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nattarbox t1_jeehuiq wrote

Probably for striped bass so there’s a limited window when you’ll see them. Should be showing up soon when the bass follow the alewives up the rivers.


Doortofreeside t1_jeeinog wrote

I never knew that was a superfund site. Was that on both sides of the dam?

Having kayaked the length of the malden river that doesn't surprise me at all


RailRoad_Candy t1_jeeip4b wrote

Also a lot of catch and release. I mean honestly, if you're eating anything other than stocked trout in the waters of all of New England, you're poisoning yourself. There isn't a fish in any body of water in the US that isn't toxic.


_AttilaTheNun_ OP t1_jeeivog wrote

Oh, don't know for sure it qualified as a legit superfund, that was me being dramatic, but I know it wasn't good and I thought that was part of the reason for letting encore develop, that they shouldered the burden of cleaning it up.


earlyriser93 t1_jeej0a9 wrote

I remember those guys! They used to BBQ fish over there by repurposing big metal barrels 😬

These days, I see more folks fishing on the Assembly/Draw 7 Park side, but I think the cops would be quick to stop any BBQs.


downwardspiralstairs t1_jeejyvz wrote

Their families wonder about them too and what they could be doing if they had survived.


Zaius1968 t1_jeekkv3 wrote

Fishing fine…eating your catch yikes!


riski_click t1_jeekp0g wrote

They all live in the Marvel Multiverse now.


jm9903 t1_jeeku5z wrote

They’re on the other side of the river


RogueInteger t1_jeeowjl wrote

Probably moved on to the Neponset before it gets cleaned up.


Pard22 t1_jeesaf5 wrote

One of the reasons I wanted encore to go there was the clean up


potentpotables t1_jeespg7 wrote

You can time striper season in the bays and harbors to when the water warms up to 55-65 degrees, so it's best in mid spring and mid fall. I have more experience with this in Narragansett Bay than the Mystic or Boston Harbor though.


Mayplelief t1_jeet1o6 wrote

If it was toxic why would they fish on the site unless they want to kill themselves from whatever it was in the fish if any.


adorob t1_jeetmzw wrote

To everyone commenting about eating your catch: fish caught in Boston harbor is and was completely safe to eat. Even caught in front of encore. For two reasons:

  • The water is tidal, and harmful chemicals leaching from the ground get diluted out into the ocean really quickly. The day lily tidal swing in front of encore is 9-12 ft.

  • The fish being targeted there (mostly striped bass, sometimes bluefish, mackerel) spend very little time of their lives in the inner harbor waters and don’t accumulate toxins. They migrate up and down the coast and follow their bait into the harbor during the short summer season. Their bait (bunker, mackerel, pollock, etc) also does not spend their lives in these waters.

Pretty sure that folks commenting here either don’t eat fish at all, or buy farm-raised tilapia and salmon. Fun fact is that farm-raised fish is much more disgusting (bacteria, antibiotics, hormones, parasites) than any Boston harbor-caught wild fish you can get your hands on.


[deleted] t1_jeeuh7d wrote

Some people don't know or don't care. For reference popular mechanics used to advocate pouring motor oil into a small pit lined with sand in your back yard. Some people just don't gaf


phillybust3r t1_jeewzsw wrote

They're in the park behind Ass Square. Sometimes with lobster traps.


raven_785 t1_jeex32v wrote

> The water is tidal, and harmful chemicals leaching from the ground get diluted out into the ocean really quickly. The day lily tidal swing in front of encore is 9-12 ft.

This was the argument for dumping sewage into Boston harbor for over 100 years. It doesn't work nearly as neatly as you are making it out to.


Parallax34 t1_jef4gos wrote

Mystic River Watershed Associations stance on the topic of eating things from the main lower mystic river.

But it's also still a pretty dangerous place for fish due to high temps and low levels of oxygen, water quality is improved but still not great, Historically it was said you could walk across the Mystic on the backs of herrings they were so plentiful, before poorly regulated industrialization hit the region.


Psychological-Oil672 t1_jef8psf wrote

I wish I could - I live in the northeast and it sucks but I know better. Gotta remember the industrial revolution started here, so most of our waterways are fucked. That said, the fishing is still good - just can't eat it.


Impressive_Judge8823 t1_jef9wnf wrote

If you watched the construction they had to bring in a shit load of equipment to do remediation work when they disturbed the soil.

Given the choice of a festering plot of toxins vs a casino that paid to remediate the site I’d think the casino was the better choice.


CheruthCutestory t1_jefd63y wrote

Believe me I know. I used to live in Pittsburgh, which is better off than a lot of former rust belt cities. And did environmental law while there. That's why I said close to Boston not the water although that's the bigger attraction.

But I grew up in Everett and lived there now. I know some people who worked for Wynn during the cleanup. And that area was horrific.


dramaticmyocardium t1_jefg994 wrote

I still see some people fishing in the mystic behind encore next to the assembly row


Psychological-Oil672 t1_jefgui2 wrote

Those are not the common catch; but it’s funny people don’t wanna believe New England waters are fucked. Yes folks we’ve done a lot to clean them up, but how can you quantify a century of dumping polluted in the river; believe what ever y’all want lol


AKiss20 t1_jefjnfq wrote

They fish on the Assembly side now and sometimes are assholes and leave fishing line and bait lying around 🤬. My dog managed to grab a bundle of fishing wire and bait before we could see it. Thankfully no hook and the ER vet could make her vomit it back up with no harm.

Most of them are fine and harmless enough but some are real assholes who clearly don’t care about littering or any other user of the park.


MrRemoto t1_jefr0dz wrote

There used to be at least one lobster boat that left their traps right at the end of the navy yard piers in Charlestown. I sure hope those didn't make it to market.


nhf1918 t1_jefye0b wrote

Are there any American cities that really do this well? When I compare Boston to a lot of us cities on the preservation of green spaces I feel like it’s not that bad. Charles used to be bad but seems to be in decent shape these days. When I compare Boston to providence waterfront - Boston is quite a bit nicer.


nhf1918 t1_jefzorm wrote

Isn’t that really more true for fresh water (I agree w you on that front). Lower mystic where op is referring to is tidal waters and the fisherman are going for stripers and bluefish which are migrating up and down east coast not hanging around in the river all year.


SteveTheBluesman t1_jeg5x4j wrote

Lots of dude fish in the Charles too - the fishermen have a spot on the path near the Kenmore ramp.

I would not eat whatever three-eyed nuclear fish came out of there, I don't give a shit how clean they say it is.


Due-Dog6719 t1_jeghunh wrote

Arent they still there, on the assembly row side - i use to fish down there when i really wanted to get a line in the water or have some alone time. It was sort of gross but also interesting scene. I would definitely see people keeping fish from there. Also lots of carp in there which are fun on the fly. My mother said growing up Monsanto would let out plumes of smoke and a perfectly sunny day would go dark.


nomoreroger t1_jegy0yt wrote

The encore site went back into the 1800s from what I recall. I wasn’t a big fan of a casino so I read the environmental proposal. From what I recall, a hundred years ago, after the site was done with chemicals and had them in surplus they would just steam shovel them into the ground… all the goodies you would never want buried or near water. It is worth a read.

When I was done… I just said.. yep, build a casino. That is the only business that can print money and cover the cost of dealing with that. The only other thing you could build there would be a Treasury building that prints actual money.

These are the special stripers they would catch.


kennycap617 t1_jeh0l7r wrote

I never ate the fish but I did spend summers jumping off the Meridian St bridge and down behind the oil tanks that are now gone.