metrowestern t1_jaasccq wrote
My district canceled, ugh.
vitonga t1_jaasv0u wrote
im just thinking about staff that has long commutes...we all know the city wont be ready and driveable before commuters start...oh well I guess
Little_Elephant_5757 t1_jaauow7 wrote
I mean, medical staff still has to show up at hospitals. Using long commutes as an excuse to close schools is kinda weird
BuckyWunderlick007 t1_jaavjgg wrote
The districts cancelling this evening over a minor storm on top of bare ground are just absurd.
BespinFatigues1230 t1_jaavjxv wrote
Why is closing schools because of 2” of snow even a conversation nowadays? I’m not trying to come off as a hard ass “back in my day” type but seriously?
CompetitiveInhibitor t1_jaaw072 wrote
Not the same
lonfal t1_jaawlib wrote
1-4 inches of snow over the course of 12 hours starting at 1am. I don’t think it’s going to be that bad and I’m going to be the person shoveling out my school.
bingbong6977 t1_jaax1cr wrote
Umass Boston closed tomorrow.
BsFan t1_jaax5zu wrote
Man I wish it was like was like this when I was a kid. Knowing that you didn't have to go to school the next day would be so much better than having to wake up and watch the news ticker.
BespinFatigues1230 t1_jaaxuiw wrote
For sure… you wouldn’t even have to wait for your school if the snowfall map was on screen if it was only 2” cuz you knew you had school then lol
vitonga t1_jaaxzj0 wrote
still not an excuse! though ive worked hospitals before for many years and I can tell you: your local library is not the same. just to add: tomorrow my entire city dept will be closed, with everyone working from home, except for schools and libraries. its not safe for office folks to commute but fuck me and my people? its all dumb.
michael_scarn_21 t1_jaaz8ys wrote
I have an office job and nobody is saying don't come in. It's literally a dusting.
charons-voyage t1_jaazazp wrote
Don’t all BPS teachers have to live in Boston? Or did I make that up lol
charons-voyage t1_jaazfld wrote
Metro west prolly getting a bit more, no?
Here in Quincy it’s gonna be 1-3 inches following by rain aka slushy grossness lol
dirtshow t1_jaazhik wrote
You know it's been a light winter when people are freaking over more than a dusting of snow
emilymm2 t1_jab077f wrote
I saw a graphic of estimated snow amount by 7am, with Boston at 2”. Seems very reasonable to be open
gilgagorgon t1_jab1ggm wrote
It’s not the snow itself, it’s when it’s falling. The area around is closing because people drive and it’s supposed to be coming down from like 7-10am. BPS has at least some semblance of public transit to get people to school.
Proko-K t1_jab2oqm wrote
There isn’t a residency requirement for BPS employees. They’d never be able to hire anyone, can’t even rent a studio on those salaries.
philosai t1_jab3hg2 wrote
Nope. Wife and I live in ashland. Can't afford anything closer
DooceBigalo t1_jab4kb2 wrote
its a much different time we live in these days...
BuckyWunderlick007 t1_jab4typ wrote
and not for the better in most ways
[deleted] t1_jab8gzq wrote
Academic_Guava_4190 t1_jab8x8g wrote
Never mind watching the news, how about turning on the radio, or listening for the fog horns? And I’m not even that old.
Academic_Guava_4190 t1_jab95h5 wrote
I am not looking forward to shoveling that with an already hurt back
BsFan t1_jab97vm wrote
I think our town fire department would blow a horn or something, I was pretty young then. Out HS radio station definitely put updates out
TDKevin t1_jaba85b wrote
Omg a day off school when it's barely snowed an inch this year!? Better get those busses on the road. How else are they gonna know how much harder you had it?
Academic_Guava_4190 t1_jabbfke wrote
Iirc it was 3 short blasts meant no school
No-Garlic-2664 t1_jabbzzu wrote
yeah but then you wouldn't have the thrill of knowing you didn't do any of your assignments and risked it all on the snow day announcement coming through as you watched local tv in the morning
pillbinge t1_jabf2s4 wrote
Not the same thing. Teachers will still have to work a day of the year regardless. It's just tacked onto June, instead, where students will be expected to show up anyway. Doesn't work like that in medicine.
[deleted] t1_jabiqd7 wrote
SherbertEquivalent66 t1_jabt39x wrote
Yeah, but as a kid it was exciting waiting for the news to read off your town's name and kind of a rush when they did.
charons-voyage t1_jac2we1 wrote
Oh I thought there was a residency req. My b.
charons-voyage t1_jac2y9w wrote
There like not even a dusting right now in the Q. Hopefully morning commute is ok
anurodhp t1_jac6n3n wrote
Ok so now that it looks like a dusting , this may have been the right call
nicecupoftea02116 t1_jac6twn wrote
There's a residency requirement for librarians
theurbanmapper t1_jac79g4 wrote
Basically everyone except teachers and cops. Also if you have ten years at the city as far as I remember
A_curious_fish t1_jac8fvo wrote
State workers have a snowday 🤣
charons-voyage t1_jac8v43 wrote
Thanks for clarifying!
symonym7 t1_jac95pg wrote
Judging by the amount of traffic not on 93 this morning, a lot of grown-ass adults got a snow day.
[deleted] t1_jac9t0l wrote
spedmunki t1_jacavlg wrote
Why deal with it/risk it when you can work from home?
carinislumpyhead97 t1_jacbxwq wrote
And all the neighborhood kids would be awake a watching the news to. This lead to an entire day of playing in the snow for me. Finding out the day before would lead to staying up late and sleeping in.
HammerfestNORD t1_jacdt2l wrote
Ours was 2-2-2.
TheGlassBetweenUs t1_jacfq07 wrote
What's hilarious is the T is down right now too
Flimsy_Journalist_49 t1_jacfykg wrote
Instead of cancelling it the morning of where there is less time for scrambling, right?
BsFan t1_jacgn3j wrote
Not for me! Our town was notorious for never canceling school. The two towns that bordered my town were also alphabetically before and after my town. They would always close and it was always very disappointing when it would go from one and skip my town to the other.
gilgagorgon t1_jachsj5 wrote
Lol and it was an even wimpier storm than expected
jtet93 t1_jacib3p wrote
The vast majority of households have 2 working parents nowadays so it’s more challenging for most people to coordinate last-minute childcare. So when we have a storm like this where it could end up being worse than anticipated, it’s best to make the call early. I guess in this case they determined the worst case scenario storm would still be fine for getting kids to school.
[deleted] t1_jacjx5v wrote
SideBarParty t1_jackk1k wrote
Guessing where you lived is like playing on a really good quiz show
SpokenTruuth t1_jackr4o wrote
snow wasnt even bad at all
GigiGretel t1_jaclldi wrote
When I was a kid, Portsmouth NH some sort of horn blew when school was canceled, and my grandfather would listen for it and then call my mom and my aunt, both of whom had kids in Portsmouth, to proclaim "no school" This was the 1970s
BsFan t1_jaco3ua wrote
Well thinking back to it it's not accurate at all haha. Every town that bordered my town would cancel school, but the town I was thinking of that would proceed Holliston did not boarder Holliston. Hopkinton would pop up and ruin my day though.
Ferk15 t1_jaconlm wrote
I work in Brookline. We have school today as well. I wanted to share my understanding of snow days after being in education for a decade. I will preface all this with the fact that people are making these decisions and they all have their own motives and goals.
It's not always about the amount of snow. 2 inches is nothing over the whole day like today. 2 inches from 6 to 7am is a disaster in terms of plowing, sand/salting, and getting parents and busses to the school safely.
The pandemic has also changed a lot. There are more cars on the road, more drivers being reckless, and more teachers calling out. All of that contributes to superintendents and school boards as much as the amount of snow.
Looking more directly at Boston and the surrounding towns, how the students get to school also changes things. Most students at my school arrive by drop off or walking. In a rural town, it would be busses. In Boston, a lot of students take public transit to get to school so they will take in MBTA plans into account as well.
I hope this helps the understanding from a school point of view.
Clamgravy t1_jacpq1e wrote
Was significant snow sticking anywhere in the city this morning?
slagwa t1_jacpyzq wrote
My son's response: "Ironic cause we'll get a foot of snow and have -20 degree weather but still have school". Then again he is going to school in Lake Placid.
Academic_Guava_4190 t1_jacs94f wrote
Greatest feeling in the world lol
[deleted] t1_jacudxh wrote
GigiGretel t1_jacy3vv wrote
He was always happy for us when we got a snow day to play
Foxyfox- t1_jaedpcm wrote
Even getting a cardboard box at Mass and Cass might be too pricey at this point.
michael_scarn_21 t1_jaaqzz9 wrote
It would be embarrassing if 2" of snow made them close