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ExtraArrogantBastard t1_iycu2y1 wrote

Look at it this way: you have a job. You stall and don't deliver what your job requires of you for a decade? or so. Instead you pick up every side gig you think of, so it looks like you are trying hard to do anything but your job. That's George - every side project, no action on the books.

Cam I blame him? Yeah. He has extremely poor work ethic. His updates and excuses can be pulled into a 400 page book at this point. I went from book signings to not caring over 10 years ago.

Do I understand him? Yeah. HBO probably paid a lot more than just selling his books. So did the random trading cards, etc. I would probably make the same choices.


Altofaltception t1_iycvjjp wrote

And he makes a killing even by not finishing the series.


ffxivthrowaway03 t1_iycxhrj wrote

In many ways he's likely better off not finishing them. If he finishes them, people will read them and bitch then stop talking about it when they move on to the next thing.

Meanwhile eight years later these GRRM threads still pop up daily. We're still talking about him, which translates into SEO, views, and ultimately purchases.


ExtraArrogantBastard t1_iyd4dla wrote

But does that translate into purchases? I know I am not buying his next book, and after the way GOT ended I'm not really excited to watch anything related to him. I guess some people will still give him their time, but I won't. The story was good, but not "I remember it 10 years later" good or "I'll re-read several 400 page books" good. Maybe it's just me, but I see it as George abandoning his fans that got him those lucrative contracts in the first place. And that's shitty.


ffxivthrowaway03 t1_iyd6tqd wrote

You won't, but you weren't going to anyway at this point. They already made their money off of you, you're not the target audience anymore. However there's definitely people who are going to see this thread perpetuated by people like you and I, and go "oh yeah, that show was super big, maybe I should finally watch it. It can't be as bad as they say" or "Wasn't that based on a book? Everyone keeps talking about how different they are, maybe I should read it."

Statistically, most people don't finish watching long series or make it all the way through so their curiosity about why everyone's still talking about this dumpster fire of a series outweighs the fact that it'll likely never be finished or that the show's ending sucked.


Accomplished-Wolf123 t1_iyemrjq wrote

Looking at the last book, I don’t get why people are so desperate to read more. Things started to fizzle out by book 4.