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jawnbaejaeger t1_j91w33o wrote

I would convict your ass, Victor.

You ABANDONED the monster as soon as you saw he was ugly. Then you took to your bed for a few months while the monster ran off to do whatever.

You knew the monster murdered your brother and framed Justine, but you let her hang for that to cover your good name.

You also failed to alert the authorities to the monster, definitely making your negligent while he kept murdering your friends and family. And you reacted to that by taking your bed. Again.

You suck, Victor. But you might be insane, so maybe try pleading mental incompetence? You were pretty clearly insane toward the end.


albertossic t1_j93ryt2 wrote

He did not 'let her hang' what are you talking about


jawnbaejaeger t1_j94vlwl wrote

Yes, he very much did. That was a key part of the plot, in fact.


albertossic t1_j952t54 wrote

He didn't say anything because "Hey actually the murderer was a zombie I reanimated in another country that followed me here" would have had him committed..

Reading it as "He wanted to protect his image" is such a telling misread, no wonder you people don't feel anything for Frankenstein - do you imagine in his situation you would have saved Jacqueline by publicly declaring yourself a necromancer?