
ExtraArrogantBastard t1_iyd4dla wrote

But does that translate into purchases? I know I am not buying his next book, and after the way GOT ended I'm not really excited to watch anything related to him. I guess some people will still give him their time, but I won't. The story was good, but not "I remember it 10 years later" good or "I'll re-read several 400 page books" good. Maybe it's just me, but I see it as George abandoning his fans that got him those lucrative contracts in the first place. And that's shitty.


ExtraArrogantBastard t1_iycu2y1 wrote

Look at it this way: you have a job. You stall and don't deliver what your job requires of you for a decade? or so. Instead you pick up every side gig you think of, so it looks like you are trying hard to do anything but your job. That's George - every side project, no action on the books.

Cam I blame him? Yeah. He has extremely poor work ethic. His updates and excuses can be pulled into a 400 page book at this point. I went from book signings to not caring over 10 years ago.

Do I understand him? Yeah. HBO probably paid a lot more than just selling his books. So did the random trading cards, etc. I would probably make the same choices.