Submitted by stayawayfrommeinfj t3_110wbd3 in food
stayawayfrommeinfj OP t1_j8bfu0h wrote
It’s cream cheese, sugar, vanilla, peanut butter, and chopped Reese’s cups. I think cheese balls are a Midwest thing 😂
BananaBean13 t1_j8bh5cb wrote
It looks so perfect!
optidave1313 t1_j8bi4z4 wrote
Yeah, the "cheese" and not "cream cheese" threw us. Sounds really interesting and tasty.
sweet_jones t1_j8bjq08 wrote
Interesting! Is there any chance you'd post what the inside looks like?
PerserveringLove05 t1_j8bkns6 wrote
I can like it now that I know it's cream cheese
smokeyfantastico t1_j8bkwlj wrote
Not even enough for one person lol
keithnyc40 t1_j8blndt wrote
Can you make me one looks amazing
DotSnk t1_j8bmlar wrote
What the fuck
drewismynamea t1_j8bn3vq wrote
It's a dessert cheese ball, hahahaha!
TheBeanofbeans t1_j8bn47a wrote
I am officially high enough for this.
Sophonov t1_j8bnef6 wrote
What did you use to dip into it? Looks like it’d be really good
stayawayfrommeinfj OP t1_j8bnnyc wrote
Inside of the cheeseball This is what it looks like when it’s been dug into a little bit
stayawayfrommeinfj OP t1_j8bnpqn wrote
Nilla wafers or graham crackers!
stayawayfrommeinfj OP t1_j8bnxym wrote
I made a savory one for new years. It was cream cheese, cheddar, ranch and bacon
sweet_jones t1_j8bo6sc wrote
Thank you, I get it now and that looks awesome
comebocalmball t1_j8bond2 wrote
I really want to make one, how much of each?
[deleted] t1_j8bpebb wrote
stayawayfrommeinfj OP t1_j8bpu0q wrote
I would love to!
stayawayfrommeinfj OP t1_j8bpy0g wrote
Thank you!
remberzz t1_j8bpyz8 wrote
Peanut butter, sugar, vanilla and chopped Reeses sounds good.
But with cream cheese? No, thank you.
Tnewman54 t1_j8bsh1j wrote
Heck, even regular Ritz crackers would be good.
flash17k t1_j8btwx4 wrote
So...a Reeses PB cheesecake ball?
AdaMan_ t1_j8bu750 wrote
Can we see a cut section?
finlyboo t1_j8buvd3 wrote
That’s enough Reddit for today
stylish_aggie t1_j8buwi3 wrote
Yeah see, thats something along the lines of whay I'm familiar with. Only had it tried it once ir twice. Never even considered a dessert cheeseball, that's awesome.
[deleted] t1_j8bv9wy wrote
Yetmcgret t1_j8bw8m7 wrote
It would only make it more like a cheesecake
kupofjoe t1_j8bwbdd wrote
I mean to each their own but peanut butter cheesecake is pretty banger, sounds extremely similar in taste profile, especially since OP said graham crackers were the dipping tool
remberzz t1_j8bwnmt wrote
Is peanut butter cheesecake an actual thing?!?? Yuck!!
kupofjoe t1_j8bwy8e wrote
Yes…even a lot of grocery stores will sell a variety cheesecake in their bakery section with a slice of classic, a slice of oreo or chocolate, a strawberry or cherry slice, and a peanut butter slice. Very typical flavor.
girl_canada t1_j8bxi9s wrote
Ah I see, so like a chocolate cheesecake! Makes sense now lol
*Btw chocolate cheesecakes are one of my fav
PDXalreadtused t1_j8bxx77 wrote
This needs more than one pic..
Hoodbilly420 t1_j8bxy0r wrote
It looks so good,I would just eat it with spoon
CocoBlue106 t1_j8by5n7 wrote
It looks so smooth, I almost licked my screen😋
stayawayfrommeinfj OP t1_j8byscf wrote
AdaMan_ t1_j8bywvl wrote
Oohhh, chocolaty. What do you spread it on?
PDXalreadtused t1_j8bz40l wrote
Very nice, looks tasty, thanks!
BatmansBigBro2017 t1_j8c0xi0 wrote
Reminds me of that episode of Star Trek: TOS with Clint Howard.
[deleted] t1_j8c13sv wrote
this needs to go on r/unpopularopinion
Kingsen t1_j8c17g0 wrote
Ginsinclair t1_j8c1kze wrote
Pretzel thins would be solid too
Ginsinclair t1_j8c1omk wrote
Recipe plz!!
Veltoc t1_j8c1vuj wrote
Adventurous_Crazy335 t1_j8c236b wrote
cheese as a dessert is quite interesting for me (unique combination).
Shortlemon4 t1_j8c235k wrote
So pretty much a cheesecake ball
alderheart90 t1_j8c33ot wrote
DaprasDaMonk t1_j8c38r7 wrote
Cafeteria-Fraiche t1_j8c3cth wrote
Time to deliver a Reese’s Ball!
remberzz t1_j8c3zmq wrote
I've obviously led too sheltered a life.
kupofjoe t1_j8c47i4 wrote
You may have had other sweet desserts where cream cheese was a key ingredient without realizing it. Ever had red velvet or carrot cake? The white frosting is cream cheese frosting.
remberzz t1_j8c5bve wrote
Hmmm. Now I have interesting questions to explore. I love plain cream cheese. I would eat it just by itself. But I don't like fruit cream cheeses because I don't like sweetness mixed with it.
I adore carrot cake, but usually scrape off the frosting. Again not caring for the sweet cream cheese.
Not a fan of red velvet.
I make peanut sauces at home using peanut butter. I might use soy sauce, honey, ginger or any combination.
But alas, I still can't imagine peanut butter and cream cheese. No tangy peanut butter and no sweet cream cheese. I'm going to leave that for the rest of you.
hernerrrrr t1_j8c69zx wrote
Hi officially high enough for this, I’m dad
m3lni1ee t1_j8c707n wrote
The colors are so perfectly patterned. My ocd loves it
MaxREtteUnit t1_j8c72z4 wrote
OCD much?
MurkyZaZu t1_j8c7bar wrote
"Cheese." - James May
Adeep187 t1_j8c80h1 wrote
What the fuck?
How do you eat this?
I value the effort into the pattern, it's so lined up.
thatredheadedchef321 t1_j8c9ubq wrote
That is the most satisfying thing I’ve seen today
Thundahcaxzd t1_j8cbhym wrote
I hate america so much
FnkyTown t1_j8cbwej wrote
I'm not suicidal, but this just might kill me.
n0t1imah032101 t1_j8cccdr wrote
I was imagining just a ball of cheddar at the center of this...
JGT1234 t1_j8ccdky wrote
Thoughts and prayers for your current struggle
[deleted] t1_j8cchw6 wrote
Breffest t1_j8ccien wrote
Now imagine it with cottage cheese
Kittenking13 t1_j8cdly4 wrote
Pimento 😋
lopedopenope t1_j8ce1ut wrote
I would hate having to place those so bad. Then mess it up in the process of switching out colors.
dartheavader t1_j8cfpde wrote
bubennn t1_j8cgat3 wrote
Is it a cup or is it a ball? We will never know.
redquailer t1_j8cgl4a wrote
You did a really nice job 🟠🟡🟤
hashtagsmcgee t1_j8cgsze wrote
This is really pleasing to look at.
homelessdreamer t1_j8ch9nx wrote
The thing about Reeses Peanut butter Cup flavored things for me is that Reeses are good because of the balance of rich flavors and size. Everytime I have a Reeses flavor desert I can only eat approximately the volume of a few Reeses before the richness over comes my desire to continue. Which I find weird because I can eat a giant bag of Reeses with out issue.
Judic22 t1_j8ci3zf wrote
tkrr t1_j8cistj wrote
Everybody’s so creative!
MJ_1306 t1_j8cistv wrote
thank you so much for this l will be making it tonight 💕🤩
herebecauseimhungry t1_j8cjpzl wrote
Would like to try this with cheddar
UnHairyDude t1_j8ckwl0 wrote
If I eat this, I'm afraid that I'm gonna scream and run around the house all day long.
notquitecockney t1_j8cls8j wrote
I want it with brunost …
[deleted] t1_j8cly1p wrote
Jedimaster996 t1_j8cmksg wrote
We don't think about you at all
idratherbeintamriel t1_j8cmzqb wrote
I have never heard of a cheese ball
BetterMetalChef t1_j8cqk93 wrote
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
canadas t1_j8cqkwq wrote
You don't have to, but I bet you are paying tax dollars for military operations there to make billionaires richer while you pay the price
Maybe you should start thinking?
Jedimaster996 t1_j8cr016 wrote
Pay the price for what? To go to college for free, have my healthcare and retirement taken care of for me and my family for the next 80 years after retiring at 38 in a cushy tech job that the government paid for to train me in?
Oh the humanity.
MorriePoppins t1_j8cs843 wrote
Maybe a Southern thing, too. We know all cheese balls are not savory!
EDIT: absolutely flabbergasted by the number of replies that are either unfamiliar with dessert cheese balls or with cheesecake as a concept in general lol
wingspan91 t1_j8csdkh wrote
Ha, whey...
wOlfLisK t1_j8csqkj wrote
Cheddar would be one of the better ones for this. Can you imagine if it used gorgonzola or stilton?
[deleted] t1_j8cszco wrote
Adeno t1_j8cu8eo wrote
Very cute and perfect!
DampBritches t1_j8cu8ri wrote
Oooh piece of candy
tankflykev t1_j8cvjxu wrote
Looks like an old London tube seat.
[deleted] t1_j8cwaun wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cy6hj wrote
NukeWarz t1_j8d00kt wrote
what fucking america do you live in??
ShaitanSpeaks t1_j8d0bc4 wrote
I LOVE reeces pieces and cheese, but I don’t know how I feel about this.
dextrovix t1_j8d3010 wrote
And for someone like me with a bit of OCD, I love the symmetry!
TheThreeMuscleteers t1_j8d44y8 wrote
Wait, brunost is a thing outside of the Nordics?
notquitecockney t1_j8d47io wrote
Ha ha. No. It’s not a thing outside Norway afaik.
But I buy it in London.
TheThreeMuscleteers t1_j8d4ira wrote
It's sort of a thing in Sweden and Denmark as well, not sure about Finland. Just had no idea it was available anywhere else, the more you know.
notquitecockney t1_j8d4l3q wrote
It’s not actually available in London, I think I’ve seen it at one cheese store and mostly at the scandi shop.
TheThreeMuscleteers t1_j8d4wa6 wrote
Haha oh okey that explains it.
realMehffort t1_j8d5wiw wrote
It’s far better in the original cheddar
caffeinejunkie123 t1_j8d6h8m wrote
Agreed. I’d have to nope out on this. But to each his own! You did a great job with the decor 👍
princess_cupcake72 t1_j8d89ro wrote
I’m thinking powdered sugar just like a Ohio Buckeye candy.
ConnieLingus24 t1_j8dbyyv wrote
What is the delivery system for the “cheese”? Cookies?
Nm: you mentioned it’s nilla wafers or Graham crackers.
RaddyBaddy t1_j8dcnf3 wrote
Listen... You gotta hear me out...
Thundahcaxzd t1_j8deha4 wrote
> I bet you are paying tax dollars for military operations there
they definitely are, because I am also american lol
Memer_boiiiii t1_j8df2pl wrote
Question: why would you make this?
stayawayfrommeinfj OP t1_j8dicg4 wrote
My husband loves it and asks for it on special occasions
anubis647 t1_j8diyss wrote
You would dip cookies or graham crackers into it and scoop the cream cheese base. There are also savory ones and you generally use crackers. It's kind of like a dip.
anubis647 t1_j8dj2z4 wrote
Just in case you were confused like some others in the replies, it's cream cheese like in a cheesecake, not cheddar or something.
exceptionthrown t1_j8dnux7 wrote
The Sonic the Hedgehog bonus "3d" zones were a lot of fun!
stayawayfrommeinfj OP t1_j8dnzsi wrote
Jedimaster996 t1_j8doqnk wrote
Referring to the military, where that's literally been my job from experience.
thecaledonianrose t1_j8dsd0s wrote
You are one incredibly patient person, OP - not sure I'd have the wherewithal to place all of those candies.
Simple-Wrangler-9909 t1_j8e7aji wrote
Feeta cheese
sabrooooo t1_j8e8hoq wrote
Right? Let me take back my downvote and upvote it lol
SageTegan t1_j8eam1s wrote
Wait... cheese? Like the cheese that goes on grilled cheese?
bigfootmydog t1_j8eapg8 wrote
Woah woah woah the Midwest does not claim this godless creation as a Michigander this is definitely something a Wisconsinite would do
stayawayfrommeinfj OP t1_j8eclaq wrote
Wisconsin is definitely part of the Midwest. So is Michigan. I’m from Minnesota and have family in Iowa and we enjoy cheese balls!
stayawayfrommeinfj OP t1_j8ecrt0 wrote
No it’s cream cheese! Think cheesecake
SageTegan t1_j8edyqk wrote
TorpidNightmare t1_j8ei9ml wrote
We can get it here in the US at specialty shops now.
coolcootermcgee t1_j8eoam8 wrote
It looks..handled
ilive2lift t1_j8ern04 wrote
Gunna need that recipe
mostly_browsing t1_j8ertk9 wrote
That makes more sense, I was about to call the police
yiannistheman t1_j8ev6qm wrote
Does it basically taste like a cheesecake mixed with Reese's?
supreme100 t1_j8ew8s6 wrote
welcometolavaland02 t1_j8eyx6m wrote
Cheese ball?
hanatheko t1_j8f45ym wrote
Why is the cheese brown? Is it flavored?
hanatheko t1_j8f4ams wrote
.. why is the cheese brown? Not being rude, just wondering.
Piggy-love-45 t1_j8fg8ng wrote
And thus the quote from John Tron one of each please
InnocentTailor t1_j8fi1zr wrote
This is more acceptable. I was thinking of…you know…other types of cheese.
polomarkopolo t1_j8fotza wrote
You had me in the first half… not gonna lie
Affectionate-Tea-975 t1_j8fpti6 wrote
I was like hold up for a sec, then saw your comment haha
stayawayfrommeinfj OP t1_j8frfz7 wrote
It’s cheese cream, powdered sugar, vanilla and peanut butter which gives it the color
JRocFuhsYoBih t1_j8fzge1 wrote
I’m from Chicago and I’ve never heard of a cheese ball like that
RiverS0ng21 t1_j8hdzql wrote
Is so pretty! No but really... That is super satisfying just to look at. It's perfection. Well done!
drewismynamea t1_j8bfmxb wrote