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skizzybwoi t1_j62f9lj wrote

It could depend on age and how much exercise you get. Younger folks who exercise can sleep late one night and be fine the next. A 40 year old who hasn’t worked out in a decade will have trouble readjusting.


BackRowRumour t1_j63017q wrote

Shut up! You're not my real dad!


EasterBunnyArt t1_j63kn4s wrote

Go eat some fruit and go for a 30 minute walk.

And while we are on the subject, damn it Timmy clean your room and take a shower!

  • definitely not a dad.

SkyWizarding t1_j63pi20 wrote

This. Never really had an issue with sleep schedule until my workout routine dipped after having a kid and I'm in my early 40s