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tastygluecakes t1_j791tac wrote

Huh. Is their demographic overweight, conservative, rural area dwelling white folks?


silverpine_ t1_j7933kc wrote

I can get behind THESE red states.....


BenjaminDrover t1_j7945lf wrote

Founded in 1964 in Boardman, Ohio, but now headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.


R_V_Z t1_j7990ex wrote

Vermont does NOT have the meats.


dotsdavid t1_j79ann8 wrote

Indiana does have a lot of Arby’s.


756898 t1_j79avh3 wrote

I almost throw up thinking about those disgusting roast beef sandwiches


Iatroblast t1_j79b6fz wrote

In Wyoming, you could have just one Arby’s in every town over 5,000, and the math would work out like this.


5kyl3r t1_j79e5c2 wrote

i'm in KS and apparently we got the meats


Please-let-me t1_j79ef21 wrote

I love that its so uncalled for yet so called for


tirikai t1_j79en7o wrote

Australia is a desert country when it comes to Arbys


deekaydubya t1_j79gfcp wrote

Uhh where did the ‘political party vs unemployment rate’ post I was just notified about go? It was deleted for some reason


groovy604 t1_j79huao wrote

"I'm so hungry I could eat at Arbys"

"Oh my goodness!!"


jmac29562 t1_j79k1oj wrote

Excuse me…I do believe the colors are inverted


DirtyBottomsPottery t1_j79kwji wrote

I'm mostly just confused by the concept of "heatmap." Why not just say popularity?


FacelessFellow t1_j79lhkg wrote

I’m never going to Arbys again.

The last time I ate there, I was reminded why I don’t eat there. I can’t believe I had to learn their multiple times.

I’d rather eat instant ramen.


ACMilanIndy t1_j79ow5b wrote

Arby’s. The meal that’s a dare for your colon.


dgadirector t1_j79pggd wrote

This map really doesn’t tell you much. Wyoming only has a population of 578,000. California is over 39 Million. That means only 13 or so Arby’s in Wyoming. Over 80 in California. California has a much more dense population so you wouldn’t need the amount that Wyoming has to be able to service everyone.


FinerGamerBros t1_j79plb3 wrote

Does anyone else get super sick after eating Arby’s? I like it but it kills my insides.


droplivefred t1_j79ry0c wrote

Totally random and possibly unrelated, but does Arby’s carry Coke products or Pepsi? Just because they are both based in Atlanta and curious if the Arby’s HQ relocation had anything to do with which beverage company they deal with.


Captainwyo307 t1_j79s8s7 wrote

They’re pretty much for the tourists. Douglas, Wheatland, and Torrington (for example) are pretty much drive by towns and there’s usually a bus parked outside of those Arby’s with people grabbing food and a bathroom break. Don’t think the local people could keep them open otherwise.


SchmeedsMcSchmeeds t1_j79uhrh wrote

If you overlay cases of diarrhea by state you will see a direct correlation.


ItaloFontana t1_j79vqn0 wrote

In KY right now, def hitting an Arby’s tomorrow.


HaDov_Yaakov t1_j79wbjd wrote

So basically a map ranking state population


MantaRayGunz t1_j79wjti wrote

Not trying to be a punk, but this isn't a heat map.


thrillcosbey t1_j79wvsz wrote

Hollywood got the meats. Here in Cali , def the weirdo Arby’s , some how has a 4.2 rating and the drive though is always busy.


sisiredd t1_j7a0qj1 wrote

That's not how red and green are supposed to work.


emchops t1_j7a13z7 wrote

On one hand, I suppose this map is better than the ones that completely leave Alaska and Hawaii off the map.

On the other... Why is Hawaii sideways???


skwm t1_j7a16r1 wrote

I like that the coloring of this map implies that fewer Arby’s per capita is a good thing


ItsASchpadoinkleDay t1_j7a1dkz wrote

Have you had any other food? If you haven’t, then I understand you thinking Arby’s might have a hint of quality.

I’m far from a snob. I’ll eat some shitty food and not think twice about it, but Arby’s is never even in consideration.


ItsASchpadoinkleDay t1_j7a2mdi wrote

I just admitted I ride on a pretty short horse, but there are some lines even I won’t cross. I’d eat Taco Bell and Wendy’s every day of the week. KFC even has some redeeming qualities.

The only thing worth going to Arby’s for is Arby’s Sauce, but they sell that at the grocery store now so I don’t have to ruin my day by going into that restaurant.

Don’t brag about “having the meats” and then serve sandwiches that have so little meat that the bun edges touch 360 degrees around the sandwich.


ItsASchpadoinkleDay t1_j7a38i7 wrote

Hey man, I was just ragging on you about Arby’s. I had some real dogshit experiences, but that is anecdotal evidence about a local franchise. Your experience may be completely different.

I don’t know why, but I clicked on your profile. You have posts about listening to Dio in Donington and Rainbow’s Rising on vinyl. I have had both Dio and Rainbow on the turntable in the last week.

I really don’t care about Arby’s that much, just stirring up some shit on Reddit while I’m 4 glasses deep in bourbon. Anyone who listens to music like that is alright in my book. Have a good night, friend.


quietlumber t1_j7a4xu8 wrote

TIL that Cincinnati is like the epicenter of Midwest Arbyness. They are everywhere around here, but I didn't know just how "lucky" we are.


SirThatsCuba t1_j7a52nx wrote

With one exception this tracks pretty close to places I don't want to live. The Arby's index is amazing.


rosebudlightsaber t1_j7a53pl wrote

so, there could be just a couple of Arby’s in Wyoming and this map makes it look like Wyoming has a ton of them…

Bad map.

A quick google search shows there are 160 Arby’s in TX, while only 16 in Wyoming…


philnolan3d t1_j7a8cn3 wrote

Yeah I love Arby's but the nearest one to me in Pennsylvania is like 20 minutes away and the opposite away from everywhere I usually go so I don't get to go there often.


Ok-Adhesiveness1000 t1_j7aa987 wrote

Wow legitimately hottest in the weakest fucking states.

Gotta be intentional.


Emracruel t1_j7aboi2 wrote

My brother as a carpenter literally had multiple years of his primary job being building new Arby's in Ohio. Math checks out


KR1735 t1_j7ahl05 wrote

Their jalapeño poppers + bronco berry sauce. Mmm.


mormicro99 t1_j7ayguc wrote

Something democrats and republicans can apparently agree on?


[deleted] t1_j7b2ube wrote

Arby’s is like the Walmart of fast food. And I don’t mean from a business perspective.


rismoney t1_j7b55nj wrote

TIL Arby's is not punny for Roast Beef but rather punnynfor the founders names.


Zephos65 t1_j7b68lv wrote

I have had a long running theory that the better the local food, the least amount of fast food places per capita. Seems to hold up here pretty well


Zachary_Lee_Antle t1_j7bazpi wrote

As an Indiana native, this explains why I see their commercials on every other YouTube video or hear them on every other podcast I listen to for as long as I can remember


averagemaleuser86 t1_j7bb56g wrote

What was killing arbys I think was those terrible curly fries. Now you can get crinkle fries which are awesome!


Potential-Link-3740 t1_j7bf7bg wrote

I'm curious and I may be missing something or my brain is not working properly but the population of Arizona is 7.2 million and we have 22 Arby's in our state. Shouldn't that work out to be like 3.1 Arby's per million people?


OFPMatt t1_j7bmgn0 wrote

Has anyone else noticed the quality has been declining for a solid ten years at Arby's?


Conrad299 t1_j7bvi0x wrote

I don't know if I should ignore the reason why someone asked and answered this question


PolarBurrito t1_j7cav75 wrote

I love their gyros, not a lot of Greek/Mediterranean restaurants near me. And, their curly fries and jamocha shake are a nice change of pace.

Beef and cheddars are nice as well, but I think I’m getting too old for them - my GI tract can’t handle them anymore.

I live in an orange state 😁


furiousfran t1_j7cblf2 wrote

>Lots of sonic commercials but no sonic.

That used to be my state too, about 12 years ago they put in the first sonic and it was a huge fuckin' deal. Like people lined up on the highway shoulder waiting for spaces, it was ridiculous lol

IMO you're not missing too much, their shakes and slushies are probably their best stuff but the food is "ok"


SirMetalhead t1_j7cnrzz wrote

Actually this is a chloropleth map, not a heat map (which is a continous representation of point density).


anonkitty2 t1_j7d42tv wrote

Arby's was around in the 1970s and 1980s, though I admit things were different then. Chains like Penn Station didn't exist when Arby's was getting established, or else weren't chains yet, and in my area, Arby's has a numerical advantage (more franchised sites). I don't think of Penn Station as fast food (or else think of it as sub shop) and don't think I have seen McAlister's in my metro area.


GDMFB1 t1_j7da0m3 wrote

I have never met anyone that said “let’s go to Arby’s.”


Cause0 t1_j7ddk62 wrote

Nice map, but the numbers are a bit too big


Gtpwoody t1_j7dowxs wrote

I do not get the hate on Arby's I fucking love them.


OUCS t1_j7eb0rs wrote

I’m not sure why the scale is colored this way. Green good; Red bad, is culturally significant. You should consider a different color scheme unless you hate Arby’s.


[deleted] t1_j7eqn33 wrote

I love that TX and CA can't agree on almost anything, except Arbys.