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DeffNotTom t1_j9zgrzz wrote

You can likely call them and just say you don't want it. But if you deny it now and ever want to switch to their internet, you'll have to pay a hefty sum out of pocket to get connected. Could be an issue for you down the road if you want to sell. Running fiber isn't like laying something like a water or sewer main, it shouldn't require them tearing up a large portion of your lawn. Usually just a small cut that can be covered/hidden again pretty easily.


bcardarella OP t1_j9zhitw wrote

What blows me away is that they were going to dig a 200ft trench on private property and tear up a front walk way and plant bed without permission. I spoke with the owner of the company Comcast contracted for this work and he said he'd have a supervisor speak with me but it wasn't clear that they don't plan on doing this still. I could wake up to the sound a crew in my yard next week.


DeffNotTom t1_j9zk1w7 wrote

I'd be surprised if they have to tear up the walkway. Or really anything. The line they're going to run is very small so they shouldn't have to do a whole lot and it can be ran under the walkway without a lot of hassle. You're house is still probably on some list saying you have Comcast equipment like an ONT in it, even though you're not a customer.

I'd be annoyed too, but it's likely just a case of poorly updated databases. There's probably still Comcast service off the main line at the street so they think it has to be updated with everything else.


theman808 t1_ja00jdw wrote

Fiber doesn't require a trench. They have a machine that lays it down with just a slit in your lawn.


bcardarella OP t1_ja03c4g wrote

Ok, I still don't want it.


[deleted] t1_ja095yg wrote



bcardarella OP t1_ja09q46 wrote

What? This doesn't affect anybody else. They're able to upgrade the street line and do whatever work necessary within the setback. Running the additional line to my house is what I'm referring to. It's not necessary and not something I agreed to.


FrankySobotka t1_ja2ccc3 wrote

I'm just a stupid guy on the internet but I think I see both where you and the people you're replying to are coming from, even though his comments are deleted

You don't want your property and plant beds changed without your permission and some assurance they'll be mindful. Meanwhile you'd be shooting yourself in the foot to not get this fiber terminated at your house fo free while it's being offered

Idk man sleep on it, see if you can't get the owner/supervisor of the contractor to agree to not break ground until you're there


[deleted] t1_ja09zeb wrote



AllGrey_2000 t1_ja0d9t6 wrote

I don’t think it’s a big deal for a future owner to have comcast install it then. If Comcast wants the business, they will.


bcardarella OP t1_ja0r0fb wrote

Wow. That's is some special level of internet rage for a hypothetical situation you just dreamed up.


JohnnyRebe1 t1_ja1jy8y wrote

I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted.. children that have never owned anything I guess. I wouldn’t want those duckers cutting up my yard or installing their crap either.


BigChickenpips t1_ja40guj wrote

I think it comes down to people understanding he’s upset that no one called him and asked and explained what is actually being done, I would also be upset and suspicious.

While on the other hand he’s saying no to something that is free and will be covered up practically instantly after the work is done (many of us know what this entails, while OP believes it to be a traumatic event to his lawn) and that may cost him or someone else much more down the road if he chooses not to allow it.

However everyone is downvoting for their own reasons. It just seems a bit dramatic to me. (I’ve had this done to me)


Caduceus1515 t1_ja04pjj wrote

So you don't own the house?


bcardarella OP t1_ja0506f wrote

I do. Sorry, by "owner" I meant owner of the contractor company that Comcast hired to do the work.


Caduceus1515 t1_ja0550t wrote

OK, then not sure what you meant by owner...the contractor maybe?

Edit: I seem to be getting downvoted for a stupid question - but OP stealth-edited...


sugarplum811 t1_ja0v63i wrote

The owner? Are you renting?

Edit - nevermind. Answered elsewhere, op owns.


George_GeorgeGlass t1_ja1c1of wrote

No. If they do the work anyway you go out there and shut it down immediately. They do not have the right to do that. Most people likely don’t fight or stop them. If they show up and start digging you go out, tell them no and call the cops. It’s that simple. It’s a battle but the principle matters. If it’s that important to you, you have a fight.
