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OP t1_j6i9p1q wrote

All of the data was collected in Excel. I then used Excel to create the tables (with conditional formatting), and used Photoshop to compile everything together into one graphic (inspired by this recent post)!

The 'Fun Facts' were just a quick little analysis I did to give some extra context. I collected the same data in 2021 but never did anything with it, so it was neat to compare 2022 to 2021 in some areas. Also, my flight stats came from myFlightradar24.

The sleep/step data was tracked by Apple Health, but everything else I just entered manually. I had a row in my spreadsheet for each day, and I'd try to fill it in every night (but normally I'd do it once every two or three days, relying on memory).

I actually have over 30 different metrics in the spreadsheet! I didn't include them all in the graphic, but here are some more fun facts from those missing ones:

  • I had 222 showers in 2022 (every 1.6 days), which is double what I had in 2021
  • I had 193 poops in 2022 (every 1.9 days), which is up 38% from 2021
  • I spoke to around 403 people all year (up from 110 in 2021), 333 of which were strangers
  • I watched 30 movies, 5 TV shows, and 6 documentaries
  • I played 15 games (9 Xbox One, 1 Xbox 360, 3 PC, 2 Oculus Quest)
  • I gained 4.6lb all year. My max weight was 212.6lb, and my min weight was 198.8lb

And just some context for myself, I'm 27/M in the West of Scotland. I have a lot of friends/family in the USA and like to visit as much as I can. I couldn't visit at all in 2020/2021, so I was catching up on visits this year, which explains some of the wild differences compared to 2021 (I wasn't away from home at all in 2021). I was studying (from home) up until May, but haven't been doing much since. I'm going to spend most of 2023 travelling around different places before starting work.


t1_j6iqec5 wrote

This is so interesting to me as someone who works with data. What were your biggest personal insights and takeaways?


OP t1_j6ivp01 wrote

Nothing major, just lots of little things! Like I probably shouldn't nap so much, and I shouldn't see flossing as something you only do on weekdays. I drink more than I thought I did, and some of the health issues (like dry eyes) bother me a lot more often than I thought they did.

Comparing 2021 to 2022 was the most interesting part though. It is a bit skewed as in 2021 I was at home all year, and in 2022 I spent a third of the year away from home. But I'm hoping in the future I'll be able to compare one year to the next and spot any big changes.

Although for the most part it is useless information. I just love seeing different stats about myself, so it is fun to keep track of it all.


t1_j6jcbun wrote

I dont understand how adults have time to nap? i have a friend who does it. Im busy all the time!


t1_j6jg1ut wrote

how u are collecting this data? What is your method? dont you forget data entry on daily basis


t1_j6jis9r wrote

This is so cool! You've inspired me to start one for myself! Let's see how long I can keep it up


t1_j6jvgx9 wrote

Not so many sunny days where you live, so you had to travel to get some. But travel correlates with drinking...


t1_j6jvhqo wrote

Nice job ! Its not so easy to keep tracking all these data's everyday.


t1_j6jzepf wrote

Why did you drink one drink so often? A Feierabendbier?


t1_j6k1txx wrote

Does anybody know if this time tracking format has a name ?


OP t1_j6kj8st wrote

Its just all in one spreadsheet. There is a column for each metric, and a row for each day. I try to fill it in every night before bed, but normally I'll do it once every two or three days. It only takes a couple of minutes to fill in!


OP t1_j6kjt1l wrote

I just collect it in a spreadsheet. There is a column for each metric, and a row for each day of the year. I try to fill it in every night before bed, but normally I'll do it once every two or three days. It only takes a couple of minutes to fill in!

Some of the columns I'll only fill in once a week. That is stuff like hours slept and steps taken, where all I do is enter the values on the health app on my phone.


t1_j6kqsem wrote

I don't have time is such a boring excuse for everything.

We all have things to do and only 24h. If you have the option to nap 30 min when you are tired to be refreshes after it is worth it.

If you are more productive you don't have to be as busy.

Somehow people never say they have no time for things they find important. They only can't find the time for things they don't value enough.


t1_j6l1jb6 wrote

I’m sorry, but it’s so funny to me that this is the second chart I’ve seen in a week where someone took the time to record whether or not they flossed instead of literally just flossing.


t1_j6l1wfz wrote

In short, you drink too much, don’t exercise much (5k steps is just pottering around the house - 10k steps is a light walk), you have a large number of days with health issues and you spend quite a bit of time sad…


t1_j6lkbnv wrote

Yea, I came here to say: >We're getting naps now?

I haven't napped or dozed off in years. Maybe I'm doing something right, I used to just randomly fall asleep on the couch in the evenings. I have been off any drop of alcohol for about the same, no reason except I feel it just makes me tired.


t1_j6lq0hm wrote

Is this something you did through an app or id you do it manually? Seeing the fun facts you have also made me think you have an app that does this so I'm super interested

I'm currently using an app called, "Daylio" to track my mood and tasks/habits but it doesn't do alot of what you have recorded....


t1_j6m1vto wrote

My only comment is that you need to floss 365 times. Preferably 730, but I only floss 365, so aim for my mark, then we can both do better.


t1_j6m2bps wrote

Can I recommend a new metric. Success. Every time you feel successful. I’ve been working on this with my therapist as I don’t really celebrate successes I achieve. I just focus on the negatives all the time.


t1_j6mdvkp wrote

Cool data! I was wondering why in September you had 2 good very happy days in a raw and just after, one very sad, And I checked your alcohol consumption, hangover hit hard 🍻


t1_j6mecyp wrote

Can we get a correlation matrix? That would be the most insightful thing to gain from this, IMO?


t1_j6mtj46 wrote

did you use any app to track this, or just simple excel file?


OP t1_j6n3oar wrote

I just did a quick one and there aren't any real surprises. Most interesting was probably the correlation between volunteering and a lack of sleep! It is hard to include all the metrics, as half of them aren't numerical ones. But I'll probably try to do a more in-depth one some day.


OP t1_j6n43vy wrote

Yeah, I got most of my sun away from home this year. From the tropical paradises of Oregon, Alaska, New Jersey, and Virginia. Don't need to bother with Spain or Portugal, just going nearly anywhere else will be a sunny break.


t1_j6n7cqn wrote

you can encode binary as 0 / 1 or -1/+1. There are specific correlation methods for binary data (e.g. MCC), but Spearman or even Pearson Correlation will probably work just fine.

On a non-technical note: I kind of almost expected mood to be correlated with weather :D


OP t1_j6oacxl wrote

In 2021 I was volunteering less, studying more (from home), and didn't go on any holidays. As a result, I only went outside on 129 days. I only really shower before going out somewhere (or having people visit me), so it was linked to that.


t1_j6oe0kf wrote

I’d have to factor in AT LEAST 7 days annually where there are 5+ poops. It’s just biological science that the body needs a super purge from time to time. Super poops for the win.


t1_j6ox9jk wrote

It rains a LOT where you live, damn. No snow either. That'd drive me crazy.


t1_j6p8q01 wrote

I like the direct correlation between not getting 8 hours of sleep and having taken a nap that day