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frakc t1_j2a07gr wrote

Your question is unclear. All birds walk. Pigeons, chikens etc. Parrots also jumps quite a lot


za6_9420 OP t1_j2a3r66 wrote

Idk all little wild birds I’ve seen don’t walk they jump and I have a pet bird that also never walks only jumps but I used to have budgies and they always walked


Aussie_Mo_Bro t1_j2a4gi2 wrote

Birds that hop around on the ground evolved to be roosting birds.

They spend most of their time in tree branches.

It is not an efficient mode of locomotion, though, so birds that forage on the ground evolved with longer, thicker legs in order to walk.

The trade off is that they aren't as strong or nimble flyers


lumilark t1_j2aw12h wrote

There are other reasons why your budgie might not be great at flying (wings clipped when young, not enough time outside of the cage, etc) but in the wild they are fantastic at flying and can turn on a dime.


za6_9420 OP t1_j2cqm2b wrote

Idk about that i had one budgie who’s wings weren’t clipped after we took it home my bird started chasing it and the budgie kept running into stuff even though I found it outside


lumilark t1_j2dsps8 wrote

There are so many other reasons why that might have happened. Sorry but regardless of your personal experiences with budgies, it doesn't change the fact that they're incredible flyers. Why do you think that a species of birds that depends on flying for survival is bad at flying as a species? That doesn't make any sense. There are plenty of reasons why budgies in captivity may be bad at flying, but in the wild the reasons are much fewer in number.