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King_of_Cold26 t1_j2a625m wrote

This goes outside the realm of opinion and into straight up falsehood. There are many female characters that have depth, that dresden does not comment on sexualy. Charity Carpenter comes to mind. The books are narrated from the perspective of the main character. He states himself that it is a flaw in his character. It gets much better as the series goes on. It's not bad writing, it's character development. If you don't believe me, read his other works. This issue is completely gone from it.

I'm so tired of hearing this view from people that think every sexual description of a woman is misogynistic. Most of the characters that are described sexualy are actively using it as tool to manipulate people around them. Context matters. Every time people like to point out as over sexualized is either a character flaw of the protagonist, or someone using sex appeal as a manipulation.

The books are great and while they are far from perfect they have a awsome story and some of the best characters. Don't let people like this idiot stop you from enjoying good series.


fluvicola_nengeta t1_j2afb3b wrote

It's honestly a concerning issue how so many people no longer seem capable of differentiating character from author, and not enough people are talking about this. The number of people who can read and write perfectly fine but aren't literate is growing alarmingly, and this has a much bigger chance of putting literature in a bad place than "those damn phones and the internet" ever did.


Anathos117 t1_j2aj7qu wrote

> It's honestly a concerning issue how so many people no longer seem capable of differentiating character from author

I had the temerity to suggest that what an author writes isn't indicative of their personal character. You can now find my comment buried at the bottom under a pile of downvotes.

People aren't just not talking about this, they're actively hostile to the notion.


owarren t1_j2ahc99 wrote

I had someone tell me that GRR Martin was a piece of garbage because of Ramsay Bolton. Blew my mind.


fluvicola_nengeta t1_j2b0kya wrote

On this very thread we have someone calling Nabokov a pedophile. It's just insane.


Anathos117 t1_j2b50wa wrote

> On this very thread we have someone calling Nabokov

If you actually read both sentences in my comment you'll see that I was literally saying the opposite.

You need to work on your reading compensation.


fluvicola_nengeta t1_j2b5n89 wrote

Fair enough. But in my defense it wasn't too much of a reading comprehension thing. As soon as I read statements like that I skip the rest of the comment and move on with my life because after a while it gets exhausting. That's my bad either way.


Anathos117 t1_j2be3xl wrote

> As soon as I read statements like that I skip the rest of the comment

How could you possibly read the phrase "that famous pedophile Nabokov" and not pick up on the sarcasm? Nabokov isn't famous for being a pedophile.


fluvicola_nengeta t1_j2dluld wrote

I don't think he is. Lots of people have been saying that he is, though. The very people I was complaining about in my original comment, in fact, so we both need to work on our reading comprehension. Despite my apology, you seem intent on nitpicking things to object to, though, so I'm peacing out of this exchange. Happy new year.


sleeper_medic t1_j2ag6ks wrote

I hate books with sex in them in general. I really really hate books where most or all women are objectified ceaselessly.

I love books warnings about that because it saves me time, money, and frustration.

If that’s the sort of book you like, more power to you.


cpt_tusktooth t1_j2akbp4 wrote

You dont read romance novels?


sleeper_medic t1_j2akv0c wrote

Not if I can help it. At least not in the typical sense. I don’t mind a romance subplot or something if it’s not gratuitously sexual or over the top. But I don’t read books that are overtly romantic or sexual.

My favorite book ever does have a romance subplot and a total of one (not especially graphic) sex scene. But for most of the book the MCs partner is dead and she is trying to figure out what happened to him.

Bodice rippers and what not? Are not for me.