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whoeve t1_jdn5ve3 wrote

I for one appreciate the broccoli here. I'm not a fan of meals where every component has grease elements.


ahpuchthedestroyer t1_jdn9uvj wrote

OP is doing it right. See how the broccoli are a little charred...


whoeve t1_jdnapcx wrote

That's for sure. Sauteed or roasted broccoli is amazing


OuidOuigi t1_jdneqa9 wrote

My favorite is throwing whole skinned carrots on the grill and splash of balsamic vinegar after you take them off. So easy to do when the grill is already hot.

Can eat a whole bag of carrots by myself that way.


iMac_Hunt t1_jdpxpad wrote

I find it annoying that you can't get things like broccoli at burger joints. Just everything on the menu has to be a greased-up carb-bloating mess. I'd totally order this.


dinklebot2000 t1_jdqg6xm wrote

I would love it too but for most burger places it just wouldn't make sense financially. French fries are just significantly cheaper and easier to store than broccoli.


102aksea102 t1_jdng409 wrote

Same, same. Burgers and broccoli go great together!


pjs036 t1_jdn4yo6 wrote

And a Duff?


Vithejo t1_jdmu46j wrote

I strongly recommend to avoid green fries!


Lazlo8675309 t1_jdndaod wrote

I can’t I have fries due to blood pressure meds that increase potassium levels, so I have to have alternative sides. It sucks everything good has potassium.


loosed-moose t1_jdn5t02 wrote

Love the fibrous green on the plate. Help you pass that gorgeous burger in the morning.


h2man t1_jdnobk3 wrote

More places should serve broccoli as a side. That looks delicious.


WindomEarly t1_jdnofy2 wrote

Is that energy shot an appetizer? Skidden🥴👌🏻 Great looking meal! Dig that Simpson beer glass


newerdewey t1_jdn27zh wrote

turn the heat up on that broccoli


3dank4me t1_jdnghyh wrote

Talk to me about the mad American shit you do to your broccoli.


ReptarOrgy t1_jdoanfg wrote

I'll legit eat broccoli with anything. It's the best


D_ROC_ t1_jdplm85 wrote

Mmmmmmmmmmm bacon jalapeño cheeeeeseburger…. DOH! (annoyed grunt)


rysker6 t1_jdod5qz wrote

The broccoli makes this a healthy meal


Rhendricks t1_jdodn97 wrote

Man, that looks amazing. My crohn's digestive system could never.


echo_dub t1_jdoeu0d wrote

I would like to be invited over to enjoy that deliciousness.


MovieBuff90 t1_jdoip74 wrote

Mmm…bacon jalapeño beer cheese burger…

Also, nice glass.


SFRoussimoff t1_jdousds wrote

I see you added broccoli for extra alliteration


Brutalbonez13 t1_jdprpw9 wrote

Pretzel bun would set this thing off.

Looks good OP!


RustBucket- t1_jdpxezt wrote

I love brocolli but I don't think it goes well with burgers imo. But the burgers still look good though.


forwardAvdax t1_jdmw2v7 wrote

I lol'd at the brocoli.

A diet coke too, eh?


onefst250r t1_jdn0w89 wrote

You know how you got the 6 piece nuggets? Just take the 6 nuggets, and throw 2 of them away.


al0ttttt t1_jdmy37i wrote

The calorie equivalent of "carbon offsetting".


fvelloso t1_jdmz59v wrote

This is correct. Net calories from this meal are zero.


Piddy3825 t1_jdn57f3 wrote

I can really appreciate the burger, but who in their right mind would pair a burger
like that with fucking broccoli??? smh...


puddncake t1_jdna1j2 wrote

I'm thinking beer cheese, broccoli, probably from Wisconsin. We love cheese and beer. Culver's offers really good broccoli as a side option. Seriously though, that burger looks so good.


Piddy3825 t1_jdnc9v2 wrote

I could see a beer/cheese crunchy broccoli side dish, but that was just straight up plain steamed broccoli. no thanks
