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IDontWearAHat t1_iumtly8 wrote

Seen many subs post reminders to drive careful on halloween. In the comments was always at least one who took it as a personal attack.


SuckMyBike t1_iunfsod wrote

Carbrain is very weird. Makes people get defensive any time anything negative is said about cars


diox8tony t1_iuohp3v wrote

I'm so good at driving, I would never hit a kid. I'm fine to drive 25 in neighborhoods, elite attention and driving skills.


IAmALostChild t1_iurx6um wrote

I drive 90 in school zones when I’m drunk because I’m so good at everything. Grow up /s


MaxRoofer t1_iuq46fo wrote

Yeah, I wish they wouldn’t, but I’ve walked down the street with many a friend who think it’s the cars job to get out of their way.

Maybe so, but if you get hit and die then I guess your family can win a lawsuit, but obviously not worth it.


GlobalSpread3429 t1_iusaxq1 wrote

Your comment says a lot about what is wrong with car culture


MaxRoofer t1_iusmlua wrote

How do you mean, exactly?That the cars don’t look out for pedestrians or pedestrians think cars should watch out for them?

Also, not sure my comment made sense. I meant to say, I wish cars would watch out for people. But seeing as not all do, people shoul watch for themselves.

I actually hit a person one time. They were texting and walking and I stopped right in front of them, and I kid you not they walked right I to my car.

I could have gone around, but wanted them to learn a lesson. They got mad at me.


GlobalSpread3429 t1_iut1vkr wrote

That drivers don‘t look out for pedestrians.

Or, more fundamentally, how infrastructure is built centered around cars. In a well built neighborhood there is almost no risk of hitting a pedestrian. Both because there is a lot of space dedicated to them and because the road is designed in a way that you can’t really go faster than ~10mph in a car. Slowing things down reduces risk considerably


MaxRoofer t1_iut4ysr wrote

I’ll never get hit by a car while walking. I don’t expect them to look out for me.


GlobalSpread3429 t1_iutggvi wrote

Well you should never expect that someone looks out for you ofc, but obviously the more dangerous your life of transport, the more you should look out for others. And cars are pretty dangerous


GodzlIIa t1_iuvctm1 wrote

You have the right away, unless you IN the way