math_debates t1_j5pimnl wrote
Ive sadly seen many. I wish some had these warning labels instead.
[deleted] t1_j5ppw7x wrote
okcdnb t1_j5pgc9j wrote
Could be very confusing.
LeinenRates t1_j5oyqwd wrote
kickah t1_j5sf094 wrote
How much for the sign?
Feuerpanzer123 t1_j5pqxrn wrote
Get out
zurkon95 t1_j5ol0u7 wrote
Well I'm still gonna
ohheythere01 t1_j5olfoq wrote
why does that mannequin have a nicer ass than me
Noob-Guy555 t1_j5olwax wrote
Nah your ass is beautiful, we all love it!
ohheythere01 t1_j5omhl9 wrote
just wait till you see me in one of these bad bois
Noob-Guy555 t1_j5omlgz wrote
We’ll be waiting by the window as always… ;)
cobainstaley t1_j5paa4r wrote
you'll be needing one of them signs
fappyday t1_j5rcxpp wrote
[deleted] t1_j5p42kd wrote
skedeebs t1_j5om9gx wrote
This is kind of funny, but why do they care? The mannequin doesn't. Perhaps they are worried about spreading germs?
Nemocom314 t1_j5p6eev wrote
Kyle started licking it and ruined it for everybody.
fappyday t1_j5rd8tn wrote
It's not THAT someone is going to touch the MANNEQUIN that they're worried about; it's WHAT someone might touch it with. Though, to be fair, the type of person that's going to molest a mannequin isn't likely to be referred by a sign.
brainopixel t1_j5on3bj wrote
I guess you’ve never seen the documentary with Kim Cattrall called Mannequin
SteakGetter t1_j5ps4lj wrote
“I’m gonna touch the butt”
greedydita t1_j5oo4fz wrote
The sign comes with the panties.
Ziqox123 t1_j5p1f4u wrote
Awkward-Yak-2733 t1_j5pagu1 wrote
Why is the mannequin placed next to the sheets?
some_hardmode_player t1_j5p5xsr wrote
Bro be walking around like the Gimp in Postal 2
Flowerino t1_j5on0qi wrote
These are perfect for those tattoo appointments
downwardspiralstairs t1_j5oor3b wrote
That sign would definitely make me touch it.
gmoney1259 t1_j5oosg6 wrote
No touch without consent. Just ask.
RanCestor t1_j5ovfo3 wrote
For the moment when you reach for the bottom of desperation.
Kahnza t1_j5q5c8c wrote
>reach for the bottom
Don't mind if I do! 🫴
No-Crew4317 t1_j5p5zlx wrote
Don’t harass mannequin sir! Don’t you know about consent?
Baltaxo2010 t1_j5pbfnd wrote
Fresh buns
GlassWasteland t1_j5r7q4y wrote
Delores you slut.
tripledjr t1_j5rbqz4 wrote
These cover more area than a standard thong yet somehow are infinitely more risque.
NormDangerfield22 t1_j5r0vxp wrote
Watch some nerd get metoo’d by a mannequin
Shuriken_Dai t1_j5rgeor wrote
Is that actually a kind of underwear?..
[deleted] t1_j5ol3wg wrote
[deleted] t1_j5olvev wrote
[deleted] t1_j5opdax wrote
Strong-Document3601 t1_j5p6pdk wrote
No hablo ingles😈😈😈😈
FinsterFolly t1_j5pjyt2 wrote
But I'm not touching, this is Reiki.
GreedyOctopus t1_j5pl7ux wrote
phonkee t1_j5ppz7u wrote
Please do not touch Willie.
NiftyMittens89 t1_j5qm9p6 wrote
Good advice!
[deleted] t1_j5psfd2 wrote
Tanglefoot19 t1_j5pwofi wrote
Why not?
flyingpomegranate t1_j5qidx1 wrote
A mannequin has its rights.
suddenlyredditer t1_j5pyteo wrote
So, did you.....
Dedliest OP t1_j5pzemh wrote
I did not :(
Sir-Farts- t1_j5qa34r wrote
My hands going to sting.
FistCookies t1_j5qj4xf wrote
[deleted] t1_j5qldy9 wrote
Cold_Pomelo3274 t1_j5qltsn wrote
thegoodgoodgoodguy t1_j5qwga1 wrote
Always got to ruin the fun 🙄
St_Troy t1_j5qzr6w wrote
Azulanze t1_j5rx940 wrote
If my plumber wore these I would be very arroused upset.
[deleted] t1_j5s4ksz wrote
[deleted] t1_j5s59ah wrote
[deleted] t1_j5sb4u7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j61mpal wrote
Commercial_Bear331 t1_j5ph0cc wrote
I'm confused.
Why do they present an invitation, and prohibit action at the same time ?
DemandyMcDemanderson t1_j5q91n2 wrote
That mannequin was asking for it when it put that outfit on. It knew what it was doing.
[deleted] t1_j5rj7o2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5ozcy2 wrote
That’s an odd tramp stamp to get