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Liqmadique t1_ivpmckd wrote

I know a lot of No on 4 folks. I'm not that surprised it was close even though I expected it to pass.

General reason always given is: "They're illegal, they shouldn't be here in the first place - don't give them an incentive to stay". I don't agree with that position, but that's the one I'm familiar with.


DanieXJ t1_ivrmoxj wrote

And how many will get put on the voting rolls because the RMV is trash and it's now an auto thing for those getting a license. Delightful...


bakgwailo t1_ivrr4x1 wrote

Probably few or none, given that voter fraud is not an issue here in MA, nor is it in the country as a whole and other states have given undocumented immigrants licenses without having them also registered to vote. You realize we already give licenses to immigrants and permanent residents who also aren't eligible to vote, right?


ggtffhhhjhg t1_ivtvjws wrote

Voter fraud doesn’t really happen in the US and the stuns Desantos pulled in Florida after the state had cleared those people to vote doesn’t count. The overwhelming majority of people committing(trying) voter fraud in 2020 were republicans. The governor of VA got caught trying to vote under age and he tried again at a different polling station. A black woman that was told by here state she was free to vote was sentenced to 2-3 years in prison because the state f@cked up.