Submitted by unknownbeing17 t3_zu7hkf in books

(Up to) How many times did you re-read the same book or series? What are those book or series?


What did the book (series) made you do those rereads (Why)?


(sidenote: for my case,

  1. the Little Prince & Demian (2 books, maybe 4 times with about 2~3 years apart) - both for the same reason, reading experience changes everytime I get older, the things I missed out when I was younger
  2. Cosmos (Carl Sagan) (about 3 times) - whenever I want to feel the wonders of the universe.
  3. Harry Potter (about 3.5 times) - when I was young, adolescent, adult and times like these Christmas season I would selectively read my favorite parts.
  4. Man's search for meaning (about 3.5 times combined) - a copium book whenever depression is stepping in.


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Dramatic_Turn5133 t1_j1hfvbd wrote

War and Peace by Tolstoy, 4 times. The book is full of complicated ideas and I'm not smart enough to understand the first time. And I just like the book.


Viclmol81 t1_j1hfvph wrote

I've read the whole Harry Potter series about 8 times. These are comfort books to me and I love the little details of foreshadowing and little Easter eggs that you notice on rereading that you have missed before.

I've read Catch 22 about 3 or 4 times, just because it is so funny.

I have now, only since last year read Lolita 3 times because the prose and genius of Nabokovs writing just blows me away.


Enjoyer_of_substance t1_j1jfun7 wrote

Ive Also read Harry Potter about 8 Times! Was a time When i would finish the last book and just immediately start the first again… Was 14 tho which might explain it


kaysn t1_j1hgoxg wrote

I reread The Hound of the Baskervilles every November and A Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve since I was 12. (I'm 32 now.)

I would reread the entire Harry Potter series up to whichever latest book was out, every summer from when I was 11 until I was 17.


SufficientStudy5178 t1_j1hfw5p wrote

I tend to read stuff from my childhood over and over again, just for the feel of familiarity and nostalgia, even if sometimes they're not as good as I remember them being, they still evoke lots of positive feelings.


ExpertProfessional9 t1_j1ld3rx wrote

Same. Since the pandemic began I've been dipping back into the comfort books from my childhood and preteen years. Stuff that is easy and quick to read, few challenging ideas, and I know that if there's some horrible issue in the story it will be all wrapped up and resolved tidily.


LamarJimmerson85 t1_j1hh9zm wrote

I read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in around 2005 and I've read the whole series every couple of years since.

There are quite a lot of books I've read multiple times, and a few that I intend to read again and again in future.

The only limit I have is waiting at least one year before I read the same book again.


boxer_dogs_dance t1_j1hgzxx wrote

Watership Down, several times. It is good fiction about coping with adversity with companionship and maintaining hope. Also the in story mythology is deep and rich and rewarding.

All Creatures Great and Small. This series is my set of comfort books.


tea_and_hypocrisy t1_j1l54on wrote

YES! Between the read-alouds as a child, the re-reads as an adult and read alouds with my own children. I’ve read it at least 6 times. Definitely in my top 10 stories of all time.


TheBackpacker2 t1_j1hkihh wrote

Read The Count of Monte Cristo like 3 times (actually, it's been awhile, maybe it's time for another read!)

Also read the first 3 books in the Sword of Truth series a couple times, awesome series!


Tahurley t1_j1hyfx9 wrote

I reread 84 charring cross road whenever I feel betrayed or hopeless about humanity, it’s about 100 pages and is just letters. It always makes me cry and gives me hope for my relationships again.

Red Rising series by Peirce Brown! I have read and reread this series every year since I discovered it in 2017! It’s my favorite of all time. It’s the kind of series I have to fight to not reread while I’m reading other books lol. I think I’ve read the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ones 6-7 times and the others 3 aren’t complete yet but I finished them this year and plan to reread them before the next one comes out in July.

I just read Piranesi and it was so thought provoking that I am planning on rereading it!


[deleted] t1_j1hfffa wrote

Harry Potter, twice. The game they announced for next year made me want to explore it again, and it's a great series to get out of a reading slump.

The Expanse, twice. I read each book as they were released but then read everything again just before the last novel came out.


BereniceFleming t1_j1hi9z8 wrote

I like to reread Chekhov's plays. They give me comfort and I discover something new with every rereading. Uncle Vanya is my favorite. I guess I have read it 6-7 times.


Bushtfathands t1_j1hmubn wrote

I do the Lord of the Rings every couple of years. Also Stephen Kings Dark Tower


LizzyWednesday t1_j1hxxdq wrote

There are so many books/series that I've re-read over the years that I don't think I'll be able to come up with even a fraction of a list.

Like most of us in the past 25 or so years, I'll add the Potter books - I'd re-read them while waiting for a new book to ship (first one I had to wait for was Goblet of Fire) ... and have likely re-read them 10 or more times, not counting reading them aloud to my now-12-year-old. (Dialect spelling, though ... *wipes sweat from brow knowing I've mangled it for Yorkshire and its surrounds*)

As a kid, I stopped visiting the library because I struggled to find interesting and LONG books ... and waiting for an inter-library loan was really hard, especially if I had no way to get there & pick it up in time. (I'd walked a few times, but it was literally several miles and, non-hyperbolically, uphill both ways ... not to mention the streets being narrow & not at all conducive to walking safely.) So, my options were ... raid Dad's books or re-read my own. I did both, often swiping copies from Dad (which I still have 30-odd years later) or having to Scotch-tape tattered and well-read paperbacks together so I wouldn't lose pages.

Dracula is a frequent re-read, and I find new details every time I read.

The Scarlet Pimpernel was one of my favorites in middle school; I'd switch off between it and A Tale of Two Cities for re-reads until I "discovered" the Vampire Chronicles. (Actually, it's less "discovered" and more "Dad didn't have anybody else to talk to about books, so he pulled a version of 'Neil Gaiman talking to his daughter about Goosebumps' when I was reading Dracula ... fortunately, it turned out better for me than for Gaiman's daughter. Well, mostly. I wasn't scared by the books, but I probably should've been reading other things!)


[deleted] t1_j1i7wm1 wrote

I don’t reread, mostly because I have a near photographic memory (I am very smart /s), and it’s not fun.

But I have read the entire LOTR trilogy five times. It’s comforting.


ladygoodgreen t1_j1iel88 wrote

Just curious, do you also never rewatch a movie or tv show?

I see people comment that rereading books is a waste of time, but more than a few of them would rewatch their favourite movies, as if it’s a vastly different concept.


[deleted] t1_j1iet2n wrote

I also never rewatch movies or television.


voltaire_was_right t1_j1ihgbu wrote

The Little Prince read it at least once a year.Dune so many re-reads, love it and find something new each time
Slaughterhouse Five many re-reads and each time it breaks my heart and renews my belief that war is horror no matter the reason
We Have Always Lived in the Castle so evocative
The Sundial almost the polar opposite of We Have Always Lived in the Castle makes me laugh out loud
Lord of the Rings


Moondanced t1_j1hh13d wrote

I used to reread a lot more as a teen but in the last decade I don‘t think I‘ve reread a single book. The one series I reread the most was Harry Potter. If I remember correctly I read the first book 16 times and it goes down with each sequel. So I‘ve probably reread the whole series at least 9 times.

And I reread the Making Out series by Katherine Applegate 2-3 times.


Prestigious-Row-6546 t1_j1hi0m9 wrote

I started reading Harry potter whe the Chambers os secrets just came out, so i reread so much Harry potter i have no ideia but probably 20x the first 2 books, 10x the third, and the rest 5x.

The kingkiller chronicles is another history because there is no book 3, so once or twice every year i listen to the audiobooks, probably read and listened to the books more then 10x each.

Currently rereading the hobbit and later on LOTR, there is some version of the audiobooks that got the movies soundtrack and effects, its a movie in your mind really.


henryshoe t1_j1hi9x3 wrote

Any of the Bolo tank series books. Probably more then ten times each.


Silmarillien t1_j1hjeg6 wrote

Harry Potter twice.

The Silmarillion 4-5 times over a 5 year period.

The Picture of Dorian Gray 3-4 times.


Bleu_Superficiel t1_j1hjzad wrote

- The Assasin Series by Robin Hobb (3+) : it started poorly with me taking the first book of the first serie and the second of an other to read on a very long trip... I read them as a young teenager, and re-read them several time while i grew up and understood new things. I can still read them contrary to Harry Potter whose flaws just jump at my face whenever i look at them.

- The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy ( 5+ ?) : I first read it in my language, lost the book, bought it in English and read it many time since, << No i am not losing my time re-reading the same book , i learn English ! >>. Most of Tom Clancy's book have been read at least twice except the one written iby several people.

- Good Omens by Pratchet and Gaiman : borrowed it, read it, returned it... Borrowed it, read it, lost it... Bought it, read it, returned it... Found it, read it...

- The Honorverse and the Safehold series by David Weber : very long, very annoying at some points, yet i must have read 4 time their word counts in an unequel way since the later books are very flawed.


aprikosi t1_j1hkffe wrote

  1. Harry Potter, more than 10 times all the way through. Comfort reads and easy to fall asleep to the audio book without losing my bearing in the story.

  2. Pride and Prejudice & Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen - read 3-5 times. Same reason as above and I find new perspectives every time I read them.

There are probably others that I have read multiple times when I was younger, but these are the ones I circle back to every year or every other year.


natus92 t1_j1hxqlb wrote

Mh I've reread all books I've enjoyed in school at least once to see if my opinion changed. Otherwise I tend to reread my favourites like Messiah by Gore Vidal, Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde, Kafka, Hesse, Pratchett, Matt Ruff...every few years. While I do read a lot of fantasy I'm not into long series and barely reread them at all.


ladygoodgreen t1_j1iechv wrote

Do you ever reread books you didn’t like in school to see if you’ll like them more now?


natus92 t1_j1ii3iy wrote

Not really, maybe I should try that in the future


FamiliarStrain4596 t1_j1hya8t wrote

I’ve read Ford Madox Ford’s The Good Soldier a dozen times!


thatsembjornassing t1_j1ibx5a wrote

  1. Also the little prince (3 times) - for a similar reason to you, how I understand things has changed over time, it's interesting to go back and see how the meaning of certain things in the book has changed for me
  2. Wings by E.D. Baker and Wildwood by Colin Meloy (4 or 5 times) - these are both nostalgia reads for me, take me back to a simpler time when I was still a child and had very few cares or responsibilities

tricatgames t1_j1idf89 wrote

Ah this would be my speciality!

I used to reread most of my books, mainly cos I couldn't afford to buy new all the time with the amount I used to read. 2-4 books a week for decades and I used to always have an active pile by my bed that would have one new and 3 or 4 re-reads in it.

My favourite books would get reread almost every year until I had a kid.

A few of my higher numbers before I cut back would be Stephen kings The Stand, maybe 30 plus times. Pride and prejudice, 30-40 times. Most heinleins 20 plus times, at least 30 for my favourites like the moon is a harsh mistress.

Assassins apprentice I love but probably less than ten times, the empire series by Janny Wurtz at least 30.

Some books i over read and moved on after 10 plus reads cos I thought I'd never read them again but a decade later I wish I'd kept them. Riverworld series would be a prime example.

Actually this is the anniversary of the first time I read the stand, my dad let me read it Christmas Eve and I read it in one sitting, I didn't put it down til I finished... at 8am Xmas morning.


ladygoodgreen t1_j1ie0d6 wrote

I once read a book, finished it, took 2 days to try and digest it, then read it again. It destroyed me emotionally and I felt like I needed to read it again to move on. It is now my favourite book. I have read it a further two times since the first two. I will never get tired of reading it.

The Wild Girl by Kate Forsyth, if anyone is curious. It’s about the Grimm Brothers and their efforts to collect and compile their famous fairy tales, with one of their neighbours/family friends as the protagonist.


Vizzenya t1_j1ieywz wrote

I’ve reread the Harry Potter series several times. It’s my go-to for a big reading slump. I reread Enders Game every other year, too.

In general, I will reread a book if a new one in the series has just come out, or there is a new movie, or it has been 10+ years and I want nostalgia feelings.

I don’t set any limits to rereading. If I want to read it, I do.


KiwiTheKitty t1_j1ig51u wrote

I've read Howl's Moving Castle probably 7 or 8 times, I haven't kept track.

I used to reread Harry Potter a lot, maybe 3 or 4 times, but I don't like them anymore as an adult (which is a completely separate thing from me not liking JKR btw... the nostalgia just isn't enough to overcome my issues with how the books are written anymore).

The LOTR trilogy on the other hand, has only gotten better for me as an adult and I think I've read those 3 times? I just started reading Fellowship for the 4th time yesterday.

There are some books I read when I was younger that I've reread once as an adult: Things Fall Apart, The Things We Carried, a few of Shakespeare's plays... after a decade+ I just forget them and I want to experience them again.


szalkaisa t1_j1ijuoh wrote

One second after serie at least 4x Old man's war saga at least 8x Heechee saga from Frederik Pohl also like 4x Space Odyssey saga 10x at least Dune 1st book like 5x Starship troopers \lost count
Eragon and Harry potter 4x


what_would-buffy_do t1_j1ik5t4 wrote

The Old Kingdom series by Garth Nix (Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen) several times! So good, I kind of want them to make it into a TV series but also don't want it to be ruined lol


chrisrevere2 t1_j1iknaq wrote

I re-read a Christmas Carol every December and I’ve probably read Our Mutual Friend and Bleak House about 20 times (currently re-reading David Copperfield for the 1Xth time)

I’ve re-read the Harry Potters, Chronicles of Prydain, Lord of the Rings, The Dark is Rising, the Dark Tower series a few times (but not in the last decade.)

I’ve probably read the Bone People about 15 times (keep an extra copy to lend to friends) Ditto Dracula and The Historian.

I re-read the Unlocked Tomb every time a new book came out, but then again I like re-reading books.


Jcarax789 t1_j1inkhl wrote

The Lord of the Rings—reread every year, The Count of Monte Cristo—at least 10 times, Matilda by Roald Dahl—at least 20 times Those are the most common, but there are other books I love that I reread occasionally like The Shadow of the Wind, The Martian, or the Flavia de Luce mystery series.


Grace_Alcock t1_j1ioyee wrote

I have probably read The Chronicles of Narnia 50 times. Easily.

Heidi multiple times.

I used to reread a lot. I still do it some.

I reread or listen to Agatha Christie as comfort food. I often listen to audiobooks of books I know pretty well.


Knee_Squeezings t1_j1it2zr wrote

Zero, I got enough to read, without using what little time I have to read books already read.


vivahermione t1_j1j0fw5 wrote

I used to love Gothic fiction, so I reread My Cousin Rachel and Rebecca (both by Daphne du Maurier) at least 3 times between my teens and early 30s. At first, I was drawn to the thriller/mystery aspect, as well as the moral ambiguity of the characters. Later on, I became more aware of feminist readings of the text, namely how the heroines were limited by women's gender roles at that time. Each reading opened up new layers of meaning.

Lately, I've been gravitating more towards comfort reads. I probably read The Storied Life of AJ Fikry 3 times in the last 5 years. It's a good reminder that "it takes all kinds to make a world". The main character starts out as a curmudgeon, but he still has people who love him and who soften his rough edges.


Langt_Jan t1_j1j2lkh wrote

On the road is such an experience, I'll bust it out every few summers. (Only ever during summer.)

LOTR and Count of Monte Cristo are comfort favourites I can pick up anytime.

I want to toss something new into the ring. RF Kuang's Babel which just came out this year is the first book in a while I've wanted to reread the instant I finish it. I'm just starting my third round of it, absolute banger.


Macapta t1_j1jezyd wrote

Just started my 3rd read of the Wheel of Time. So long I always forget some details.


HairyBaIIs007 t1_j1jg07q wrote

I've read The Shining 5 times. Such a great book.

I reread The Count of Monte Cristo every year, so this next year will be my 3rd read through


Soybean909 t1_j1jkc4t wrote

I've re-read a few books from my childhood like the hobbit or huckleberry Finn. I also re-read overlord when new books came out. Idk books just take so much time and rely so much on the plot that they don't work well when you know the story already. Movies have action and other eye candy that make it easy to enjoy more than once.


bain_de_beurre t1_j1jm3h7 wrote

I don't keep count of how many times I reread but these are some books over read more than once:

  • The great Gatsby

  • 11/22/63

  • The secret Garden

  • A Gentleman in Moscow

  • Pride and Prejudice

  • Memoirs of a Geisha

  • American Gods

  • Tommyknockers

Honestly, I can't really say for sure why I reread some books and not others, obviously the ones I reread are books that I enjoyed, but on the other hand there's a lot of books that I enjoy that I never reread. It's an interesting question that I can't necessarily answer.


driftingjoanna t1_j1jmw2f wrote

Most books I've reread have just been for funsies. But I used to reread Jurassic Park and The Lost World each time I finished taking a math or science class, just to see if I understood anything new.


talyn5 t1_j1jn9a2 wrote

Jdate-5 Stormlight archives-4 (next Christmas can’t get here fast enough) Red Rising-5


sugar-fairy t1_j1jogho wrote

i’ve read tailchaser’s song 5 times from ages 12 to 19 and am gonna re-read it again when i have more time. each time i read it, i understood more of the book and it’s just holds a lot of meaning to me. it was the first book i got attached to and it’s so interesting.


carlaaort t1_j1jxvg0 wrote

I dont reread anything as I have really good memory but I do reread Harry Potter more than 5 times, not to remember but to enjoy the books. Just to enjoy JKRowling writing that make me get excited everytime I read smtg that she has written. Also this year I started reading a lot of horror related books and some of them were really great. Obviously I have read a lot of Stephen King novels but I just have reread IT, the job that he did with the character development was amazing at a point that Bev could literally be my sister (as I literally know almost everything about her life), also I feel like rereading this book has made me understand better the ending as it was really confusing (as a 16 years old reader).


Negative_Radish_917 t1_j1jyfj1 wrote

Hall of blood and mercy trilogy K.M Shea Either 4 or 5 times. I just love the books so much with the whole world she introduced. It's also an interesting concept with the modern take on vampires (so so much better than the old just a monster type) and the other supernatural races intermingling as magic is slowly dying. And also it's clean that's a huge bonus!

Also Quantum League Spell Robbers by Matthew Kirby. 5-6 times. A great story about actuations (basically his sifi take on elemental magic.) This one is also clean but focused on a younger audience. Unfortunately the book has been out for a long time and his blog says the second is written but waiting on the publisher and hasn't been updated in all that time.😞


breckoz t1_j1k8l3g wrote

I reread or listen to my favorites sometimes multiple times. But just to name one.. The nine princes of Amber by Zelazny. I actually got a different version of narration for this book as well which was a joy to listen to because each story teller brought different life to the characters and bettered the overall tale. Sometimes I just head to sections of books that are my favorite parts like with Rothfuss's King Killer Chronicles. I love hearing about Kvothe on the streets of Tarbian or when going through his entrance exam.


Rude-Pilot217 t1_j1k8n9d wrote

5 times for The House of Night series


Shadow_Lass38 t1_j1kem5o wrote

Mary Stewart's Merlin trilogy

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

A Christmas Carol

and probably 20-30 other books.

Mostly comfort reading.


RD__III t1_j1kn1y7 wrote

When I was in grade school, I read Gregor the Overlander at least a dozen times. I read it so much, the paperback eventually broke in half. So Id take the first half to school to read until I finished, then went to the second half for my last couple of re-reads. I was absolutely obsessed with it.


Typical_Criminal t1_j1kp8mh wrote

I read the Selection series in middle school and I find myself coming back to it around once or twice a year


entropynchaos t1_j1kuvsx wrote

I’ve read The Lord of the Rings about fifteen times, The Belgariad about 25 (maybe more?), The Blue Castle about thirty, the Anne of Green Gables and Emily series at least the same. Those are off the top of my head, but I have books I’ve read fifty or more times. I read a lot and I love to reread books.


Leroyboy152 t1_j1l7kqq wrote

Huck Finn, more than 50x, any Tolkien, Michener, Harkness more than 20x.


DeludedRa88iT t1_j1lefm3 wrote

Mistborn - 3 times Wheel of time - 4 times Alexander series (valerio manfredi) - 4 times


C9_Tilted t1_j1lswcp wrote

A bit late to comment but I've read the Dune series at least 4 times and I'm on my 3rd re-read of the Malazan Book of the Dead series. I am constantly amazed at what new pieces of information I learnt during a new read through.


psirockin123 t1_j1mjvzn wrote

The first Harry Potter book is my most reread book by far. I got into the series when 4 came out and always reread the series before I read the new book that was coming out. Now I just listen to the Audiobooks occasionally.

LOTR I’ve read twice, but I read Fellowship and the Hobbit more than twice.

I’ve reread a few John Grisham books (the Firm, The Pelican Brief, The King of Torts).

I reread The Christmas Carol last year and almost read it again this year.

I don’t read that many books, maybe 10-15 a year, but I like rereading them. I’m still reading the Sherlock Holmes series now and I’ll definitely reread some of them in a few years.


yarnmanipulator t1_j1mxpp9 wrote

I have been talking about this with a friend who hates rereading. I am not someone who picks apart what I am reading as I go, so I find that I am able to be genuinely surprised by twists and turns some of the better books I read take. Going back and reading them again, I am better able to see the setup and foreshadowing that leads to important events. I also find a lot of comfort in rereading a book that I know what is coming up, I’m able to enjoy it without some of the anxiety that a new experience brings.

Like many, I have read the Harry Potter series many many time. Physically read them, listen to the audio book, read and listen at the same time (which I highly recommend)

I have read the Stormlight Archive books and Mistborn Era 1 a couple of times.

Many other that a can’t recall from high school when I really started to enjoy reading.


Rare-Ad6950 t1_j1nskqp wrote

Never was a re-reader because I'm a fairly slow reader (250 - 300 pgs p/week) and i think there are just way too many good books in this world just waiting to be read. Plus, in my case, after reading a book i always have that feeling you get when you've eaten waaaay too much of something you like, to the point that you can't stand the sight/smell/taste of it.

That being said, (for the first time ever) i'm re-reading the " A court of thorns and roses" serie from Sarah J Maas. I first read it in the beginning of this year, and loved it (as a whole). And im fairly excited to be reading it again.