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OP t1_j2qx5z1 wrote

This is my digital edit of a photograph titled "Sixty Most Beautiful Girls in the World" by Gene Lester (1949). No AI, just Photoshop.


All my info.


t1_j2rahvq wrote

Oh my god I’m glad I saw this in the am and not the pm. Amazing work.

Edit: I bet the reason not having eyes is so scary to us is because decomposing corpses often don’t have eyes


t1_j2to80r wrote

I, too, watched Don't Worry Darling


t1_j2u6s2x wrote

apparently not many other people have yet. i thought for sure it was a scene from the movie


t1_j2ulkj0 wrote

The eyes are a new addition but the rest is literally exact


t1_j2s6fhk wrote

In order from most to least likely to kill and harvest me: Top, top left, bottom left, left, right, bottom right, top right, bottom.


t1_j2rm3us wrote

Their eyes, what have you done their eyes!?


t1_j2reh18 wrote

Looks like "The Class of '76" had a spin-off.


t1_j2rgldf wrote

Ah, the Stepford Burlesque Theatre.

Good memories.


t1_j2rkelx wrote

Didnt know the Corinthian was in the trade shudder


t1_j2tgdsz wrote

If Coraline would've been a live action movie instead of a cartoon, this is something I would've LOVED to see in the movie


t1_j2u5hkg wrote

Wonder stuff! Very nicely done

Humble request: flip the top smiles.

They'll appear normal but slightly off. Then a horrible frown is revealed when the image is flipped upside


t1_j2rlibx wrote

This looks like it should be shown right after someone says, "he was a quiet man."


t1_j2shb4f wrote

“Kid that’s what we call hired guns. When a woman looks at you and smiles like that. It’s not genuine, not real. She’s just doing her job and getting your money. Look into her eyes, and try to feel how soulless and cold they really are”


t1_j2silly wrote

"I see you like cutting the eyes out of photos of women.

My son is a big fan of that too."


t1_j2sj833 wrote

I see you like to cut the eyes out of pictures. My son likes doing that too. -Harrison Yates


t1_j2tqguk wrote

Well. This is horrifying.


t1_j2u0582 wrote

It's funny how disturbing removing the eyes, skewing the location while they are smiling is.


I wonder if it's because of the dissonance, would it be not disturbing if they aren't smiling?


t1_j2u1wo0 wrote

The lack of truly human eyes freaks a lot of people out.

I, as a 20 year old man, am still almost as terrified of porcelain dolls as I was when I was five. I can stand being around one without crying or running away now but it sends my heart rate up and I feel deeply disturbed until it’s gone.

That’s coming from somebody who doesn’t mind a two meter long snake curling over his shoulders (in a controlled environment with specialists supervising it).

Fuck dolls. They’re objects and they can’t do anything, but that doesn’t change how terrifying they are.


t1_j2ut280 wrote

It's... almost like you went out of your way to make it look like AI art.


t1_j2vahx0 wrote

Reminds me of when I drew a " : - )" as a kid

You get a pen, then draw dots for eyes and the same for the nose and on the smile mostly a long or short bow smile


t1_j2vl9dy wrote

Thanks I was trying to fucking sleep. Guess not


t1_j2vxrmp wrote

I don't like the other mothers. Thanks!


t1_j34d5ni wrote

I wish my brother George was here


t1_j2t3ren wrote

feel like im looking at the burlesque catalog of Mandela County
