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tatersnuffy t1_iuchaz5 wrote

cause plastic recycling is a lie. it all ends up in the trash, and a lot of trash gets dumped in the ocean.


MoistlyCompetent t1_iucioun wrote

I think this strongly depends on the country you are living in. I am from Hamburg, Germany and pretty sure that plastic from my trash can gets burned. If we put it into the recycling bin it's either used to produce new stuff or ends up in landfills so that future generations can (hopefully) use it to produce new stuff.


MyMudEye t1_iucjpsn wrote

The turtles eat the plastic bags, probably thinking it's a jellyfish. It blocks them up and they die.

How your plastic bag in particular, ends up in the ocean depends a lot on the infrastructure that deals with waste.

A lot of western waste was exported to China for processing, but now goes to less developed countries where the rules may be a little bit lax.


wishsleepwasoptional t1_iucitd1 wrote

Large corporations are mainly responsible for pollution - they’ve managed to create the idea that its up to us as individuals so they can skirt responsibility. However, plastic bags do end up in the sea and turtles eat jellyfish. They see the bags, think it’s dinner and choke to death. Using fewer and reusing plastic bags can reduce the number in circulation.


Flair_Helper t1_iucv9wm wrote

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