Submitted by leoxwastaken t3_xtkic3 in dataisbeautiful
yetanotheropinion_ t1_iqqdr1l wrote
Not a big tech expert - but doesn't it have a huge effect on the analysis if a company is based in a certain country? I imagine any kind of marketing or IT related testing would happen from within the very same country, therefore leading to a considerable amount of traffic on the website that does not stem from end customers? Anyone who could elaborate on that?
dex3r t1_iqqe1lv wrote
I highly doubt the most popular site in Poland (that isn't a search engine) is It was a popular meme site, but definitely never in the top1, not by a long shot.
According to other sources it's not even in the top 100. Local Ebay equivalents are much, much more popular.
leoxwastaken OP t1_iqqebqf wrote
You can click on the image for higher resolution
AmpersandJovial t1_iqqjw6z wrote
I took years of Spanish in high school and college only to read bancodevenezuela and think "Why does Venezuela want to ban code?"
Etrinix_IU t1_iqrfon6 wrote
sufficient velocity is the most viewed page in Puerto Rico? I'm not Puerto Rican in any sense, but I doubt it's gonna be some tabletop-centric gaming site of all things
[deleted] t1_iqrl4tf wrote
TheCasualParry t1_iqsk4ke wrote
Puerto Rico is full of nerds haha
bamboozled_bubbles t1_iqszi5b wrote
I have so much respect for Wikipedia after seeing this. Being a free service that doesn’t advertise or sell data, and one of the most heavily used sites across the world. Makes me feel good about my annual $10 donation to keep Wikipedia going
veryproactive t1_iqv1u1y wrote
To be fair, it's 4channel, meaning it's the more SFW parts of 4chan.
PinkMonkeyBirdDota t1_irezk0v wrote
How can you not have any data on China and just not even mention it in the article?
I understand not having the data, but at least say why.
iamapizza t1_iqqdcmk wrote
Georgia - 4chan tells me there's a small population online, comprised mainly of edgelords.