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brightyoungthings t1_j7fx9hi wrote

Reply to comment by zupra_zazel in In The Dark (OC) by LeeroyM

You need a cat! They don’t put up with spooky shit!


Ravernel t1_j7ghgga wrote

And whenever you hear any suspicious weird sounds in the night you always definitely know its source :D


MyDickIsAdequate t1_j7h7t2x wrote

My issue with this is you get so used to cats that your defenses are down so the next time you feel a weight in your bed behind you and you look to see your cat at your window, what do you do?


warmachine237 t1_j7h8z3m wrote

Thats why you never get one cat. Have a bunch of them. That way youre more likely to not see all of them in your vision and can safely assume its just another cat on the bed.


NoCopyrightRadio t1_j7her22 wrote

Yeah and the demon will just leave after feeling ignored, works for me everytime


OhLookACastle t1_j7i2hun wrote

Nope, because kitty starts freaking out first, guaranteed. Half the time I follow kitty’s lead when we hear a funny noise or see a funny shadow. She’s the paranoid one, not me.


Affectionate_Bid2880 t1_j7if9bi wrote

Except when you pull yourself out of sleep paralysis (after feeling your cat jump on the bed and climb on your chest) and your cat is downstairs 😨


ScorchReaper062 t1_j7jvfqk wrote

This is why you put the litterbox in your room too.

Me and my cats have the dankest silent but deadlies, being a ghost here means having to put up with awful smells all the time. You'd have better luck haunting a sewage dump.


MELLMAO t1_j7hhgms wrote

My boyfriend heard someone walking downstairs at 5 am when he was sleeping over, I told him it was just the dog, not to bother me. The dog was actually in the yard most of the night LOL oopsie


Dredmart t1_j7iezsl wrote

Wait, what happened after that? Lol


MELLMAO t1_j7lplyy wrote

Nothing, I just ignore the sounds and co-habit with ghosts


xelle24 t1_j7j2m9z wrote

Some years ago one Memorial Day weekend I was in bed not long after midnight and heard what I thought was my two cats bouncing around making noise downstairs. When I heard a loud sound like "fwhoomp" I realized that it wasn't the cats, so I got up and when I stepped into the hallway (my bedroom is at the back of the house), I could see a bright, flickering orange light from the front windows.

I ran downstairs and looked out the first floor front windows to see that the house across the street was on fire.

Long story short, everyone in the house got out safely, the house had to be torn down mainly due to water damage from the firefighters putting out the fire, and the verdict was that the fire started in the front porch furniture, possibly from a passerby throwing a firework, more likely a lit cigarette accidentally dropped or left by one of the residents, and the "fwhoomp" I heard was the smaller fire reaching and igniting the gas meter in front of the porch.

It took me a while after that to be able to assume a noise in the night was just the cats.


tslnox t1_j7i1je1 wrote

Until you hear the noises from the kitchen, look up...

And you see the cat sitting on the window sill.


zupra_zazel t1_j7hu0qv wrote

Thanks for the tip I've considered pets before :)


[deleted] t1_j8awhet wrote

they are nocturnal as hell tho, and will wake u up in the middle of the night.

but honestly WAY better than having a demon look over ur shoulder