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eric5014 t1_j5vls4f wrote

Well done. It takes a while to compile these. Maybe the bold line between the two Olympic columns was meant to be between the WC and Olympic columns?


Levi_MS OP t1_j5wp8l1 wrote

yeah, unfortunately you often see such things only in retrospect after it is already posted


GranPino t1_j5y17ur wrote

I don’t understand why you included minority versions like 3x3 basketball or softball. They aren’t in the top10 sports. Rugby for example is x3 times the value of being champion in Field Hockey. Actually it looks like considering ice hockey and field hockey the same sport.

But If you are going to do, there are other varieties of football for example five-a-side (futsal) and beach football.

Also surprised team tennis isn’t in the top10


Levi_MS OP t1_j5y38fr wrote

Below the title on the graphic is the reasining:

" incl. all Olympic formats or high probability to be {Rugby League and T20 Cricket} ] "

But I confess that in this regard I also weighed taking only the main formats and leaving out 3x3 basketball + beach volleyball.

I could imagine to combine field hockey + ice hockey under hockey (so to say as two formats of the sport hockey).

Regarding tennis, there are only team sports in this chart and no individual sports, even if they have team competitions there, its not considered as a team sport.

For the definition of team sports I refer to wikipedia:


Bulbchanger5000 t1_j5wkbnk wrote

Me: “The USA is the last gold medalist in Mens Olympic Rugby Union really?”….checks date…last played in 1924….”ah makes a little more sense”


elniallo11 t1_j5yexyt wrote

Yeah that was the last time 15 a side was in the Olympics. 7s is the format that’s played in the current Olympics


Levi_MS OP t1_j5vjcmk wrote

Source: Wikipedia, Sportsbrowser, Worldatlas

  • Pyhton: pandas
  • Excel: for better handling and design of the tables
  • Adobe Illustrator: Graphic Design

tyen0 t1_j5xbrn1 wrote

This might be better for /r/Infographics

Your sources are also super vague. Links would be better so others can see the data.


Grease__ t1_j5vxv8g wrote

For such a small country, Serbia is extremely athletic. 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸


stilusmobilus t1_j5xnrgu wrote

Yeah Serbia are always good no matter what you’re taking them on in. Most Balkans are. Passion. They throw everything including the kitchen sink at you.


TolerantanMomak t1_j61036f wrote

Not to mention weirdly good at waterpolo for a landlocked country


AcademicTwo7209 t1_j5w4gbj wrote

Pretty crazy to see some countries with modest populations contending. Australia for example has at times also held an additional cricket world title (and are currently world #1, which I would argue should be substituted for odi WC) and a hockey or rugby union title


scuac t1_j5xhd8f wrote

How is it “current” when it happened 100 years ago? (GB cricket gold, US rugby gold).


Levi_MS OP t1_j5xwya9 wrote

Nonetheless, they are the current Olympic champions, albeit 100 years ago (USA: 1924 rugby union, UK: 1900 cricket). From then on, these competitions were no longer part of the Olympic program.

But like discussions about the introduction of a rugby league competition for the Olympic Games 2032 in Brisbane (Australia) and T20 cricket competition 2028 in Los Angeles (USA), there is always the possibility of an eventual reintroduction of the former competitions at the Olympics.


egowritingcheques t1_j5w7up2 wrote

England are world champion at cricket in both test and 20/20?! I had no idea.

As an Australian I was pretty confident it wouldn either be us or India. But England?!?! Since when have they been any good at cricket? Shocked.


dw444 t1_j5x9bjj wrote

New Zealand are the test champions. England are the ODI and T20 champions, which still feels weird even though England have been an OK team for about ten years now. I grew up in the 90s and 2000s when England were crappy to the point of being a meme. Got so used to it that it’s still weird to see them not sucking ten years later.


Jolza t1_j5y2x3y wrote

Test champions? Aren’t Australia ranked the number one test team in the world currently?


Stem97 t1_j5ybi21 wrote

There is a test “season” where the two top teams play against each other at the end. New Zealand won the last one (which was the first) against India in 2021. It’s every 2 years, so the next is this year.


Levi_MS OP t1_j5we74f wrote

Unlike Australia (record winner with 5 titles), 2019 was also the first Cricket World Cup triumph for England.

btw. 2023 is the next Cricket World Cup (October - November 2023) in India, then Australia can show again who is the king of the castle ;-)


Hammer_of_Light t1_j5wbvbo wrote

Australia's punching above their weight. I assume it's a result of the Vegemite and koala meat.


Jolza t1_j5y30oq wrote

It’s not a lie to say us Aussies love our sport. Definitely doing alright for our population of only 25 million.


IggyPoisson t1_j5vlzs5 wrote

The missing/varying width of the column dividers is very mentally vexing.


Stlouisken t1_j5w26ww wrote

Cool chart! Thanks for posting.


jsvcycling t1_j5w5vyw wrote

Didn't expect Serbia to be a big volleyball nation but good for them defending the women's title in 2022!


itsniickgeo t1_j5wchdk wrote

Wow, I didn't expect Norway to be so good at men's beach volleyball


Flashy-Log1219 t1_j5vkf2b wrote

Is field hockey really that popular?


wikiot t1_j5voza0 wrote

Estimated 2 billion fans...I know it's big in India and probably to lesser extend other commonwealth nations and Europe


Levi_MS OP t1_j5vs0mc wrote

Field field hockey is quite popular in Western Europe (e.g. Belgium, Netherlands, Germany), USA, Australasia (Australia and New Zealand), but also in South Asia with their large populations Pakistan (population: 231 million) and India (population: 1.4 billion).

Even if the popularity in India (8x gold, 1x silver Olympics from 1928-1980 and last bronze 2020) and Pakistan (3x gold, 3x silver 1960-1984) decreased due to lack of successes in the last 30 years, it is still after cricket a popular national sport in these countries.


However, field field hockey is clearly behind ice hockey in terms of TV viewership.


AZ_RBB t1_j5we0g7 wrote

Saying field hockey is quite popular in Australia is a big stretch. Outside of the Olympics every 4 years the sport gets no coverage at all here.


Levi_MS OP t1_j5whlu3 wrote

I know what you mean. Compared to the other team sports in Australia like Australian Football, Cricket, Rugby (League+Union) and Football (Soccer), Field Hockey is rather far behind.

But it still enjoys a certain popularity, even if the TV coverage is indeed rather poor outside the Olympics, just like here in Europe.


Flashy-Log1219 t1_j5vuvkq wrote

Thanks for the insight OP. It makes a whole lot more sense sense in my western pov now.


MrPrul t1_j5yab7a wrote

No, that’s why we won so many gold medals. Go Holland! 😁


PragmaticIdealism t1_j5wlzcd wrote

The Rugby League World Cup last year was unreal. Australia took it out but watching Samoa was incredible.


Mowensworld t1_j5yb6dz wrote

I think us Aussies are the only ones in the world who take League more seriously than union.


LittleOneInANutshell t1_j5ws8w6 wrote

Two of those top 4 sports are being controlled economically or spearheaded by India. Field hockey and cricket.


deeptull t1_j5x8rsd wrote

Field hockey is such a tragedy. Rules changed around the 80s - expensive astro turf was a must and bigger players got an advantage. Viewership dropped off a cliff - the game got a lot poorer economically and skill wise


thurken t1_j5xthdj wrote

Looks good. Perhaps put only the most popular version of the game instead of all of them to not inflate the medal count when there multiple categories versus one.


Josquius t1_j5y774m wrote

Surprised the US isn't dominating basketball.


SEVARA96 t1_j5ympe7 wrote

In the last men WC they brought a not so good team. Spain as well, arguably, but Ricky Rubio was ridiculous.


Wijnruit t1_j60ps0d wrote

Dividing some sports and not others seems to be completely arbitrary, you have world championships for futsal and beach soccer for instance as well


Levi_MS OP t1_j60uthy wrote

only olympic variants of the main competition are considered here such as Beach Volleyball, 3x3 Basketball, Rugby Sevens and additionally the competitions Rugby League (as Rugby league nines) and T20 Cricket to be introduced with high probability in the Olympics 2032 in Brisbane, Australia


therefore e.g. for Football (Soccer) the non-olympic variants Beachsoccer or Futsal are not considered

It is also briefly mentioned under the title in the graphic.

But I agree that I should have explained this in more detail in a footnote.


philster666 t1_j5xwdg4 wrote

123 year winning streak for Team GB cricket 🙌


FlynmyYT1300 t1_j5yolyl wrote

As an Aussie seeing England dominating cricket is shameful and all efforts must be directed to right this obvious wrong!


porncornroz t1_j6434d7 wrote

Wow didn’t know small country like Lativa has medal in baseball


SuspiciousFastSloth t1_j65a2og wrote

idk why I'm surprised to learn that cricket is the world's second most popular sport


Levi_MS OP t1_j5xvnrf wrote

Nonetheless, they are the current Olympic champions, albeit 100 years ago (USA: 1924 rugby union, UK: 1900 cricket). From then on, these competitions were no longer part of the Olympic program.

But like discussions about the introduction of a rugby league competition for the Olympic Games 2032 in Brisbane (Australia) and T20 cricket competition 2028 in Los Angeles (USA), there is always the possibility of an eventual reintroduction of the former competitions at the Olympics.
