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AtlasRunnin t1_jedfv36 wrote

The book is hilarious and much better than the movie


Vanillabeana t1_jedfyf3 wrote

Yes, I would recommend it. I did the same thing that you did and watched the movie first, however, I read the book and discovered a lot more to be amazed by in the book. I got to use the imagery from the movie to help me conceptualize what was occurring in the book.


andrewharlan2 t1_jedhv44 wrote

Yes, read the book. And then read Project Hail Mary.


granular_quality t1_jedj1fl wrote

Yes. There's laugh out loud moments from the book that didn't make it into the movie.


wHaTtHeSnIcKsNaCk t1_jedj52u wrote

i've read so many books and yet the martian has always been my favorite. Loved the movie but would honestly say that the book is even better. funny, witty, and the science is top notch.


cub3y t1_jedjqfg wrote

I've read the book, listened to an audio book version and watched the movie. The book is 100% worth the read, and you'll get some stuff that was cut out of the movie.

IMO the book is better than the movie. Though Matt Damon nailed it as Mark Watney


jessicamckenney t1_jedk9vc wrote

I read the book after watching the movie (I didn’t like the movie that much, however. I’m not a big Matt Damon fan) and I was surprised by how funny and clever the book was. I ended up giving it 5 stars and it was in my top 5 of last year when I read it even though I already knew what happened.

Project Hail Mary is on my list for this year. 🤞🏻


dumb_commenter t1_jedlc2o wrote

The book was funnier and also about 10x more fascinating from a scientific perspective. What were montages in the movie were excellent and detailed explanations in the book.

And there’s also a few extra twists and turns in the book not in the movie.


endlessglass t1_jedn9ly wrote

I thought the book was so great, one of my favourites, even though I knew what happened in the end (because of the movie) - just as funny and I enjoyed the (increased) science! And definitively read, or even better, listen to the audiobook of Project Hail Mary. It’s not a sequel so you could do that first!


baileyzindel t1_jedngyj wrote

I for awhile put off reading the book because I’d seen the movie, and then I loved the book when I read it. It’s great.


OffModelCartoon t1_jedohb9 wrote

I’d say so, yes. It’s enjoyable and enough things have been changed. Like nearly all books, it contains some interesting things that didn’t make it into the movie. And you get to know the main characters better.


Dysan27 t1_jedr893 wrote


It is actually one of the few adaptions where I suggest the movie first and then the book. Because while it is a fairly faithful adaptation. And most the problems that he overcomes are in the book, what isn't in the movie is his internal logic on how he solves them. PLUS all the other obstacles that he has to overcome.


McWormy t1_jedrj2n wrote

Read the book and then realise how stupid they made the film. Especially the ending.


Verbenaplant t1_jedt0b3 wrote

The book is amazing. First few lines and I’m laughing. Goes into his thoughts a bit more.


SarkyBot t1_jedv5w0 wrote

I'll add a counterpoint. Andy Weir came up with an amazing plot and is a great researcher, adding in incredibly detailed and satisifying science and engineering, but is a bad writer. The book is terribly written. Clunky and clichéd. And Mark in the book is an annoying jerk. I love the movie. I would say skip the book.


mayasky76 t1_jedveco wrote

The Book is far superior. I still cannot believe they ACTUALLY DID THE HOLLYWOOD ENDING that he takes the piss out of in the book. I mean COME ON.

the Film is a Poor copy of the book. Or even the Audiobook (although I listened to the RC Bray version not the Wil Wheaton one - and apparently the RC Bray version is superior - it was excellent)


Rebelpride1 t1_jedw9wk wrote

For real. I listened to the audiobook in 2 sittings (driving across the country) and couldn't imagine how the character talks in the book. I recently picked up a physical copy and flipped to one of his chapters and was kinda disappointed to be honest, but it was still about as expected


Portarossa t1_jedwfgl wrote

I'd probably just read Project Hail Mary to start with. It's very much the same tone with a fresh new plot.

If it works for you, then I'd go back and read The Martian. I enjoyed both, personally, but you might as well get the one that has plot twists (for you, having seen the movie) rather than the one where all the main beats are going to be familiar.


Nirigialpora t1_jedwusz wrote

Never missing an opportunity to say that Project Hail Mary (Weir's third book) is possibly the best book I've ever read and definitely has the same vibes as The Martian. If you liked the movie, you will love both books!!


mayasky76 t1_jedzezt wrote

Actually I was commenting on the last guys use of "at least" there.

A million dollars is AT LEAST marginally better than a nail through the head.

It tells you nothing about the difference in quality. If something is at least marginally better it COULD be miles better


DifferenceScary3610 t1_jedzthi wrote

Yes read it. Study it. Analyze it. Get it on Kindle and highlight/take notes. It's a great read and even better experience.


Daihatschi t1_jedztlh wrote

The movie is probably the best film adaptation of a novel I have ever seen. Truly captures the energy and feel of the book, stays true to many of its parts and where it cuts and changes it does so for good reasons and respect of the source. And I kind of find the ending funny, as the characters all tell Whatney that his plan is stupid and only works in Hollywood movies, and then in the Hollywood movie he actually gets to do it. I've read of many who don't like it but I really like it. Probably because I saw the film first and then got a good laugh about it in the book.

That said, Book is amazing and absolutely worth the read.


Ruadhan2300 t1_jedztmt wrote

The book is very similar, but has a few more events that the film cut for brevity, and some of the humour is delivered a little differently but no less effectively. Different jokes at the same points. That sort of thing.

I finished reading the book while on public transit to the cinema to watch the film, and I can definitely say they're both great.

Go read the book if you're interested in reading it! it's a great read.


ehclectic t1_jee02fg wrote

Honestly, this is one book where the audiobook is the best version.


cub3y t1_jee0k4m wrote

Yeah probably my most favourite movie adaptation ever, though I wish it was longer so some scenes could have played out a bit longer like in the book. Don't wanna put any spoilers, but the solar triangulation, or when he was stuck in the airlock away from the hab. Also the towing scene. Just a few examples from what I remember from years ago


Daihatschi t1_jee15f6 wrote

> though I wish it was longer so some scenes could have played out a bit longer like in the book.

That reminds me of someone who said, I think about the Dune movie:

>Is it good? Yes. Is it everything I wanted? No. But the only version of the story that could ever satisfy my needs would be 6-hours long and probably unwatchable for the majority of people out there.

I understand that feeling very much.


cgee t1_jee170l wrote

I disagree with the book being better than the movie. I feel like I got to know the side characters better in the movie having seen them being acted out and also I like the changes to the climax and ending as well.


beehundred t1_jee1dcr wrote

That’s what I did and I really enjoyed it.

I personally love watching the movie first and then reading the book.


SkaDerpy t1_jee22ef wrote

Book was good, math parts where kinda boring. Wonder if they were accurate.


Joshthenosh77 t1_jee276r wrote

I’m reading it right now for the 2nd time the movie is extremely watered down version , it’s very detailed and has lots of science talk , but Andy weirs books are excellent, project Hail Mary is even better imo


esp211 t1_jee2rfu wrote

Absolutely. I read the book first but in general, books tend to have so much more detail not captured in movies.


Hawthorne_Abendsen t1_jee4dh0 wrote

Yeah. I don't think Matt Damon was a good casting choice. Doesn't capture the narrator's energy.


Fair_University t1_jee4kd2 wrote

Why go to the park or fly a kite when you can just pop a pill?


psgrue t1_jee7kh9 wrote

I hope you like potatoes. Yes, read the book.


magcreates13 t1_jee7ln9 wrote

Absolutely agree with people on here. Read the book. If you liked the movie, you will love the book. I cannot remember the last book that both had me on the edge of my seat and laughing my butt off while reading.


Demonic_Toaster t1_jee9b7v wrote

The book is 10 times funnier than the movie, the internal monologues that he has, is sort of addressed in the movie but they dont really focus on it. I have several favorites that are laugh out loud moments for me.

“Things are finally going my way. In fact, they’re going great! I have a chance to live after all!

LOG ENTRY: SOL 37 I am fucked, and I’m gonna die!”


baker8590 t1_jee9e8n wrote

Yes read the book. It has so much more depth to the problem solving and includes more of his screw ups along the way. It also really shows how he uses his humor to cope and a lot of that didn't make the movie (was also a lot more creative silly cursing). I also love the movie but there's a lot of technical working through stuff that they have to cut to have it flow smoother (and shorter) and be easy for the masses to understand.


naithemilkman t1_jeeaajf wrote

The Martian is the only story where I have completed the "Grand Slam".

Read the book.

Listened to the audiobook.

Watched it on the big screen.

Watched it on Netflix.


sebinae t1_jeebq6r wrote

yessss i read the book first then the movie but they’re both rlllyy good like favourite book i reread it sometimes


easy506 t1_jeebxqe wrote

Yes! In fact, get the audio book. Wil Wheaton's narration is fantastic.


SweeneyLovett t1_jeec41w wrote

I loved the movie. The book is even better! Read it.


Ask_Me_About_Sergals t1_jeec8q3 wrote

You get to see what Mark actually wrote on the screen after he found out NASA hadn't told the crew he is still alive.


Mehitabel9 t1_jeecl3i wrote

In my opinion, it is never not a good idea to read the book. The experience is never ever going to be exactly the same.


teacuperate t1_jeecn4f wrote

Ohhhh yes! I really love the book. There are some descriptions of an omniscient narrator that are really interesting, and the math is much more detailed.


confizzle-fry t1_jeecsal wrote

Absolutely, the book is fantastic and as other have already mentioned, Project Hail Mary is great too.


kd0g1982 t1_jeed387 wrote

Read it or listen to the audiobook. Both are amazing. Also, it differs from the movie in ways that are even stated in the book that if a movie was to be made about this, this is how it would be done not gonna say what those portions are, because I would ruin the fun.


S_Baime t1_jeedbkv wrote

I managed to read the book, but I struggled with it.
Continuous detail of what he is doing to accomplish a series of goals. I got tired of this. I'm assuming I'm in the minority on this.


books-ModTeam t1_jeedq3h wrote

"Is X worth reading?" or "Should I finish Y?" type posts are considered recommendation requests and should be posted in the weekly recommendation thread.


ramriot t1_jeedxyv wrote

Definately read the book, also the audible audiobook narrated by R.C.Bray is totally worth a listen too.

Something to note is that there is a ton of stuff that the screenwriter missed that created plot holes & scientific absurdities in the screenplay, that if I had not read the book 1st would have made the movie unwatchable.

Marks story in the book is also way more thrilling as the author throws a ton more things at him which need the shit scienced out of them.

BTW IMO there is only one humorous point in the written word that does not come through in the audiobook or movie. When Mark is told that he should watch his language as the world is trading his words he types I think:

>![12:15] WATNEY: Look! A pair of boobs! -> ( . Y . )!<



Fo0ker t1_jeev4kt wrote

I found them film to be a very well adapted, though shortened, copy of the book.

If you feel that way about the film, definately read the book, or listen to the well made audiobook.


cub3y t1_jefm1nn wrote

When your only complaint is "I wish there was more", generally speaking, that is a good problem to have.

I recently re-watched The Lord of the Rings trilogy extended in their 4K HDR remaster on a proper HDR TV and that was the perfect length to tell those stories. Also have a way better appreciation for them in my 30's than when I was younger 😄