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GermanPayroll t1_iye89mf wrote

Your body is normalizing feeling like crap. If you stop drinking for a while and start it again, then the hangovers will come back.


BallardRex t1_iyea0rb wrote

Plus if you go to sleep drunk and wake up with a drink… you won’t be fully hungover, just perpetually drunk. You will as you say, feel like utter crap, but being drunk and feeling like crap is a little foggy.


theamazingjizz t1_iye9dn8 wrote

I can put away a 5th of gin and feel average the next morning, no headache. Just shakey hands

I'm not judging dude, but it sounds like you are starting to have a problem. Putting away a 5th of hard liquor and being fine the next day is bad. Having shaky hands is worse. Just as an experiment, you should try not drinking for 45 days. If you still don't get hangovers, congrats your body chemistry may have changed. If you do get hangovers, you know you have been drinking too much and were most likely damaging your liver and your brain. If you can't stop for 45 days without cheating or it feels impossible ..... then hangovers are not the real issue.


mercilessfatehate OP t1_iye9ku6 wrote

Starting? No sir I’ve had a problem for a long time now lol. Fr though, I’d like to stop but it genuinely frightens me.


lucky_ducker t1_iyelfvg wrote

At your level of drinking, stopping cold turkey can be dangerous, even fatal. Consider seeking out a medically supervised withdrawl management program (they used to be called "detox"). These clinics are physician supervised and usually use low-dose benzodiazapines to wean your brain off addiction.

A lot of these programs like Fairbanks are expensive and require either good insurance or that you have the means to self-pay, but others like Salvation Army Harbor Light Centers will pretty much take all comers.


mercilessfatehate OP t1_iye9nl6 wrote

If I could stop for 45 days I would. And I’d never do it again. But I have a physical dependence tbh


ginga_bread42 t1_iyea92r wrote

If you're at the point that you get shakes from not drinking 1 day, you have to get to a doctor or someone who can walk you through treatment plans. Withdrawal from alcohol is particularly dangerous and can cause seizures. It's not really advisable to try to quit on your own at a certain point.


mercilessfatehate OP t1_iyeacwl wrote

Yeah ik. And I don’t have insurance otherwise I would. I’m hoping next year I can get insurance and then go to detox


iwasmurderhornets t1_iyeel8q wrote

There may be free or low cost detox in your area- if you want. You can call SAMHSA 1-800-662-4357 (HELP) and they can help you find some. It's completely anonymous. You can also try 988- the national crisis line.

Sometimes a doctor can help you with a home detox. Basically, they will give you librium, or another benzo that you can take when you start to get withdrawal symptoms. This is usually the same thing they do in the hospital as well- they'll just monitor your vitals.

You can also try to slowly taper down to like- like, have one less drink a day for a week, and keep going until you hit 10 drinks a day before you quit- but that can be harder to control.

Either way, good luck! Addiction is a bitch but people beat it every day. :)


mercilessfatehate OP t1_iyefj0u wrote

I have slowly tapered down. From liquor to light beer, but then I get to like 3 beers a day and I get super scared to go the rest of the way to 0 and then I get depressed and go back to liquor. Viscous cycle


nrron t1_iye8bnr wrote

The more you drink the more your body can tolerate. This means that your body can take more before you get a hangover. Or, in your case if you’re drinking a 5th of gin in a night, you’re probably not getting sober enough to get a hangover


mercilessfatehate OP t1_iye8ggd wrote

That makes sense. Cuz I sometimes have trouble walking when I wake up lol


DustyRedCar t1_iye8efl wrote

I mean it is like any drug. Your body starts to get used to it and you need more to get even that little high. That is where overdose eventually comes in for a lot of addicts.


mercilessfatehate OP t1_iye8kwz wrote

I’ve overdosed on fentanyl before, 2 times in one week. It was such a surreal experience, very frightening, it changed my life tbh. But it only took one hit that was slightly too big for me to lose consciousness


Ok-Butterfly-5324 t1_iyes2g7 wrote

Did you know you were doing it or did you take something else cut with it?


mercilessfatehate OP t1_iyesbku wrote

Oh I knew. I’d done a bunch of heroin and other opiates, even had fent patches before the whole fent craze started. But this was the first time I’d had pure fent and smoked it. Naturally I’m a dumb fuck who doesn’t believe all the stories and does stupid shit like overdosing twice in a week. But in my defense I’d done a lot of opiates never once had a near death experience cuz I was “safe” so I thought


Escape_Relative t1_iyeyg9t wrote

Dude you admit that you’re an idiot for not taking other people’s advice, and then you continue to not take other people’s advice. What wake up call do you need?


mercilessfatehate OP t1_iyeytf2 wrote

I like to think that’s the duality of man. We’re well aware of the self destruction cycle we are on. But choose to turn a blind eye because it doesn’t benefit us to be aware


Escape_Relative t1_iyezob3 wrote

You’re a smart person with a decent music career. Don’t waste your potential.


mercilessfatehate OP t1_iyf00yk wrote

Isn’t that tradition though? I’m not trying to be a smart ass but that seems to be the way the world works. The more talented we are the younger we die.

I’m not suicidal but I recognize that my life is limited and tbh a part of me thinks that if I die young, I might have a better chance of becoming a legend. I know that’s sick and twisted but it seems to be true


deemandaniels t1_iyeqh6l wrote

I was drinking a quart of vodka a day. I knew it was going to kill me. 16 years sober this coming January. Plese stop, it will be the best thing you ever did.


mercilessfatehate OP t1_iyeqoqw wrote

Congrats man. My birthday is in January. I’ll stop eventually. I’m sure something drastic will happen that will force me, or I’ll die young like I always envisioned. Who can tell? Lmao


deemandaniels t1_iyerd5x wrote

My brother drank himself to death at 53 years old. Yes, it did take something drastic, but I am so glad that I did. Take care.


mercilessfatehate OP t1_iyerqyd wrote

Same to you my friend. I’m 28. I still hope I haven’t done serious damage but who can tell. Sorry for your loss


RandomGogo t1_iyew06q wrote

5th of Jin?.like how much is that generally curious 1/5th of what size bottle?


mercilessfatehate OP t1_iyew6j7 wrote

Oh. Idk bro. It’s a 750ml bottle. Where I’m from we call it a fifth. Not sure why, but that’s just what we call it lol


RandomGogo t1_iyewqlf wrote

Ah you mean the full bottle is called a fifth? If yes that's Alot


mercilessfatehate OP t1_iyex5r2 wrote

Well I don’t consider it a full bottle cuz there are half gallons that are bigger. But yeah a normal size bottle I refer to as a 5th. Tbh I’m curious now why it’s called that lol. It’s just what I’ve always heard and said


Flair_Helper t1_iyeztc7 wrote

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