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magnesiumb t1_izok1c8 wrote

What I am seeing here is that Washingtonian Bigfoot goes on vacation to California a lot, but occasionally gets around.


firenance t1_izokc70 wrote

There is a lot of psychedelic use on the west coast. Makes sense to me.


RHINO_Mk_II t1_izp9d9z wrote

Kinda expected Nevada to be above the trend line and labelled.


Accurate_Koala_4698 t1_izpc1x5 wrote

Considering sightings of UFOs and Bigfeet are highest in geographically separated locations we can safely conclude that they are indeed using the UFOs as their primary means of transportation


huitu34 t1_izpf4rl wrote

Interesting data. It would be good to normalize the axes by population size instead of coloring the dots.

Currently we see a positive correlation between the two variables that is confounded by population size. It is hard to deconfound it visually using the color.


fail-deadly- t1_izpjn9e wrote

I am assuming the high number of UFO sightings in CA is a mixture of lots of people, and a decent amount of Air Force bases.


Ok_Frosting4780 t1_izpkrnu wrote

Should've done sightings per capita, otherwise there is a spurious correlation between the two based on population.


Rob636 t1_izppmbz wrote

What are the dots sized by? Population size, too? A little confusing using both color/size to denote that, but only including a legend for one


BunsBeyondBelief t1_izpptka wrote

These are the hard-hitting facts I come here for. No BS-ing around


zoinkability t1_izpsahq wrote

When it’s cloudy over half the year in the part of the state where most people live, it’s hard to spot the UFOs


Sa404 t1_izpwaex wrote

Drugs are affecting Californians in ways we’ll never understand


mhornberger t1_izpy4bz wrote

According to Where the Footprints End, by Cutchin and Renner, Bigfoot sightings and UFO sightings often occur together, or at least in proximity. The idea that Bigfoot is a big hairy ape is just one hypothesis, if the most popular and famous one. But there are a lot of sightings that bleed over into the paranormal.

(I'm not a believer, rather I just find the blurriness of the lines between folkloric 'things' to be interesting.)


Inle-rah t1_izq3h1z wrote

If I’m reading this right, if you filter out the baseline noise, Bigfoot lives in Washington and the rest is just silly.


SumerianProgRocker t1_izqfczx wrote

What if...and I'm just spitballin' here...Bigfoot actually is an alien?? Data seems to point to this possibly...


jules6815 t1_izr7va0 wrote

People like to randomly connect data and act like they have are wizards. Data is beautiful, but data used randomly is ugly.


sidney_rough_diamond t1_izr9qfw wrote

So what I am seeing is Bigfoot flies his spacecraft in California - or do I have this wrong?


Consistent-Soil-1818 t1_izrchgv wrote

If you put the state's latitude in the z-axis, you can probably make a surface plot.


FactoryBuilder t1_izrod8x wrote

If the colour represents population size, what does the size of the circle represent?


kinredditshk t1_izrpa2e wrote

Maybe the UFOs were driven by the Bigfoot.


MrMitchWeaver t1_izskdmg wrote

That population legend is just awful. California has four hundred hundred thousand people?

You couldn't make it millions?


SquareAd4479 t1_izslp5x wrote

Should present data on things that are real