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Wizard01475 t1_jb2wo8p wrote

I need Worcester county to come down 20% from June 2022 highs


MilesEl85 t1_jb35lum wrote

Hoping you're not referring to Worcester County, MD


Wizard01475 t1_jb3bf5k wrote

No Worcester Massachusetts. North Central Massachusetts specifically. Median prices are in the $400k-$500k range. I need them to come down to $320k-$400k range.


iseemountains t1_jb3sm8s wrote

lol, I was thinking the same thing, wasn't expecting an eastern shore reference at the top of this post.


michigician OP t1_jb2v6k1 wrote

Data Source:

Original content made using QGIS and Libreoffice Calc.


bippidyboppidyboo4u t1_jb430ve wrote

Just to make sure I’m reading this right, there are still house price increases in a substantial number of counties despite a massive increase in loan interest rates?


hallese t1_jb4lbef wrote

Correct, although I think this is potentially a little misleading for two reasons. First, housing prices didn't start to feel the effects of higher interest rates until May or June of 2022. Decking Second, and this one is anecdotal, I live in one of these orange counties and the types of houses being listed have also changed in the last year. There's fewer people listing there 80-year-old craftsman houses, and a higher proportion of brand new McMansions on the market, but the total number of units is way down.

Edit: Speech-to-text somehow turned "second" into "decking".


[deleted] t1_jb3ilje wrote

I used to be a county appraiser in one of those red counties. Glad I dodged that bullet.


schackel t1_jb3ua4u wrote

Why would that be bad out of curiosity?


[deleted] t1_jb5fo7b wrote

It would be bad because the housing list prices in the red colored counties have increased 50% or more, and plenty of people (property owners) assume, incorrectly, that county-wide/taxing-district-wide increases in property value increase property tax collected. More people than should also assume that county appraisers are somehow monetarily rewarded for increases in value. They get very argumentative and angry about it while not understanding the system at all.

It means extra work explaining and defending valuations, while still accomplishing your main tasks of inspecting properties, running sales analysis, and adjusting values, etc.

And, bonus! That extra work? Mostly involves interacting with really angry people who sometimes, though it's a technically a felony, suggest things like: "I got a .45, a shovel, and 40 acres. . ."

I should say that technically list prices don't mean anything to county appraisers, it's the actual sales prices that do. But as a county appraiser, I would have certainly been clenching my butt cheeks in anticipation of what was to come.

edits: Grammar, precision, and decorum.


Ggoodd69 t1_jb6byqp wrote

They’re just doing their jobs appraisers I’ve seen we’re quite nice and one even contacted my dad who is a beekeeper about tax breaks or reductions for being a beekeeper because of the benefit of bees


Ggoodd69 t1_jb6bzfa wrote

They’re just doing their jobs appraisers I’ve seen we’re quite nice and one even contacted my dad who is a beekeeper about tax breaks or reductions for being a beekeeper because of the benefit of bees


schackel t1_jb773i7 wrote

Appreciate the reply - makes sense for sure


anonkitty2 t1_jb4z26j wrote

Red counties are where the average price of residential real estate has gone up more than 50%. This means property tax will go up. This can be a problem for residents in the residential property...


PYHProtectYourHoles t1_jb34b36 wrote

People are really gonna call all the red spots flyover counties but won’t even think about why someone might want to live there 😂


Bull_City t1_jb39488 wrote

I’m from NC and I found this funny when I moved to California for a job. I got made fun of from being from the south, and everyone just hated the south because it was so racist and ignorant (don’t get me wrong, it’s got it’s problems).

But then I’d get asked some ignorant ass shit like if I’d ever been to the ocean. Bitch I live closer to the ocean than you do, open a fuckin map. Or I’d say, California is nice but I could buy a house on a starting salary back home. And they’d just respond “yeah but I’d have to live in NC..” and I’d ask if they’d ever been? To which they’d say no. Yeah ok, well informed opinion there my man.

So most places have lots of ignorance, just the west coast and northeast have ignorant people that have been given a superiority mindset because they have been told that every day the middle and south part of the country is backwards.

My thing is, a place has to have some redeeming quality of 100k+ people decide to live somewhere, wherever that is.


resumethrowaway222 t1_jb3n0fd wrote

If you're in SF and get the south is racist crap just ask them why the train doesn't go to Marin county,


p251 t1_jb442yi wrote

Because of a body of water? Or did you mean their subway… because that goes to Oakland. Read up on gentrification if you want to find out what will happen to Marin if it gets subway access (hint: you will find a new county to call out as proof of racism). San Francisco has many many problems but systemic racism is really far down the list… unlike places in NC as much as you don’t want to hear it


UraniumSpoon t1_jb4bp94 wrote

buddy, Marin county opted out of BART because the people there didn't want "Undesirables" coming to live there. San Francisco has a TON of racism, it's just a different breed than southern racism.


resumethrowaway222 t1_jb44qh6 wrote

>Read up on gentrification if you want to find out what will happen to Marin if it gets subway access

Tell me you don't know Marin without telling me you don't know Marin


Robo_Ross t1_jb6ugab wrote

Have you ever stopped to wonder why we have SF and Oakland set up the way they are? Racism is just as alive in the bay area, folks are just good at NIMBYing the "undesirables" away and making empty gestures.


TMWNN t1_jb3o461 wrote

> But then I’d get asked some ignorant ass shit like if I’d ever been to the ocean. Bitch I live closer to the ocean than you do, open a fuckin map. Or I’d say, California is nice but I could buy a house on a starting salary back home. And they’d just respond “yeah but I’d have to live in NC..” and I’d ask if they’d ever been? To which they’d say no. Yeah ok, well informed opinion there my man.

Now consider what happens on Reddit whenever anything positive about Texas is ever mentioned. The problems with the electrical grid from the bad winter two years ago is nowadays the first go-to, but even had that not happened something else would be.

The terminally online here are basically calling the state's tens of millions, and the many, many thousands that every year move to Texas from elsewhere, all idiots. As if they aren't human beings with agency and the freedom and intelligence to decide that, hey, living in Texas seems like a good idea to me.


Dick_Cottonfan t1_jb3c12k wrote

Spent time in Mooresville and exploring Charlotte, Asheville, did the Smoky Mountain RR train ride, and basically went from Cherokee to Wilmington. Gorgeous goddamn state, and a lot more tolerable than some of the more ‘civilised’ places like NYC, Philly, DC, etc.; nowhere near as armpit-humid in the summer and quite mild in the winter. Ignorant idiots can STFU about NC.

…except for that ‘dooo wuuut?’ response 🤣🤣🤣


Accountforstuffineed t1_jb3cpkl wrote

I've been to North Carolina, I definitely don't want a house in North Carolina lol


Bull_City t1_jb3eewi wrote

Yeah that’s cool man. I don’t even think NC is that great a place (though it’s not bad). But it’s ignorant to entirely write a place off without ever having actually visited. You don’t get a get out of ignorance free card just cuz you grew up in “enlightened” Orange County or Bay Area California is all I’m saying.


myputer t1_jb4nn73 wrote

They might not think they’re enlightened, they might be referring to state politics- some ugly anti-queer legislation outta NC.


King_Arjen t1_jb428aj wrote

North Carolina is lovely, coming from a Wisconsinite who also things Wisconsin is lovely


Jexp_t t1_jb4sl44 wrote


Stinking hot, humid and full of fundies.


Educational-Ebb-2572 t1_jb3x0l6 wrote

You're one of the few. New Yorkers, Californians, everyone is coming here in herds. The problem is they get here and turn it into the shithole they were fleeing. It sucks.


Accountforstuffineed t1_jb5er7d wrote

This is typically a political point, so assuming that's what you're talking about, most of the people moving from those states into red ones are conservatives.


New_Expert7335 t1_jb5xs7w wrote

Oh, don't hate us all in the northeast. There's a massive stereotype of elitism, and there is that in scattered areas, but at least half of us are good folks. I know some wonderful people from NC, Raleigh area, who can vouch for me, if needed 😊


Schrecht t1_jb34nll wrote

No, they're calling whole states "flyover".


PYHProtectYourHoles t1_jb355lq wrote

“Any state that isn’t Northeast or California must suck ! I’ve also never been there before” them probably


Particular_Proof_107 t1_jb3j56t wrote

I live in central Illinois. For the most part the economy wasn’t effect to badly because of the pandemic. We also are not connected to the tech industry in any meaningful way, thus avoiding any effects from the recent economic downturn. Agriculture, healthcare and manufacturing have been doing very well.

Housing prices here have always lagged behind the national average but we are definitely seeing an uptick in values. Nobody is moving because of lack of inventory. Also building new is expensive so it’s not really an option.


_Joe_Blow_ t1_jb4m9rk wrote

I purely came here to ask what the heck was going on with Illinois. Especially given that Chicago had nearly no increase


DanoPinyon t1_jb2x9lm wrote

Why all the red in flyover country?


indyK1ng t1_jb30fwl wrote

There's a few guesses I would make:

  • Remote work migration still in progress
  • A knock-on effect from the migratory wave caused by remote work - people getting priced out of areas moving to even cheaper areas, driving the price up in those areas
  • Investment firms buying up whatever cheap properties they can to use for investment

LoveArguingPolitics t1_jb3czjv wrote

It's more expensive to build in general and new construction is getting ridiculously big and packed with amenities driving the price up.

That would be my guess, less organic and more like a bunch of expensive ass monsters are getting built and dropped on the market


Dwarfdeaths t1_jb3tum6 wrote

It's an increase in productivity of otherwise unproductive locations due to remote work. Rent is set based on the difference between productivity of a location and productivity of the available free alternative (e.g. wilderness). Since home prices necessarily include land speculation, i.e. the rent that could be collected by owning the property, home prices rise too.


LoveArguingPolitics t1_jb4tuyg wrote

This has nothing to do with rent she what you said didn't even exclude what i said... It's a lot less nuanced...

Rich guy moves to country builds big house


Music_City_Madman t1_jb3qve8 wrote

Californians and landleeches. Sometimes both, the dreaded Californian landleech.


Robo_Ross t1_jb6utyb wrote

As a native Californian, can we stop calling these folks Californian? Most of them come to the bay area or LA for a decade, participate in insane NIMBYism while they live here, and fuck off to whatever part of the country they came from once they fill their loot bags. They fuck up our communities by turning them into commodities which price out locals who would like to stay and then go and do the same thing when they return home. Rinse and repeat.


yan_broccoli t1_jb3st52 wrote

10% in my area? You should show 2021 to 2022. Houses went from $65k to $275k+ really quick..... My property taxes tripled....


KevinDean4599 t1_jb4vcky wrote

If you have a small group of homes selling in a county the percentages can jump all over the place. And a house that goes from 100k to 125k looks like a big jump in percentage when it's really a minor amount on a mortgage.


Li2_lCO3 t1_jb5q1eb wrote

That’s not how percentages work


KevinDean4599 t1_jb5wi2s wrote

Reporting percentages tends to be misleading and can sound significant when it isn’t


jamesmaxx t1_jb3sdv7 wrote

looks like the entire Midwest is gentrifying


anonkitty2 t1_jb501jr wrote

A high percentage of it is, anyway. I think I live either near or in a red county, so I have some idea how that might look.


QuanHitter t1_jb45ojd wrote

Whole real estate market’s collapsing but I still can’t afford shit in New York.


saaasaab t1_jb5n2kl wrote

Is this the red wave they were talking about?


SeriousPenguinIssues t1_jb3rvmv wrote

So the red counties are the ones with the house is most likely to drop further in value?


tomtom977 t1_jb3zk26 wrote

Very cool! Maybe a gray basemap would be better for visualization?


TheRustyDonut t1_jb44ddb wrote

What's up with California? Why such a decrease across most counties?


anonkitty2 t1_jb50qza wrote

California has forbidden property tax increases on properties that haven't changed hands for 50 years. (Proposition 8.). Also, many of the blue areas there probably had large forest fires, which means fewer residential properties to tax and some loss in value in what still stands.


AbyssalRemark t1_jb5ler8 wrote

99 to 20 is a very large gap. Maybe like a heat map next time?


MrAssMcMan t1_jb6s5xb wrote

Boy do I love living in California /s


ttaiter111 t1_jb7dvgb wrote

How do I interpret? If red, the middle / upper class are either moving or upgrading?


IJustBlueMyselph t1_jb3tcr6 wrote

This map really did not need any base mapping. It makes it look very busy.


OhRatFarts t1_jb552yl wrote

FYI pretty bad color scheme for color blind people


birdinbrain t1_jb3lbcz wrote

What’s it like living in a place where the counties are just squares? How do you tell the difference between one and the next?


Thee_Sinner t1_jb3qhsh wrote

Theres a sign on the road that says "Now entering ______ County." or something like that.


[deleted] t1_jb30aqh wrote

This is like showing the 2009 stock market recovery and leaving out 07 and 08.

Try showing July 2020 to January 2023.



Tato7069 t1_jb32gxa wrote

Maybe they're just showing the normalization since the boom... Somewhat of a valid point, but not worth a douchy "SMH"


[deleted] t1_jb34qy4 wrote

No, they deliberately picked cut offs for effect. Like the shit articles highlighting homeowner loss in value over 4Q22.

Give context and full story or STFU.


Old_Tomato_214 t1_jb33imo wrote

My name is Kim and I'm excited to be learning about coding. I'm looking forward to creating my own projects and products with code.
