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t1_istrzgo wrote

I wonder how long it took them to put the pieces together and realize its only people with long hair that went missing. Amazing comic btw!


t1_isu5w22 wrote

This would be a really interesting concept to explore vanity and how it often leads destruction when going to extreme. Kind of like the hair chapter in Uzumaki.


t1_isu60ee wrote

If I were you I'd expand on this idea into a short horror story or something!

Better yet!

A webcomic series or a book! You really have something here. You should consider expanding this idea beyond four panels!


OP t1_isu6mvo wrote

I have a handful of stories that I could make into longer narratives. I like to sample bits of them for these inktober comics. Usually I dip into my inspiration and take a segment for a smaller story.

But eventually I'll expand these into longer narratives. :)


t1_isufr4p wrote

I love this as small-town lore for a horror story. It also, as a concept, reminds me a bit of Junji Ito. Love it!


t1_isuleor wrote

Really awesome idea. Makes me think of a petty ghost


t1_isuqe3w wrote

This looks like a story Junji Ito would make


t1_isusvyz wrote

Oh man, so much mystery here. Is it supernatural? A killer? Yeah on head is screaming, but it could be posed like that. Do the trees do it? Or a monster near the trees


t1_isv4g8l wrote

I do like the idea of this being part of a mystery story, and the fact that the girls have long hair being a common point that the reader may not realise before it is revealed in the middle of the story!


t1_isvd1ks wrote

Love it!!! So simple but paints such a vivid little short story <3


t1_isvivlt wrote

Very good starting point/ideas for a comic even if it's just a short one off


t1_isw42rg wrote

Wow, I can't believe you made a comic about the principal from my middle school


t1_isw7atp wrote

If you have more tiny tales of terror (or assemble a group who do), you could try to get this as an anthology series on Line/Naver Webtoon and get pretty low-level famous off it.


t1_isw84l8 wrote

Do you have a website? I went to your profile and everything I clicked on I love


OP t1_iswew6n wrote

I just have my profiles. :) Everything with Gloomara, you can follow. I'm working on a long term website to put all my stuff on. But Instagram, DeviantArt, ArtStation and Reddit are the ones I post on the most!


t1_iswpo85 wrote

Cool premise. You plan to ever do anything with it?


t1_isx04ye wrote

they're just hanging out together in the forest


t1_isxbsj4 wrote

I love the simplicity of this story. Reminds me of a visual version of r/TwoSentenceHorror.

Great stuff. I'll follow you and hope to see more :)


t1_isxzhdu wrote

Makes me think of Son of Sam. Girls were cutting their hair short when the murders were happening in an effort to get the target off their backs.


t1_isy1z3k wrote

that artist like to leave her story up to interpretation (check out "the groom" for a good exemple).

add to that the narrator being unreliable, like when he describes commons forest things as weird and eerie (ie: a tree with leaves looking like women's hand while it's just a common oak) or when he said "we both laughed" but you can clearly see that only the brother is laughing.

it's normal to not understand everything immediately, it's one of the comics goal


the most popular and common interpretation is that the beast wasn't the wolf they killed but a shape shifting creature (most likely responsible for the strange hole in the forest) that used the fratricide as an opportunity to infiltrate the village by disguising itself as the brother, the narrator come back to the hole he dumped his brother in and realized that he didn't actually killed him, so he is faced with a choice: finish the job, bring the brother's body and expose the doppelganger, being the village's hero a second time, or do what's right, save his brother, expose the doppleganger this way but have to face the consequence of his actions.

another interpretation that have less ground to stand on but that I personally like, is that the brother coming back from the forest isn't real, but it is a manifestation of the narrators (already shown to be unreliable) guilt. See in the beginning of the story the narrator define his "brother" by all the thing he have, and when he came back to the forest after having killed the beast (and his actual brother) all of those things are given to him. the "brother" coming back from the forest is the narrator himself, as when he came back he basically took his brother place and now his guilt make him dissociate something fierce. the line "why won't he turn and look at me" is actually the narrator being unable to look himself in the mirror. As I said this interpretation is less likely (although it does remove any supernatural elements) but I really like it, as potentially farfetched as it is


t1_isyb5uz wrote

Absalom, King David’s son in the Bible, dies because his luxurious hair gets caught in a branch while he’s on horseback during battle. His handsomeness is emphasized in the text before that point


t1_it0r8ql wrote

Welp id be dead..SON OF A (jimmy insert stock death noise here)