
davidgrayPhotography t1_jdh978x wrote

This isn't the end of the world. I'm friends with a lot of people who did stuff like that, and they're still here, their parents still love them, they still graduated and got jobs, and overall nothing became of it.

Schools don't like it when you fight, but they're not going to go nuclear on you for doing so either. As long as it doesn't become a regular thing that requires constant intervention, you'll be fine.


davidgrayPhotography t1_j6896zn wrote

Almost certainly, because they would recognize basic parts of the anatomy that they could see or feel on their own / other peoples' bodies, such as arms and legs.

The human body is also really good (almost too good) at picking out faces, so even if you showed someone who had never seen anime before a character like Yugi Muto who has massive eyes, hair not typically seen on a person, and is often seen carrying weird devices on his arm, they'd be able to work out it was human.

You could take this question further by thinking about some hypotheticals. For example, if a person was chained up, facing a solid wall for their entire life (similar to Plato's Cave), and the only things they saw were the shadows of other humans walking past, would the person be able to identify a human by looking at them, based on what features they saw on the shadows? Or would they see the shadow and the person as two separate beings?


davidgrayPhotography t1_j1d1olp wrote

I like to think that in gay relationships, Sir Ian McKellen shows up at your doorstep dressed as Gandalf. He invites himself in and presents the parents with a child over a nice cup of tea. There is no question of where the kid came from, no question of Sir Ian dressed as Gandalf just showing up on your doorstep. There is just a pleasant cup of tea, a child is handed over, and Gandalf just walks out the door


davidgrayPhotography t1_ixk48lm wrote

Try going into a pool and moving around with just your arms. I know it's not quite the same, but you'll find that with the exception of swimming around, you use your legs to push off from walls, control your rotation and such.

In other words, just because you don't walk in space doesn't mean you don't use your legs.


davidgrayPhotography t1_iwg28os wrote

My advice: Prepare to move out as soon as you can, and find some good supportive people to hang around with when you do. If she wants to scream at you for something like this, then you're better off keeping her at arms distance and dealing with her on your terms.

Good luck!