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Ms_Cats_Meow t1_ivpaq1o wrote

I'm disappointed it wasn't yes by a wider margin, but I'm not really surprised. Our conservatives, by and large, aren't the far-right kind but there are a good number of right-leaning and centrist voters, and many of our more liberal folks aren't necessarily super progressive.


oneMadRssn t1_ivpd6l3 wrote

This is it exactly. I think people have to keep in mind that it's pretty rare to see 70-30 blowouts in this state on anything. A 55-45 victory is a very solid win in MA. Hell, I think the 52-48 win on Q1 is pretty solid.

I'm actually far far more surprised the dental regulation one was a 70-30 blowout. I mean, I knew we all universally hate Delta Dental, but I didn't think we could get 70% of MA voters to agree on anything.


GreenPylons t1_ivq2ppa wrote

2018's Question 3 (trans protections) won a 70-30 blowout.


bakgwailo t1_ivrprll wrote

> I mean, I knew we all universally hate Delta Dental, but I didn't think we could get 70% of MA voters to agree on anything.

Kind of the brilliant part though - Delta Dental was basically the only entity seemingly running ads for the No vote. It would be like Comcast being the only opposition, and I bet it might even go 80-20 just be cause of that.


ConnorLovesCookies t1_ivpfyyl wrote

Its one of those things where you have to think a little deeper than surface level to understand why its a good idea and a lot of people just don’t. Call it the “Force undocumented peoples to get car insurance amendment” and it does much better.


737900ER OP t1_ivpe9l8 wrote

It seemed to me more like a classic New England pragmatism argument to me: "people are gonna do this anyway so we might as well legalize it and give these people access to the insurance market"


GreenPylons t1_ivq2jy5 wrote

Marijuana legalization in 2016 won on a mere 53.6-46 margin, so not too surprised about Question 4's margins.


dfd02186 t1_ivpkte2 wrote

I would suggest that this shows that our Conservatives are far-right. No on 4 is a xenophobic position. I read these results and see "MA isn't as progressive as we are painted."


rubicon83 t1_ivpq7go wrote

I'm a liberal and voted no on 4. I'm not xenophobic.