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JPAnalyst t1_j9p47gr wrote

Why is using one vs the other for circle size, propaganda?


maltNeutrino t1_j9p5blb wrote

Dude’s buggin


JPAnalyst t1_j9p5sg5 wrote

Anything people don’t like nowadays is propaganda or fake news. The premise that circle size based on population vs GDP being propaganda is absurd


Chagrinnish t1_j9sm77e wrote

The article is describing economic impacts; you should compare countries by the size of their economies. If, on the other hand, this was an article about something like a tug of war then listing countries by their population would certainly make more sense.


electrons-streaming OP t1_j9p8zty wrote

The article is about how Russia was not isolated from trade and instead the world fractured into trade blocs. The appropriate data to demonstrate this would be either GDP or trade flows. Using population gives an intentionally misleading picture, because India seems like it is as valuable a trade partner as 2 United States and the Eu combined. The idea that the population is what matters is a central Russian propaganda point and this data visualization is designed to be deceiving and support that point.
