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TurboThrobber t1_j5zwjrj wrote

'ped-' relating to "foot" is from Latin 'pēs', gen. 'pedis'. 'ped-',

'paed-', relating to children is from Ancient Greek 'pais', genitive 'paidos'

The word is actually paedophile but that was too difficult for Americans to spell.


Iyagovos t1_j5zwkr3 wrote

No, ped- means child in Greek, where as ped- means foot in Latin. Different root words for different subjects.


justlookingforajob1 t1_j5zxbx8 wrote

One is greek and one is latin. I once offered a foot massage to a girl who was not a native English speaker and she asked if I was a pedophile. I assured her I was not. 20 years married now.


dr_xenon t1_j5zxock wrote

It’s like carbon dioxide and sodium bicarbonate. Bi and do both mean two in Greek or Latin.

We should start a movement to change bicycle to dicycle. But then it would get shortened to “dike” and that might cause problems.


bob_in_the_west t1_j5zzsmg wrote

After reading /u/TurboThrobber 's comment:

In German this is more obvious because it's "Pedometer" and "Pädophiler" (ä = ae).

A "Pedophiler" in German would actually have a foot fetish.