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drillgorg t1_je5upd1 wrote

There's a pizza place my wife and I frequent called Fratello's, but we call it Felatio's as an inside joke. We have had some close calls with saying it accidentally in front of people.


AlloyComics OP t1_je5vz53 wrote

I feel like hubby and I would get along with the two of y'all.


LorenzoStomp t1_je96hv4 wrote

We call mozzarella sticks cheesedicks. I have to watch myself when ordering.


CRO553R t1_je5hlmd wrote

I tricked my wife into loudly declaring, "I LIKE SAUSAGE" at a family event.


AlloyComics OP t1_je5jn4v wrote

Well, who doesn't like sausage?!


Chucklepus t1_je8h8bu wrote

My German wife hates sausage and beer. Seems like false advertising.


The_One_Nut t1_je58mez wrote

Should have brought it to him covered in mayo


AlloyComics OP t1_je58vhm wrote

How did you know he hates mayo?!? TBH, I was too busy chuckling myself to think of a revenge plot, but that's a good idea!


wubbbalubbadubdub t1_je5apne wrote

They were implying that mayo looks like something that could potentially be involved in a 69.


AlloyComics OP t1_je5b931 wrote

OMG, hahaha, that went right over my head. Brilliant, really.


bgrubaugh t1_je5en68 wrote

Don't most things go over your head though? Or at least out of arms reach.


AlloyComics OP t1_je5ew18 wrote

Sigh, okay, you got me. I am indeed very vertically challenged. ;p


bgrubaugh t1_je5f1ep wrote

I never thought I would ever get the chance to tell you this directly, but I absolutely adore your comics. They bring me great joy.


AlloyComics OP t1_je5he9e wrote

Awww, thank you. Was the Joy pun intended? And I love talking to readers. If you want to directly interact with me, commenting on the posts under my profile (instead of bigger subs) would pretty much guarantee a response.


bgrubaugh t1_je5hxkb wrote

100% intended. I thought about saying "Joy something" but didn't want to be too on the nose.


AlloyComics OP t1_je5k19c wrote

Hahaha, I see what you did there. Good callback.


Dottsterisk t1_je5hur1 wrote

Damn. Straight from 0-60 screaming at the employee…


AlloyComics OP t1_je5jv7k wrote

Exaggerated for the comic, but I did have to repeat it loudly because the restaurant was quite noisy.


Supreme_Gubzzlord t1_je5s7ml wrote

You're getting a lot of negative comments but I liked it 👍


guy30000 t1_je7qffn wrote

I sent my wife to pick up food. I put the name in as "herName Smellybutt" . She approaches and says "Pickup order for hername"". To which the casher enthusiastically greated " oh hello Mrs. Smellybutt". All in the restorant busted out laughing. Including the customers who seemed to have been let in on the humorous name that had come through.


AlloyComics OP t1_je7zhaf wrote

Hahaha, nice! Sometimes I'll use "Asian Girl" as the pickup name and see if they'll say it out loud. ;p


MuthaPlucka t1_je5cm29 wrote

Respond in kind with a request for Asian dipping sauce for the Gyoza/dumplings: cream of Sum Yang Gai.


AfterAardvark3085 t1_je8g1fb wrote

What kind of fool wouldn't understand that you mean "66" without asking to repeat?


ice_munkey t1_je6g4ls wrote

I love Cabo Bob's. I like the XXTRA HOT 66 Sauce!


AutoModerator t1_je588fo wrote

>This is a friendly reminder to read our rules. > >Memes, social media, hate-speech, and pornography are not allowed. > >Screenshots of Reddit are expressly forbidden, as are TikTok videos. > >Comics may only be posted on Wednesdays and Sundays. > >Rule-breaking posts may result in bans. > >Please also be wary of spam. >

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


IanAlvord t1_je5lr6n wrote

Oh, Route 66! Right?


LordRaeko t1_je5u1jf wrote

Yea wtf is up with the negative comments on this post. Who did you piss off?? lol


drillgorg t1_je5vtvz wrote

She's a frequent poster and the comics often are about her kid or are "not funny" so there are some redditors who immediately start throwing shade when they see her posts no matter whether the comic is funny or not.


Omnizoom t1_je6ac7s wrote

A huge portion of redditors do hate kids so that checks out


urwallpaperisbad t1_je5mq9r wrote

How much do u pay for reddit upvotes and comments?? Been seeong you spam these unfunny commics for the past week or so it's sad


AlloyComics OP t1_je5nqmm wrote

Hahaha, I wish I had the money to pay for upvotes! But no, sometimes the truth is much more boring than the conspiracy theories.


Guyincognito4269 t1_je7g5ra wrote

Frankly, this is the first time I've seen your work, and I can relate. Love your stuff.


Proof_Extension_7554 t1_je61mdf wrote

Who knows, maybe some people actually find her funny? And if you dont, alr, thats fine. But when you go and hate on someone bc you dont find them funny, thats when it becomes wrong. You could just, go about your day. Idk, just a thought.


Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_je5gz6d wrote

I'm so tired of people with artistic ability thinking they could be comic artists but they really have no humor or material worthy of presenting to an audience


AlloyComics OP t1_je5jhp1 wrote

I'm sorry to disappoint you even further, but I'm not the artist. Sounds like you don't enjoy my stories, but you like my artist's work. Her name is Nohra Johnston and she goes by Deenosars on IG and Twitter if you want to check out her other work!


urwallpaperisbad t1_je5n00f wrote

It's just an ad I've been seeing this garbage spammed on this sub for the past week literally none of them have even been close to being funny. Buying upvotes/comments I'm guessing.
