Wickedocity t1_j6bl5gz wrote
I hope I am that old and alive one day.
Tooleater t1_j6bldpy wrote
I thought this was a trailer for The Walking Dead
im_a_dick_head t1_j6bm9k8 wrote
That's quite disturbing
thelottz t1_j6bmfwu wrote
"Yes master, I've found the right kind of flesh to cover the book in."
yshuduno t1_j6bmggu wrote
Kid thinks the skin is silly putty.
pinamungajan t1_j6bmjy4 wrote
LineChef t1_j6bmky0 wrote
Gross! I can’t believe their wearing white after Labor Day…
thesykemyth t1_j6bmsgr wrote
That's quite the elasticity.
yblame t1_j6bnrll wrote
Bless this old lady for laughing. Watching your young flesh slowly sink to skin and bone takes many years of living a life of laughter and heartbreak and seeing your family get bigger while losing your brothers and sisters and it's a whole convoluted thing. That lady earned that skin she's living in and she knows what she looks like. Lets not make fun
kalei50 t1_j6bnu6x wrote
"Gamma you better moisturize." 😳
kbeckerburbs4 t1_j6bo6yd wrote
Grandma related to Freddy Krueger?
raynegro t1_j6bod2b wrote
This is obviously and poorly photoshopped
[deleted] t1_j6bonub wrote
Few-Law-9534 t1_j6bp01b wrote
This should be in oddly terrifying
TheFirstSophian t1_j6bpyfx wrote
The Toddling Dead
Carbon_Based_Copy t1_j6bq3mv wrote
Thanks I hate this
WornInShoes t1_j6bqemd wrote
David Cronenberg could only hope for such elasticity
Lavasioux t1_j6bqi70 wrote
Wuz like he wuz wearin an Edgar suit.
HelixDraxzonyx t1_j6brtya wrote
I knew someone would make this reference. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was reminded of that.
SirRipOliver t1_j6brv1v wrote
Somebody get Gran Gran some water fast!!
HelixDraxzonyx t1_j6brx3s wrote
I need to chug a few gallons of Unsee Juice right about now.
McDropshot t1_j6brxy8 wrote
Pretty cool comment till that last sentence, ya buzzkill
[deleted] t1_j6bsv0o wrote
[deleted] t1_j6btksz wrote
Appropriate-Act-6218 t1_j6btn0e wrote
Ay yo...get that kid to safety... Grandma look sus
TheWolfG0d t1_j6btslr wrote
He almost revealed her true reptilian form!
ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyye t1_j6bu7bp wrote
Her mouth at the top looks straight out of the Mandela Catalogue
Rahul-Nadig t1_j6bug0b wrote
Shit! I just finished watching ‘The taking of Deborah Logan’. It’s as if Reddit knows what to feed me.
ChondroArt t1_j6buouf wrote
Apply it to a comic and make a transfer like silly putty.
Notagenyus t1_j6bw33f wrote
FlacidBarnacle t1_j6bw6z3 wrote
That has to be AI 😳
DownvotesInbound t1_j6bwjvf wrote
Imagine the amount of leather you could make out of her.
joedasee t1_j6bwk6l wrote
Imagine seeing this while you're tripping.
genivae t1_j6bxm7u wrote
Is it? A lot of us with connective tissue disorders have super stretchy skin like this due to defective collagen. Combine that with the skin changes age brings to everyone, and you get something like the above picture.
SallyMcSaggyTits2 t1_j6bxoii wrote
I came here to say she looks like a Fucking alternate
FreshBakedButtcheeks t1_j6bxqc7 wrote
Oh no. This is why NSFW tags exist.
KingGeorgeIVE t1_j6bxxjq wrote
Her whole arm is gonna be purple
Petal_Chatoyance t1_j6bz3eg wrote
This is what you have to look forward to, kid. Welcome to earth.
dmcdan8 t1_j6bzoh4 wrote
The crawling dead
Pushed-pencil718 t1_j6bzyy8 wrote
I think by the time you reach her age, you no longer give a crap what people say or think about you lol
Wahey_of_WA t1_j6c0elx wrote
That's gonna leave a mark.
External_Recipe_3562 t1_j6c0ibi wrote
That's probably great grandma or great great grandma.
_Esquilax_ t1_j6c1bui wrote
you can make two gandmas and a dwarf with that amount of skin
Balls_DeepinReality t1_j6c1d4k wrote
Dude if I was made of play dough I’d let all my grand, or great grand kids pull on that shit.
Maybe even spend half my own day doing it.
theding081 t1_j6c1isn wrote
Made my brown eye which...ick
orc_urinal t1_j6c294r wrote
I didn't know Nancy Pelosi had grand children.
[deleted] t1_j6c2ki9 wrote
ZackJamesOBZ t1_j6c3at8 wrote
He's coming to grips with old age.
AggravatingBranch210 t1_j6c3zr5 wrote
That. Is. Terrifying
pzzia02 t1_j6c4esn wrote
[deleted] t1_j6c4gon wrote
Mountain_Sorbet_4063 t1_j6c4jh7 wrote
He wearing a human suit 🤪
hot_diggity_dang_ t1_j6c5dd6 wrote
Wonder what other parts on her are that stretchy 😏
rameneater23 t1_j6c5drd wrote
Good lord, that baby pulling out a demon.
OddCatx t1_j6c5n17 wrote
Why is she stretchy tho
e-buddy t1_j6c68vu wrote
His grandma is stretch Arnold!? Wow
[deleted] t1_j6c68y9 wrote
360walkaway t1_j6c6k1l wrote
I was thinking Imhotep right before he absorbs someone's soul.
HouseOfPanic t1_j6c6obx wrote
- r/skyrim Draugr enters the chat *
Brithmark t1_j6c70eh wrote
That’s going to bruise
Summonsun t1_j6c7frp wrote
damn bet i could stretch those pussy flaps all the way around my head
Cold_Pomelo3274 t1_j6c7tln wrote
Nanna’s made from Silly Putty.
depressed_fatcat69 t1_j6c7x5s wrote
Grandma less behavior
ProductEconomy t1_j6c7zan wrote
I think this is AI generated
jmido8 t1_j6c8h7j wrote
Grandma passed the window pane test :)
ghostninja- t1_j6c8mvn wrote
Oh god
Stunning-Pomelo1316 t1_j6c95lo wrote
Use the T.H.I.N.K principal
jorgelino_ t1_j6c9tvo wrote
"Bless her for laughing and living a life of laughter. That being said, let's not laugh."
Doom4824 t1_j6caqu5 wrote
69th comment
Glittering-Ad-5769 t1_j6catq0 wrote
Oh she's gonna bruise like a mf
Glittering-Ad-5769 t1_j6cawmm wrote
She's even doing the face 😂
Glittering-Ad-5769 t1_j6cb478 wrote
I already spend half my own day doing that
TopherT2 t1_j6cc0vk wrote
She's wearing an Edgar suit.
International-Pick85 t1_j6cc88k wrote
justarandomuser20 t1_j6ccpvn wrote
That fucking smile is actually horrifying.
home_planet_Allbran t1_j6cdu87 wrote
That'll take about an hour to settle back down.
GoblinsGym t1_j6celuz wrote
Future personal trainer, practicing skinfold test.
OnlyMortal666 t1_j6chjlj wrote
swipes left
Wienerschitzell t1_j6cikmd wrote
ITS a ghoul Combat Shotgun activate VATS
Quackaclysm t1_j6cj3du wrote
The previous user of the gum gum fruit.
Sea-Month160 t1_j6cj3k7 wrote
looks like she saw Jesus personally
kwarre16 t1_j6cj9vd wrote
The skin is very thin now and easily broken. Not the best idea. Softly is fine, but I wouldn’t push it. Healing takes longer too
Technical-Green-9983 t1_j6cjb3v wrote
MMM, I'll have a wing
T_raltixx t1_j6ckhdt wrote
Junji Ito?
StatusOmega t1_j6cl7px wrote
Melted cheese!
You're welcome!
johanngunn t1_j6cmnp5 wrote
You should see grandma at the beach on a windy day!
Stealthgib t1_j6cn65s wrote
Is that Madonna?
CaptainDaydream t1_j6cnyf0 wrote
I think grandma has ehlers danlos syndrome
[deleted] t1_j6cofo1 wrote
Playdough has come along way
jindrix t1_j6coniz wrote
jesus fuckign christ this is scary
[deleted] t1_j6coog2 wrote
Viridianscape t1_j6covl0 wrote
Are you sure you posted this in the right sub? It's easy to get us mixed up wither r/horror...
[deleted] t1_j6coy2i wrote
MrHazard1 t1_j6cqd25 wrote
This. That's probably her grandkid, she's holding and she seems to be happy.
I could also argue how i "earned my white beard" and stuff, but idgas when i'm the uncle, who's getting his beard pulled "is this glued on? Are you santa?"
colorabro t1_j6cqdwu wrote
Yes… there’s very clear warping all around the stretched skin. Just look at the holes in the sweater to the left. Very, very, very obvious photoshop job.
I’m sure this is real to some degree, but you’d have to be a fool to look at this pic and think it wasn’t manipulated/exaggerated.
heeyyyyooo t1_j6crhfn wrote
His grandma is elastagirl
palvet t1_j6crkac wrote
This is being burned into that baby's mind and is going to reveal itself in some fun quirky ways when it gets older. Lol
Express_Passage3355 t1_j6csb2n wrote
Nightmare fuel
Commercial_Dirt832 t1_j6ct3c9 wrote
Kid just got baptized in time to be a human sacrifice.
shawndw t1_j6ct9i0 wrote
Baby: It's like silly putty.
Ok-Guava7336 t1_j6ctjvr wrote
That's not grandma. That's Attila the Hun. That baby found his grave.
OftenBullish t1_j6cv1yk wrote
What a horrible day to have eyes
helpfulreply t1_j6cv7np wrote
Looks real to me
killyourmusic t1_j6cvlvr wrote
I audibly gasped.
BasicBasic69 t1_j6cvmxi wrote
Yzma? Is that you?
EndersGame_Reviewer t1_j6cyw7c wrote
Laughing? Can we be sure she’s not actually screaming?
KevinDean4599 t1_j6cz4a6 wrote
Pretty gross but I’m sure there a few older men who would still bang grandma if she let them
Donmahglas t1_j6d0x0d wrote
That child is tripping out "What happened why is this person stretching?"
fixerjy t1_j6d1hy2 wrote
Somebody's wrong for this 😂
zin_90 t1_j6d1oib wrote
Thanks! Now I'm imagining her eating the baby like an apple.
Spork_Warrior t1_j6d1v3r wrote
The spitting up and pooping dead.
sortaitchy t1_j6d298g wrote
I'm not that old but certainly have skin issues and white hair already. My skin is surprising to the kids where I work and when nap time comes round I am supposed to be gently rubbing their backs to get them to sleep. What generally happens is that I feel a soft, supple little hand caressing my forearm, squeezing it, playing with the skin. I had scleroderma and it made my skin look hard, almost like plastic, but because I use a lot of lotion it's surprisingly soft. One little girl said my arm was like her pretty velvet dress. I understood what she was trying to say. Bulky, lots of folds, but so soft. It doesn't hurt when the kids kind of grab a handful of skin - it's just skin.
Like you said so nicely, she knows what it looks like, there is nothing she can do about it, and she's lived that skin for a long time. It's weird to anyone young, but it's part of the process. I don't like people making fun of her smile though - that's just mean.
DoctorWhootie t1_j6d2aqz wrote
Klaatu barada nikto
alyoyo161 t1_j6d2cli wrote
looks like ehlers-danlos syndrome
slabby t1_j6d2j9k wrote
Ehlers Danlos?
slabby t1_j6d2qpe wrote
Yeah, my skin is actually like this
Docc_Sampson t1_j6d2xd1 wrote
Aww. 🥲 Well said, my friend.
iamthelonelybarnacle t1_j6d4rxh wrote
I think they might be right. Look at the baby's thumb, the skin on the thumb has been stretched downwards along with the grandma's skin. I reckon the original photo is the baby grabbing a handful of skin and the shop has extended the amount of skin.
sA1atji t1_j6d5djv wrote
also by the looks pretty healthy both in body and mind.
reason2listen t1_j6d63bu wrote
Looks like she’s having all of the youth sucked out of her.
KuramaTheBeast t1_j6d651z wrote
New dark souls boss just dropped
[deleted] t1_j6d68u8 wrote
IAmBluePaw t1_j6d7aa5 wrote
Look how happy she is! Been awhile since someone stretched grandma out 😏
Bos_lost_ton t1_j6d7xq9 wrote
Ah yes, the batwing!
unexpectedemptiness t1_j6d8txa wrote
Damn... I had to stretch my imagination quite a bit, but I got it. New nightmare fuel. :o
mylarky t1_j6d90hf wrote
Moisturize me, moisturize me!
Phyliinx t1_j6d9962 wrote
This is cursed
osndupu t1_j6d9hwi wrote
😖I think this would qualify for r/oddlyterrifying
derrpinger t1_j6da5dh wrote
Stretch GRAM strong!
SociopathicPasserby t1_j6dawy7 wrote
Thid should be in r/creepy or r/weird
SCSA1218 t1_j6dce15 wrote
it totally is, the skin goes around and fuses with the baby's thumb, you just have to look at the baby's hand it's totally not natural and staged, how can you not see it ??
nymaamyn t1_j6dctu8 wrote
‘Shopped. You can see her blouse warped right next to baby’s pinky
Mississimia t1_j6ddff2 wrote
yup. he grabbed hold of the skin but he didn't pull it like that.
tacodog7 t1_j6ddhfx wrote
Someone edit her mouth to be a gaping void dislocated from her jaw
[deleted] t1_j6deut9 wrote
MAH415 t1_j6df4re wrote
I used to grab my grandma's gullet and say it was squishy. My mom used to get mad at me. I miss that! RiP granny.
jpiro t1_j6dgvnx wrote
Wow, this immediately brought back a memory of me squeezing the skin on my grandmother’s elbow and being amazed it would just stand up and stay there. I called my sister and folks in to show them. Grandma (who was a little vain) was not amused, lol.
pimp_juice2272 t1_j6dgvwd wrote
"That baby will pull this family apart."
[deleted] t1_j6dh2pl wrote
She’s gonna have a bruise from that.
OfCourseIKnowHim t1_j6dho4o wrote
I see a Doctor Who reference, I upvote.
Konras t1_j6dhx3m wrote
Pull is so strong that it morphed her costume and stretched dotted pattern directly next to it on the left. Ehhh...
beardedmanDK t1_j6di8aq wrote
Grab some water, will ya!?
[deleted] t1_j6die6w wrote
Konras t1_j6dif24 wrote
With amount of Photoshop it actually could be.
NoStripeZebra3 t1_j6dkeh2 wrote
I fucking hate aging
newthammer t1_j6dkqng wrote
I don’t want to get old…
larrypantser t1_j6dlr3l wrote
my aunt had a psychotic break a few years ago and she ripped out a chunk of my grandfather's arm, just like this. my mom said his skin tore like wet paper.
[deleted] t1_j6dm7li wrote
MippoDidippo t1_j6dn2mp wrote
What a haunting image
DanOfTheRoses t1_j6dp64h wrote
Infinite grandma glitch
Simple_Secretary_333 t1_j6dpw8j wrote
You've had your skin long enough betty, tis my turn with it.
August_West88 t1_j6dq8bs wrote
Assuming that is great grandma.
foreverdonefor t1_j6ds65k wrote
I always said if I had a band, I'd name it "Fistful of Wrinkles"
iamnothim t1_j6dul7u wrote
Nightmare fuel
AdmiralFurret t1_j6duzaf wrote
She began shedding
Icy_Boss6053 t1_j6dvonm wrote
That ain't grandma. Its Baal !
mjkjg2 t1_j6dzxyk wrote
this is edited right?
Zero_Night_Howler t1_j6e1e3w wrote
Oh wow that's crazy
fabri_pere t1_j6e6f41 wrote
Is Grandma an SCP?
yannichaboyer t1_j6e82pg wrote
Is there a photoshopped one as well ?
Alixthetrapgod t1_j6e8lyx wrote
This is photoshopped…. right?
bellelovesdonuts t1_j6e8yk0 wrote
aznlia97 t1_j6ebzhs wrote
is it cake?
Freeboing t1_j6ec7qg wrote
A fucking wad of flesh from mrs bone-bag…
Mitski-u t1_j6ed4ju wrote
She's a fucking darksouls boss
Titaniumchic t1_j6edf5x wrote
Lord help me, my son does this. Has done this to any skin - throat, hands, back of arms, anywhere he can get traction, since he was an infant. He’s better about it now, but he has ALWAYS done this. (Usually as he’s drifting off to sleep). Thank heaven non of us have skin this fragile or stretchy.
RoyalFalse t1_j6edpwv wrote
Put down the baby, Clayface!
[deleted] t1_j6ef2jy wrote
[deleted] t1_j6ei43g wrote
sad_noises94 t1_j6ei6zf wrote
let me correct this, 'stop pulling "off" grandma'
Lemon6Potato t1_j6el0kw wrote
Ew I need some bleach
Middle_Oven_1568 t1_j6el1oe wrote
Fucking gross
Robcrook101 t1_j6elocz wrote
Reminds me I need to give the junk a trim..
Marioc12345 t1_j6em5qi wrote
Those toddlers do be toddling
IdLetHerGiveMeAids t1_j6enz4l wrote
Funny or creepy
[deleted] t1_j6ep8m3 wrote
Scarletfapper t1_j6epmpb wrote
O thought it was Scorn - I’m pretty sure I used that arm to open a door…
HitNRun_ t1_j6eqjpd wrote
seanbiff t1_j6euaf7 wrote
Man i don’t wanna get old
BestJoyRed t1_j6ewahf wrote
Nope nope nope
ol-boy t1_j6ewcpw wrote
[deleted] t1_j6ewg2w wrote
[deleted] t1_j6ewsg4 wrote
Slick_Tuxedo t1_j6ewz1b wrote
The new pope looks a bit young, eh?
Rage-Finder t1_j6eyh6c wrote
Haha chad boy. He has a great future potential.
Traumfahrer t1_j6f003i wrote
Future pizza maker right there.
CMDRBUCKSAVAGE t1_j6f1jz4 wrote
When your body is decomposing like it’s already in the grave, but you’re stubborn as hell*
*keeping yourself alive by siphoning the youth of your kin
vivaalcobaca t1_j6f3km5 wrote
outerproduct t1_j6f3olb wrote
Better to die than live like you, a bitchy trampoline.
SpokenDivinity t1_j6f5gjq wrote
Grandma looks like shes going to eat him
Zero_Burn t1_j6f86z2 wrote
Hour-Appeal8071 t1_j6f8aas wrote
I thought it was some cosplay...
honchell12 t1_j6fbvvj wrote
Does she have ehlers danlos🙄
AnonymousP30 t1_j6ffse6 wrote
KesterFay t1_j6fs2pk wrote
Baby's First WTF!!!
Old-Substance5364 t1_j6g0eop wrote
fidget toy
YamDiligentOK t1_j6g84um wrote
It’s like that one family guy episode
JustHereFriends t1_j6gahhc wrote
I used to flap my grandmas loose skin for fun. Lol
Edit: when I was very young
mozzy862 t1_j6gjoo6 wrote
unreasonablyhuman t1_j6glknu wrote
It's clayface! RUN
Tys_Wife t1_j6l5yej wrote
If you think that's big, you should see her Weenus!
AutoModerator t1_j6bky93 wrote
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