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TDoMarmalade t1_ir9dju0 wrote

Yeah, it’s almost as if they made it and don’t want it stolen without credit


Plane_Crab_8623 t1_ircl5f8 wrote

Yep because in your world information and sharing is not of value but ownership, vanity and profit is all that counts.


TDoMarmalade t1_ircwgwk wrote

Yep, because in your worldview, exploitation of the work of others is acceptable and acknowledgement of the effort that goes into procuring and presenting information has no value


Plane_Crab_8623 t1_irdtlc5 wrote

Information is only of any real value if it is shared. Putting paygates on information puts limits on is usefulness and value. Some cannot see the forest for the trees. Using ones life force to leverage nothing but compensation is a misguided absurdity and produces the squalor and inequality of the current economic system.