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JoeSmithDiesAtTheEnd t1_j7lfhaz wrote

Going away would be nice. But dynamic island is way better than the notch. At least that section of the display is usable and functional now.


pacwess t1_j7ln3ww wrote

It's annoying at best.
Although what Apple is pushing for I think is it'll be the dynamic island when needed and full screen when not needed. Therefore we get the best of both.


Tommyblockhead20 t1_j7lzoc6 wrote

Annoying? Maybe compared to having all screen, but I’d definitely agree with the other commenter it’s way better than the notch. It’s nothing revolutionary, but it is simultaneously smaller than the notch, and more useful, since you can click it to easily switch apps.


TheDivineSoul t1_j7m05n0 wrote

I feel like the people saying it’s annoying don’t even have it. I have the 14 pro, it’s not annoying at all.


cereal-kills-me t1_j7myfa8 wrote

It’s “smaller” but it cuts into videos which the notch doesn’t do. It’s lower on the screen than the notch so it interrupts more content than the notch.


Primerius t1_j7n6ehb wrote

I grabbed a 14 pro max earlier this week, and I have yet to see a video that the dynamic island cuts into.


brito892 t1_j7p5hq3 wrote

Take a screenshot in a 14 and then watch it in the 13 and you will notice how much of a screen you are loosing. The dynamic island is much lower (closer to the center of the screen)


nukoruko999 t1_j7ts181 wrote

I have 14 pro and it doesn’t cut into the video unless you do that thing where video stretches to full screen


BlurredSight t1_j7nkcqg wrote

Hell no, it's honestly the best upgrade I did from a pixel > xs > 14 pro. They finally made live notifications better like knowing Im muted on a call because my soundwave isn't changing, or spotify's tap to access, or ubers little car animation.

Sucks when going full screen on a movie but even then I've just blanked it out


D4c4n_ t1_j7mitlf wrote

I honestly prefer the notch over the dynamic island. With the island sitting lower, you lose even more real estate when watching fill screen content


inteliboy t1_j7nwmpo wrote

Huh? It used to be a bezel. That area of the screen now has more functionality than ever.


mikearete t1_j7oi5lf wrote

I kind of love it, but I’m constantly using the music controls/Apple Remote/timer app so I’m probably the ideal use case for it.

And I don’t mind stretching videos to full screen—it’s hardly ever blocking something critical, and the fact that the videos play around it tickles my brain.


thisischemistry t1_j7ngxvr wrote

> At least that section of the display is usable and functional now.

The little useless sliver above the island that only serves to highlight the empty space? I don't know if I agree that it's very functional.


JoeSmithDiesAtTheEnd t1_j7nie19 wrote

I am sure you know what I meant and you're just being pedantic. But if not... The way that the dynamic island feature utilizes the entire upper portion of the screen is better than any previous implementation from Apple (even before the notch was first introduced). It's forced them to make the notifications and features at the top of the screen more useful. The sliver adds nothing, but the overall size of the cutout area when the dynamic island was introduced is a huge improvement over what they were doing before. It's just more aesthetically pleasing in day to day use than it was prior.


thisischemistry t1_j7nj6dt wrote

It's a clever way to try to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse, for sure. Personally, I think they should take the extra step of removing that sliver too. All it does is highlight that there's a hole in the display.


djdsf t1_j7n6ho4 wrote

That whole part of the display has always been usable, it's just that they are now finding a use for it.


M0rtyjr t1_j7o10dr wrote

That’s not true. The notch isn’t actually part of the display. It’s just black glass.


djdsf t1_j7s094k wrote

We're talking about current iteration of the Island vs a notch. The whole part around the hole has always been usable


DarkLord55_ t1_j7mayk0 wrote

Notch is 10x better. That but above the holepunch is absolutely pointless. You can have similar features with out the holepunch
