, utterly dreamlike. I wouldn't be sure it was real, but I woke my partner up to come watch with me 🥺 We've spotted several foxes here since then but none like that.


t1_ivmmjcj wrote

On the western edge of the city we have a three legged fox.


t1_ivmmokp wrote

Just about any neighborhood that touches Druid Hill has foxes! I hear them in Res Hill screaming up a storm every so often.


t1_ivmn4pv wrote

We saw one walking down our block near Patterson Park. It was on our door camera recording, not in person, but it was definitely a fox going in the direction of the park.


t1_ivmosb3 wrote

There's at least one vixen fox who runs around here after it gets to be full dark in the summertime. We are just a long block above Northern Park way on Park Heights, where the urban environment begins to turn suburban. I've seen her quite a bit the past couple of years.


t1_ivmp0r3 wrote

There’s one that hangs out in the building I live in’s garden in Charles Village.


t1_ivmp4be wrote

There's at least one fox that frequents Park Ave and Madison in Mt Vernon. It looks for traffic before crossing the street.


t1_ivmpgys wrote

In Bolton Hill you'll see them coming up from the train tracks. In Station North you'll see them early morning coming and going from the cemetery. Pretty common in both areas.


t1_ivmpp8j wrote

I see them often and only wish they would get to work on the local rabbits.


t1_ivmrdsq wrote

I saw a fox attack today when I went to vote actually–it was a rare one called "question K"


t1_ivmveco wrote

My camera caught one last week. I'm in a very built up part of Pigtown and it's at least the third time I've seen one recently.


t1_ivmwjuq wrote

I’ve had three sightings (two this year):

First was in Patterson Park at like 3:45am when I was walking my dogs.

Second was in the alley behind my house (around 11pm).

Third was at Fleet and Wolfe during my morning commute (around 5:10am).

Can’t remember the seasons. Probs all summer.


t1_ivmzayj wrote

There are several dens on our property. We catch them on our ring doorbell occasionally but see them daily.


t1_ivn0xb7 wrote

I swear I just saw another post on this sub about a very different type of FOX sighting


t1_ivnaevc wrote

They are extremely common in the area. Shit, I had a coyote in my backyard last week. Granted I'm in Lutherville. But still.


t1_ivnwmb5 wrote

I see them at least once a week on my drive to work.


t1_ivo50nv wrote

Driving past Herring Run, my 6 year old said she saw a fox. Described it and everything. I told her it was probably a cat. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Now I’m thinking she may have been on to something. 🧐 😂 Do they eat rats, if so…I’m very happy they’re around! 😂


t1_ivo8xiz wrote

I run in the early mornings and probably see 1-2 a week! Mostly in the Hampden/Roland Park area


t1_ivof1ej wrote

Big red fox with slightly gimpy front paw always hangs around Hoes Heights during the day time. Not scared of humans at all, but not aggressive.


t1_ivofbx7 wrote

There are some very healthy looking foxes in Guilford, Roland Park, along Stony Run and between Loyola and Notre Dame Universities.


t1_ivooll7 wrote

Omg!!! I live downtown one block east of Hollins Market. I literally saw a big beautiful fox casually walking west up Hollins st two nights ago!


t1_ivpitry wrote

I live between Clifton and Herring Run park and I see foxes on a regular basis while walking the dogs late at night. Just last week I had a particularly fearless one that was stalking some stray cats.

I'd also seen one before when I lived near Greenmount Cemetery, but not regularly like where I am now.


t1_ivq8ln4 wrote

I've seen them along the Jones Falls by Round Falls, and at Stony Run, and on my front porch in Remington once.


t1_ixcy00c wrote

Red fox spotted on our security cameras in Brewers Hill overnight…near Domain apartments.