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ButtholeQuiver t1_j7ov9o5 wrote

That's interesting. I watch a reasonable amount of Netflix but I've never heard of this movie


xendelaar t1_j7pulj4 wrote

It's not a great movie. It's was a nice filler though and I enjoyed watching it


AdminsAreLazyID10TS t1_j7q8let wrote

I'll watch anything with 2010's Sexiest Man Alive Ryan Reynolds in it.

And also with the walking HGH advertisement? Come on, no brainer. Easy way to burn a couple hours going "yeah that was all right."


MrLevin t1_j7p6tw2 wrote

Really? Was a big deal, I think it is the priciest movie from Netflix yet. (mainly the payment for the 3 A-List stars tho, movie itself is only okay)


Clemenx00 t1_j7qyoeu wrote

With the nature of how Netflix promo works I can see people missing releases all the time if they are not caught at release. Movie was plastered all over Netflix at and around release but it is likely Netflix moved on to a different thing less than a week it launched.

Such is the nature of fast entertainment.


CosmicMarbles t1_j7r92fj wrote

It's just The Rock and Ryan Reynolds playing themselves like in everything else


guymn999 t1_j8fatfl wrote

You say that like people want something other than that from them.


TailorNormal t1_j7ques2 wrote

I have never heard of any of those movie except the Irishman…


SufficientGreek t1_j7r4tti wrote

They're pretty mediocre movies that are heavily advertised on the netflix main page. I think the main audience are people who just sit down and want to watch something entertaining for 2 hours. Not many people are specifically looking to watch them.


LineOfInquiry t1_j7t39os wrote

Glass Onion came out just a few weeks ago and I highly recommend it, especially if you’ve seen Knives Out already. It’s a fun murder mystery with a lot to say, just like it’s predecessor


Galaxy__ t1_j7r1mm6 wrote

I guess thats normal for someone that doesnt watch a lot of movies


idareet60 t1_j7td0av wrote

Aah the Irishman was one heck of a watch. Anyone know movies similar to it?


Hugejorma t1_j7qxv8n wrote

It was on the main slot forever in my Netflix home page. I only watched the movie by miss click and knew nothing about it before. It was ok funny movie when I turned my brain off mode. I would like to know the same type of statistic about TV series.


xhyzBOSS t1_j7pxbdb wrote

I understand that ur not into this stuff, me either... but The Irishman ??????????? come on dude


ButtholeQuiver t1_j7q8nmv wrote

I know The Irishman, I'm a big Scorsese guy

No idea about Red Notice though


Tracedinair76 t1_j7r110n wrote

It is crazy that The Irishman is not that viewed. I guess it is just another example of good does not equal popular.


Nattin121 t1_j7r3e9n wrote

Especially because that movie is like 14 hours long and this chart is based on hours.


Narrow_Soft_9225 t1_j7otvuu wrote

They had to rewatch it to confirm “is it really that bad?”


elmatador12 t1_j7r188h wrote

I 100% did this. I watched it when it was released and thought it was just okay.

I watched it again like a month ago honestly thinking “maybe it’s better then I remember.”

It wasn’t.


gordo65 t1_j7r19ny wrote

I think that also counts for a substantial number of the views for Don't Look Up and Birdbox.


DarthPapercut t1_j7r1as9 wrote

Yeah, if you want a good Ryan Reynolds movie, go watch the Adam Project.


JackdiQuadri97 t1_j7p7anu wrote

You fucked up number of subscriber line, the x-axis is different for the two informations you are plotting, the subs number is from 2013 to 2023. Instead of plotting data from mid 2018 to 2023 for that you plotted what would have been the line for 2013 to 2023 over the other graph.

Didn't it look like an obvious mistake that the graph showed netflix 8x their subs in less than 5 year?

P.s. Now that I look at it better actually also the dots are fucked up, places around 20M higher than they should be (i guess prolly a % error), anyway means you fucked up Y axis too


rev_daydreamr t1_j7pmh2z wrote

It's because the dots aren't the points...the larger thumbnails are. Regardless, as I've written in a different comment it is a very confusing choice of graphics.


JackdiQuadri97 t1_j7po1zn wrote

Ah true, my bad then, would have still removed the dots as they create confusion, just keep the name without them


JackdiQuadri97 t1_j7p7xfu wrote

Damn, I noticed also you are advertising your platform to make graphs and such, fucking up everything... This would have been bad if done by an amateur, unreal if this is actually your work


Thedorf69420 t1_j7owb6f wrote

The Adam project was a great movie. The kid acting as younger Ryan Reynolds really nailed being younger Ryan Reynolds


123FIREballl t1_j7picw3 wrote

The storyline was completely ridiculous and made no sense though


geraintm t1_j7pv5wx wrote

There was a MacGuffin, they chased the MacGuffin. Some one named MacGuffin turned up from the dead. They MacGuffined a bit, then they all went home, happily MacGuffined.


The_mystery4321 t1_j7r56n0 wrote

Watching a Ryan Reynolds movie for the plot is the equivalent of watching porn for the plot


Beavshak t1_j7owgxe wrote

I’d completely forgotten about Bird Box, but dang did that movie blow up i to a thing when it came out.


pk10534 t1_j7p6sli wrote

Did anyone else think “don’t look up” was just…not very good? Idk I thought the writing left a lot to be desired and the general vibe of the movie seemed to be “haha society stupid, me smart” in a pat-yourself-on-the-back kind of way.


corink420 t1_j7pap9k wrote

I think the message they were going for got across in a very blatant but disturbing way. people in power are greedy and will only work for themselves while belittling those who aren’t, and that the advent of social media causes a mob mentality to believe and follow whatever is trending, and behave naively as if the influencers are more credible than somebody who knows and is certified in what they’re talking about. I think the movie did a good job at showing how our modern society would react if something like an extinction level event is revealed, and hopefully world leaders would act like world leaders about it and not like how the president/people in power in the movie reacted


pk10534 t1_j7pbmr1 wrote

In a sense I agree with you, I guess I just feel like the satire was kind of blunted or damaged by how blatant it was, because it almost felt like it was explaining the joke a little too thoroughly at times.


bight99 t1_j7q4gv8 wrote

Maybe it’s just my rose colored glasses liking Leo movies but I kinda thought that’s what the point was. Scientists have been shouting climate change from the rooftops for DECADES now - it’s an extremely obvious thing and we already know how it’s going to affect us. But even though it’s so blatant there’s still little change.


NotoriousPND t1_j7syhjc wrote

I feel this. The very end where he is sitting there talking about how “we really had it all” was pretty ham-fisted.


Klin24 t1_j7qhv62 wrote

I enjoyed it for it's satirical value. The general >!charging for the snacks at the white house!< was hilarious.


vaisero t1_j7qd7pm wrote

i really enjoyed it tbh, its probably the one of that list i enjoyed the most.


codeQueen t1_j7ssiry wrote

I thought it was really good. I could see that scenario playing out in our stupid society.


ShortNefariousness2 t1_j7zec95 wrote

No. I thought it was really funny, and the blunt way it dealt with the politics was spot on.


auradidnothingwrong t1_j7pd7mb wrote

Yeah, I never finished that one. To me, it had the same problem that Idiocracy had. It's one note and god damn do they never stop hitting it.


gordo65 t1_j7r27xk wrote

The bottom line is, it was a comedy that wasn't funny. I think I chuckled 2 or 3 times during the whole thing.

I get that it can be difficult to make a comedy out of a serious issue, but the iron rule of comedy doesn't change with the subject matter:

"A comedy must be funny, or it becomes annoying."


KellyKellogs t1_j7qsl3f wrote

I thought that, as a satirical parody film, it was shit and most of the jokes didn't land. It was also a bad satire of Trump's Whitehouse and just not very creative.

I think the ending was beautiful but the rest of the film switched constantly between serious drama and bad satire that it kept taking me out of the film.

It's like they made a satire film, realised it wasn't good enough and so added a whole bunch of dramatic scenes to try and improve it.


hfoblues t1_j7pp7el wrote

The Irishman is one hell of a movie. Underrated as per this chart.


myspicename t1_j7pzn7r wrote

It's very long, which might work against rewatching and finishing it, reducing overall hours


hiimred2 t1_j7qyqxt wrote

Also (imo at least) not a ‘background’ type of movie. I don’t particularly do a lot of rewatching in general as there’s so much unseen content I want to get to, but when I do, it’s very often something I don’t need to pay much attention to because the time I’ll do said rewatching is when I’m semi preoccupied and won’t singularly focus on the movie/show.

That’s where these ‘it was fine I guess’ blockbuster style movies that make up most of this chart (and pop culture in general) really shine. I can turn on Red Notice and just poke my head out at particular scenes where the movie is actually at it’s best, or just listen for the quippy dialogue bits that stand out. Repeat for tons and tons of movie examples we can think of that follow this style.

Knives Out might be the exception here, but I guess on rewatch the mystery is solved and you can kinda watch it with less focus so maybe not.


e-rekshun t1_j7qr1em wrote

215 million hours watched.

Looks like it was only watched a half dozen times overall.


walkie73 t1_j7r6flp wrote

Agreed. It gets better with each rewatch.


implicitpharmakoi t1_j7otzgp wrote

That’s … sad.

It wasn’t a terrible completely unwatchable movie, but your best?


Optimistic__Elephant t1_j879g2s wrote

Yea, it’s got attractive and charismatic actors, and came out in Covid times when new movies were sparse. I’m not surprised, but is a bit sad as it’s instantly forgettable.


Bugsarecool2 t1_j7py385 wrote

So the best Netflix can do is a group of mediocre films? I miss the theater.


tnadd t1_j7qwtj7 wrote

I enjoyed Glass Onion. Irishman is lower on the watched list, but definitely the best here. I agree about the rest being mediocre or meh.


iamansonmage t1_j7qnt7q wrote

They really need to look at more than just hours watched! Yes, I watched it. No, I did not enjoy it. It’s almost like they have a thumbs up button that could determine if people actually thought it was good or something. Just because I was duped into watching it by your marketting team doesn’t mean I liked it. 🤷‍♂️ Red Notice was garbage.


st4n13l t1_j7oz7so wrote

I think it would be better to view it based on something like hours per week since some have been out longer than others. For example, Glass Onion is catching up to Red Notice quickly, but it hasn't been out nearly as long.


vexinq t1_j7psf7r wrote

I think it’d be flawed either way since hours per week heavily favors newer movie releases (older movies watch time per x will decay when most people have seen it or it loses popularity). Since it’s not strictly better I’d keep total watch time personally because it feels easier to communicate/work with.


Koboldsftw t1_j7pesdy wrote

There is simply no reason to believe Netflix’s viewership stats.


Nenu_unnanu_kada t1_j7qo7tf wrote

I regretted watching red notice throughout and after the movie.


AverageCowboyCentaur t1_j7ox8rl wrote

Fun fact: a vpn to your house keeps the local IP block with Netflix's new system intact for anyone that wants to watch on the go (or lives in a different place cough cough) Works by looking like you live there, just connect in every 3 weeks and you are golden. Even figuring that out I still cancelled, such a bad service now. Was with them since they rented DVDs even piloted the PS3 console app and wrote letters detailing my expertise for it. The company went to crap, unable to retain anything and quality of their series declined to the point I said goodbye.

Monthly cost keep going up for less content and I'm not going to pay a fortune for 4k, no thank you! Not as bad as Hulu, that place is a joke, their CDNs are hot garbage. HBO, Prime and Disney is pretty much it and a month a year for the others if I need to see something. Disney may be moving to 1-2 months a year soon.


Deceptikhan42 t1_j7p9kkx wrote

I think you may need to express these as a rate. Views doesn't account for how long it has been out. Round 2 begin!


mavajo t1_j7r2zmd wrote

Check the X axis. It does precisely what you’re suggesting, just not in the way you requested.


SmartInDisguise t1_j7pdcwc wrote

Interesting. Feel like don't look up was kinda terrible though so no idea how it has so many watch hours.


SpiderFarter t1_j7ph8h4 wrote

282 million views for bird box? The only movie that could make Don’t Liok Up almost watchable


pinkshirtbadman t1_j7q1n05 wrote

not views, 282 Million hours of time viewing it

it's slightly longer than 2 hours which means that's less than 141 Million views, and even that number is kind of weird to work with since it would assume no viewers that abandoned it part way through.


SpiderFarter t1_j7q9fkm wrote

Didn’t notice hours. Kinda an odd metric for movie watching


KellyKellogs t1_j7qsr9f wrote

I thought Birdbox was a solid film. Nothing special, some big flaws but I really enjoyed watching it.


CyanConatus t1_j7reuot wrote

Interesting. I didn't like Don't look up but I didn't think it was a terrible film by any means. Just though it was kinda boring.


rev_daydreamr t1_j7plpec wrote

I like the idea of including the subscription numbers to put the viewership in context (although as someone else pointed out the axis might not match the span of the data), but the way the movies are plotted and annotated is pretty confusing. At first I thought the small dot next to the text marked the position on the xy axes, until I noticed it would put Don't Look Up into 2022. Perhaps simply getting rid of the small circle at the end of the line extending to the movie thumbnail would alleviate any confusion.


manchegoo t1_j7pzq09 wrote

I couldn’t get through it.


bvanbove t1_j7q3fz5 wrote

That many people watched The Adam Project?!?!? I saw no conversation about it online at all, and no one I know has watched it. At least every other movie on here I heard or read about after it’s release, or watched it myself.


pinkshirtbadman t1_j7q46lh wrote

Length of viewing time as a metric for popularity doesn't really work here. A 90 minute movie watched 1,000,000 times is 1.5 million hours of viewing time. A 2 hour movie watched 800,000 times will beat that with 1.6 million hours of viewing time and be more popular on this graph despite having 80% of the views.

"Popularity" is already kind of a nebulous thing to define anyway. If 10 people like movie A, but have no intent to ever watch it again and 8 people absolutely love Movie B and call it their favorite movie of all time, constantly re-watch it, and introduce it to others but the other 2 hate it... which movie is more popular?


Maguncia t1_j7qfm44 wrote

I just realized Red Notice and The Gray Man are two different things.


musememo t1_j7qheua wrote

Couldn’t get through it. Maybe it’s a sign I should cancel netflix.


TomasNavarro t1_j7qnqpi wrote

Looking at this I'm guessing I'm alone in that I really liked red notice


Caesar_Gaming t1_j7qolmd wrote

If I’m understanding correctly, don’t look up rated higher than 50% on rotten tomatoes and red notice rated lower than 50%?


FalconGhost t1_j7qqrd0 wrote

Some good flicks here, but The Gray Man was bad, i couldnt get through it


Renegade7559 t1_j7qqye4 wrote

Weird. I like the actors but that movie is freaking terrible


poop-du-jour t1_j7qr1sk wrote

Red notice fucking sucked balls


jaketocake t1_j7qt2gl wrote

I really liked Red Notice tbh. I thought Don’t Look Up was mediocre though.


PlannerSean t1_j7qvs4h wrote

Hours watched seems like a strange metric to judge popularity


jonjonjay t1_j7qvup1 wrote

The Adam Project being the only one worth a damn too


MrWisdom39 t1_j7qxejv wrote

Hated all of these movies, I began watching like half of them, and never finished them.


Wpgjetsfan19 t1_j7qxxmj wrote

6 underground was better than Red Notice but I guess Ryan Reynolds, The Rock and Gal Gadot would be a bigger draw of a cast


Thomas2311 t1_j7qy31a wrote

That overpriced turd of a movie ?


ethicsofseeing t1_j7qyd70 wrote

Interesting how AI now decide what we’d want to watch.


leon_nerd t1_j7r1wd7 wrote

Red Notice is also probably the most disappointing movie on Netflix.


Brewe t1_j7r4hz9 wrote

I follow popular media relatively well, but I've only heard about 4 of these movies and watched 2.


The_mystery4321 t1_j7r4wbt wrote

That seems like a pretty stupid metric to use no? Run time is gonna significantly affect results


vorpalglorp t1_j7r78pj wrote

I watch netflix almost every day. I am so much not the target audience for that movie I don't even remember ever seeing it. Actually I've only seen 2 of these. I'm a sci fi watcher though. If it isn't sci fi or fantasy there is a 5% chance I'm watching it.


GoodRiddancePluto t1_j7r8319 wrote

Anyone else assume that being released in the beginning of 2021 in the mist of the pandemic ,where everyone was staying in, helped it quite a bit? Everyone was at home watching Netflix and it probably got promoted to hell. I know I watched if for that reason. I will watch almost anything and even I thought it was meh.


wigglerworm t1_j7r9qh9 wrote

TIL a lot of the movies I fall asleep too did better than the one I actually watched. Interesting


meesterdg t1_j7rglnb wrote

So roughly 10 people have watched the Irishman.


dietcokefanatic t1_j7ro4p5 wrote

The relative sizing scale is shown using rectangles but graphics in circles, I find that confusing.


bnutbutter78 t1_j7ruoxh wrote

I didn’t even finish red notice.


Triggerhappy62 t1_j7s8qas wrote

Where's my reward! I haven't seen a single one of these.


Nebardine t1_j7tk8m7 wrote

You and me both. And I've had netflix for years and watched a lot of content. What are the odds?


WGBWooWGBW t1_j7tb8ca wrote

I've seen half of the movies listed here and they were some of the worst, low effort movies I've ever seen.


Snoreofthebear t1_j7thcxk wrote

I've seen Red Notice three times and I still can't recall a single scene or joke from the movie. Which is why i watched it 3 times in the first place


jbird715 t1_j7tk7xe wrote

These are movies produced by Netflix and not just simply movies on Netflix, correct?


metalbill64 t1_j7u0r0j wrote

I’ve never even heard of Red Notice


DawnPatrol80136 t1_j7ws0wo wrote

It wasn't even that good. Proof that star power sells.


aquatoxin- t1_j7wt9j6 wrote

Most Netflix movies watched of all time


Libertuslp t1_j82wev7 wrote

I know 0 of those movies. And i live a happy life without monthly subscription fee


[deleted] t1_j7pi13n wrote

Wow so much diversity! I guess this is why I haven’t watched any of these horrible Netflix trash movies. They all seem to be a similar genre too!


PuffinChaos t1_j7pni3a wrote

The Irishman only made the Top 10 because it’s over 200 minutes long


snarcasm68 t1_j7q3u07 wrote

I’ve never heard of any of them. Not a movie watcher.


x3mcj t1_j7qy5wa wrote

Loved red notice, its a good movie to pass time
Liked the Adam project, yet i could have been better
Loved don't look up. Really, this is a pretty huge wake up call no one its taking!
Need to finish Glass onion, loving it so far
Need to watch The Irishma and Extration

the rest, not interested


kcgil87 t1_j7p3sxr wrote

I thought at least one of these movies would be good. I was wrong.


LordBogus t1_j7oyfbv wrote

Why is the masterpiece 'Irishman' at 10??

Also, still can't get over the fact that in 'the grey man' they demolished a city without getting 5 stars, like multiple helicopters and the army. Biggest movie misstake there.


BBOoff t1_j7p1fx8 wrote

Because the audience for slow paced, character driven dramas is much smaller than the one for action, comedy, and/or romance.


xhyzBOSS t1_j7pxma6 wrote

you mean the demand for bad movies is higher than the demand for good movies :)


BBOoff t1_j7q9dos wrote

No, I mean that art-house snobs like to circle-jerk themselves with movies that require 3 re-watches and intimate knowledge of the history of an entire genre of cinema to understand, while the rest of the planet just wants something that will make them laugh/cheer/gush for two hours before they get back to their real lives.



xhyzBOSS t1_j7qckcx wrote

But the Irishman is not an Art House movie XD Thats a Gangstermovie :S

Would prefer this anytime over Wokevengers


Wpgjetsfan19 t1_j7qxprz wrote

Because the Irishman was boring. I had high hopes but was quite disappointed


LordBogus t1_j7rd4xc wrote

The Godfather is also very long. Lots of talking. And yet that movie is in everbodies top 10


Wpgjetsfan19 t1_j7rdmgd wrote

I have no problem with long movies and lots talking but just found that movie boring. I’m not the only one. Scorsese makes some excellent movies, in fact The Departed is one of my all time favourites, along with Goodfellas and Casino. The Irishman just felt like it was lacking something