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ticumac t1_j0rswmp wrote

To you. After the riots throughout the U.S. a few years ago, they still held concerts, theater plays, sporting events, conventions, etc. You want to boycott all of those too since they are not being considerant of the issues?


lolokaydudewhatever t1_j0rt6vk wrote

Nice attempt at whataboutism.

US sucks, but light years ahead of Qatar.


ticumac t1_j0rtlqd wrote

Hahahahahahahahahaha. Don't throw stones if you live in a fucking glass house.


lolokaydudewhatever t1_j0rufrt wrote

Whats your point?

Is your argument to ignore Qatar's horrible human rights record "oh but what about this county?"

You can literally use that argument on anything. Should we stfu about Putins invasion of ukraine because Vietnam? Grow up dude


ticumac t1_j0rvj9i wrote

No. None of that shit should be ignored. Innocent people are dying. I'm simply stating for you to keep that same energy for your own country. Why the fuck every time there is a criticism about the U.S., someone like you can't seem to take it without trying to act like a victim? Grow the fuck up.


lolokaydudewhatever t1_j0rw5bt wrote

I literally just said the US sucks.

Stop making up imaginary statements to argue your preformed opinions.

If you think saying Qatar is so much worse than the US is a defense of the US, you need to look into how fucking awful that country is and how many Qataris suffered building those damn stadiums for the world cup.

You love soccer? Great. Give Fifa the same energy youre giving me.