Submitted by BmoreCityDOT t3_10pesoi in baltimore
z3mcs t1_j6ke9fl wrote
>Cause that pic is super unclear.
Looks pretty clear on desktop. I'm guessing you're on mobile. The map has a legend that says "Alley Closure" and then a red&white striped demarcation next to it. On the map you see that same red&white striped demarcation where the alley will be closed.
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6kgnfv wrote
>This seems like super insufficient warning, notification, and time for dispute.
Residents are given 7 days from the receipt of the postcard that will be mailed to each neighboring property.
>Also, can anyone else exactly what they’re closing?
As stated, the alley between N Bond St & N Broadway. The alley is unnamed.
>both alleys connected to Hakesley Place are drivable (unless changed in the past few years)
This is incorrect, the north part of the alley is too narrow for vehicular passage.
>Is it that vague blur at the top of the map?
No. As stated in the text, it is the red and white striped area of the alley.
>Why is the map centered on Hakesley Place?
Because that is the area most residents are familiar with. We centered the map on recognizable landmarks, as the alley itself is unnamed.
>If it’s already undrivable, what are they doing to close it off?
We will be complete blocking access to East Preston St.
>What’s the point of putting money into closing it off if vehicles already don’t fit?
Because vehicles keep trying, and damaging the building. The property owner already installed a bollard to prevent further damage, which makes the alley even narrower.
rohdawg t1_j6kqu1j wrote
It's pretty clear on mobile too
[deleted] t1_j6kt57c wrote
guest0112 t1_j6ktlfs wrote
Username checks out 😊
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6kvkin wrote
<Rolls dice> Hey, can you blow on this real quick?
Frofro69 t1_j6kzj6j wrote
I think it's a good idea. I remember watching someone squeeze through this alley when my girlfriend was giving me an unofficial tour of the city, and I swear some people must not mind scratching up their vehicles on someone else's property. Honestly there are tons of alleys that look this sketchy downtown, but some you can barely get through lol
KingMiyamotoMusashi t1_j6l2kj5 wrote
Will it be just a concrete barrier put up with the sidewalk apron not being corrected or will something else be done?
ptapdesigns t1_j6l42jd wrote
Uh…how can I get something like this spearheaded in the alley next to my house? My radon mitigation fan has been knocked down three times
In_This_To_Win_This t1_j6l8q62 wrote
You’re so good with the comebacks that I’m starting to think you’re AI. Prove your a human, extra points if it’s Baltimore specific!!
SonofDiomedes t1_j6l8qt7 wrote
Good communication of the situation. Keep it up.
bmore t1_j6lipa0 wrote
How can we shorten bike project implementations to a week?
jabbadarth t1_j6lizeh wrote
Have you had a radon test done? A vast majority of Baltimore city has very low radon levels. I've never heard of anyone needing a mitigation system in the city. It's generally not an issue until you head further west and north.
bookoocash t1_j6lklzn wrote
We have a bollard installed near our house too for this exact reason. We’ve still had cars knock stuff off our house and what not. Is there a minimum width an alley needs to be for vehicle travel?
brYzmz t1_j6ll77m wrote
You are real!
pk10534 t1_j6lm0yo wrote
Baltimore DOT being active on this sub is really cool and I wish more city agencies would do this. Feels like an actual effort to engage with regular people and get them more involved in your programs.
HavidDume t1_j6lo6h2 wrote
I live off Hakesley, haha. Somehow BARELY managed to get a U-Haul through there. It was a big giant nightmare.
One of my neighbors told me that the house you see in that photo posted actually was built well after that alley, and protrudes already too much into it because they also installed those poles people constantly hit. That house basically brought it on themselves Not saying it's wrong or right, I'm literally moving out of here soon
[deleted] t1_j6loqco wrote
any_old_usernam t1_j6lrtkn wrote
Will the alley remain open to bike/pedestrian traffic?
Autumn_Sweater t1_j6m1ix2 wrote
you might want to put up a pole to scrape up anyone else who tries the same stunt
shaneknu t1_j6msvcj wrote
Pilots have this term called "get-home-itis". I'm already here, and I just have to get over there, I just need to get home.
It reminds me of those foolish, foolish people who drive into water they can't see the bottom of.
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6n59xc wrote
Thank you, that’s very kind!
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6n5l0c wrote
False. We are an amorphous sentient government organization that is a figment of your imagination. 😂
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6n5s7k wrote
There is! Fill out a 311 request on the app, using the Traffic Calming section. Enter in as much detail as you can.
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6n5wb1 wrote
The implementation is not a week, the time for how long residents have to respond is a week.
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6n5zek wrote
Thank you!
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6n63tx wrote
Hey, you knuckleheads.
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6n68n0 wrote
Sure! Send us a 311 request using the Traffic Calming request, and enter in as much detail as you can. Width of the alley is useful.
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6n6kmu wrote
That will be determined later, depending on community feedback and what our engineers say.
increasingrain t1_j6n6tqy wrote
Should've offered some old bay with that comeback.
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6n7h8p wrote
Have a Berger cookie.
increasingrain t1_j6n81lg wrote
I can vouch that this is no bot/AI.
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6n88jv wrote
Beep boop, have a lemon stick.
KingMiyamotoMusashi t1_j6n94o9 wrote
Sloppily placed Jersey barrier, incoming overgrown weeds, & a neglected sidewalk coming right up!
increasingrain t1_j6n9yq5 wrote
Take that back...I dunno anymore
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6na9lv wrote
Boop beep, How about them O’s?
HavidDume t1_j6nb10a wrote
I wouldn't ride a bike down that alley. I live off Hakesley and there's enough debris and general trash/nails to pop a car tire
bmore t1_j6nb70t wrote
Comment periods then. Literally anything to get this stuff built faster.
Blatmore t1_j6ngfbm wrote
Just make it wider.
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6ngwy0 wrote
That would infringe on people’s property. Our city is old, so many alleys were not designed for the size of vehicles we have today.
jsinhopsing t1_j6nkjgo wrote
Fully support! How do we petition to close ours?
moderndukes t1_j6o224z wrote
Will the remainder of that alley system for that block be open and just that entrance be closed, or will all entrances in be closed?
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6o70qe wrote
The remainder of the alley will remain open so people can continue to access their parking pads through the south entrance.
Frofro69 t1_j6o91kq wrote
I love this account!
Pancake_Bucket t1_j6oel90 wrote
I wish the alleyway behind my house was wider, since I have to drive up onto the curb just to be able to park in my own driveway.
Is there someone I can contact about that?
wolfbear t1_j6oqvh4 wrote
My house in hampden failed a radon test prior to sale and I had the previous owners install prior to moving in. Only failed by a little bit but better safe than sorry!
jabbadarth t1_j6osa6l wrote
For sure. I genuinely have never seen a house in the city that needed mitigation and was surprised they had one. Definitely better safe than sorry just interesting there are houses with enough to warrant it based on the cities location and average rates of radon.
jejunebug t1_j6oyh7c wrote
Unrelated - how do I get angled parking spots painted on my street? My neighbors can’t park for shit and painted spots would create more space
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6pgwn8 wrote
We love you too, Fro Fro.
BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6ph4sr wrote
Do you want the alley closed?
Frofro69 t1_j6phqgy wrote
Whoever runs this account definitely needs a raise and a promotion 🤩🤩
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j6kd6ew wrote
This seems like super insufficient warning, notification, and time for dispute.
Also, can anyone else exactly what they’re closing? Cause that pic is super unclear. And both alleys connected to Hakesley Place are drivable (unless changed in the past few years)
Is it that vague blur at the top of the map? Why is the map centered on Hakesley Place?
If it’s already undrivable, what are they doing to close it off? What’s the point of putting money into closing it off if vehicles already don’t fit?