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NotARageComic t1_j0qcqfl wrote

I don’t think anything made in china uses space labor.


lolokaydudewhatever t1_j0qd30b wrote

When you're out of arguments correct typos!


NotARageComic t1_j0qf8rd wrote

Why would I argue with someone whose first thought when others have fun is to tell them they’re bad people for supporting slave labor? This is Reddit, I don’t need to argue with you lol


lolokaydudewhatever t1_j0qfp5r wrote

It's not my first thought when someone has fun. It's my first thought when I see the world cup.

The problem is many other people see world cup and their first thoughts ARENT slave labor and horrible human rights's FUN!

>This is Reddit, I don’t need to argue with you lol

But here you are just doing that. You can just stop replying if that's ACTUALLY how you feel


NotARageComic t1_j0qgh81 wrote

You replying to me is one less person you are trying to make rage, I am just skimming what you say and wasting your time. But keep poisoning the well my dude!