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obliviousjd t1_j3nwiqg wrote

So that's Sony's solution to bad battery life.


moosebaloney t1_j3pqlbj wrote

No, it’s Sony solution for the rampant stick drift.


bingbong02496 t1_j3w4ig7 wrote

I had stick drift with multiple PS4 controllers. Sucks they still haven’t fixed it. Now I use an Xbox controller on PC and haven’t had a single issue.


moosebaloney t1_j3w9t0n wrote

I just wish there were reasonably priced alternatives. Force Sony to make a durable, viable product.


detectiveDollar t1_j4j8n0i wrote

PS4, Xbox One, PS5 and Series X use the exact same joystick boxes. As do Wii U Gamepad, Wii U Pro, and Switch Pro controllers.


Cosmiccomedian333 t1_j3q70fz wrote

I have 4 PS5 controllers , 3 of them have drift… any day the 4th will and I’ll have to buy another. 🥺


[deleted] t1_j3ql7y1 wrote



detectiveDollar t1_j4j8rsa wrote

Meh, don't screw over the retailer because of Sony's bullshit. Better to fix the controller or get a cheap 2 year warranty on it.


Chronotaru t1_j3qso5w wrote

Often won't work because they will point you to Sony, and Sony know the serial numbers.


Didrox13 t1_j3yw200 wrote

That's bad luck. They aren't the most durable, but they shouldn't be dying like that. For reference, it's the same hardware as the PS4, Xbox and switch pro controllers (default controllers, not stuff like the Xbox elite controller)


CheapBootlegger t1_j3rhh42 wrote

I didn't know this was an issue until just now; I thought only the Switch had the problem.

I don't recall the PS2 or GameCube having drift issues, I wonder why these consoles do.


xyifer12 t1_j3s7ve1 wrote

Don't buy new controllers, fix the ones you have. DS4 are extremely easy to repair, DualSense are similar but slightly less so.


stygian07 t1_j3rm8hk wrote

how long have you had those controllers btw?


Cosmiccomedian333 t1_j3xddhu wrote

Not long enough... lets see here , the white one came with the cosole and ive had it since launch and it was the first to get drift.... Bought the crimson red controller and it has drift also and so does the black one... mainly using the camo controller now as it is the newest and still has yet to drift.


stygian07 t1_j3z9rla wrote

So did the OG controller drift within like a year or something? I'm only asking so I can gauge mine out of curiosity. I've had these 2 DualSenses for about 6 months now and I'm gonna see how far it goes.

I've always been skeptical of peoples anecdotes about drift sometimes because as long as we're not talking about joycons I feel like it comes down to usage only because the last time I got drift was on my dualshock 4 that I left to gather dust and even then that took 3 years to start drifting. started buying controller pouches ever since.

Regardless, I do believe that as long as you're not bashing the controller against a wall It shouldn't drift due to prolonged use but wear and tear is also a thing so I don't really know where to stand here.


Didrox13 t1_j3yvwb3 wrote

The standard ps4, ps5, xbox and switch pro controllers all use the same stickbox and have similar drifting rates/issues.


detectiveDollar t1_j4j96v6 wrote

Switch Pro and Wii U use the same stick boxes, and they're different than Xbox/PS.


ZetaRESP t1_j3rcwx2 wrote

What about the fact that now some PS5 will start to rot if they are left in their stand for too long?


_noho t1_j3rdsqc wrote



ZetaRESP t1_j3ro6yu wrote

Apparently there are console repairmen posting images of PS5 leaking liquid metal (likely solder) from being too long in vertical upright position.


OnlyFreshBrine t1_j3ol9kv wrote

Is the battery on DS5 as bad as DS4? Honestly, I want to trade in my PS4 just for better battery life


Ninety8Balloons t1_j3oqjyj wrote

This is only my experience, but I can game for like 6+ hours with the PS5 controller without any issue. I don't pay that much attention, but I was playing GoW Ragnarok like 10 hours a day and aside from like an hour of charging while I ate some food, my controller never died.


OnlyFreshBrine t1_j3ors35 wrote

My DS4 dies after a couple hours of just streaming Netflix. It's insane.


Drogdar t1_j3qspej wrote

We have a "charging dock" and always have one or two controllers charging... the main reason we have multiple is because of the shit battery life.

We have one PS3 controller that gets VERY occasional use as a streaming device and we charge it like twice a year. When covid was in full swing I replayed Red Dead 1 and it lasted about 3 days with constant use before needing to be charged. And it weighs less than the PS4 controller...


OnlyFreshBrine t1_j3qt9uw wrote

I have a cradle too. But it's a POS and the controllers fall out very easily. Just a frustrating experience all around.


_noho t1_j3re1pf wrote

Have you tried one of the play station remotes? I always wanted to get on but never bit the bullet


123_fake_name t1_j3spcg6 wrote

You can turn down the hepatic level and turn off mic for longer battery life


bootstraps_bootstrap t1_j3ondg2 wrote

Apparently it’s worse than the ps4


obliviousjd t1_j3or5ao wrote

Honestly the best part of the Xbox controller is that it uses AA batteries.

If it dies, I can just swap my rechargeable AAs with the ones on my charger. And if the batteries deteriorate over time I can get replacements for cheap because of how ubiquitous AA are, it's a nice little right to repair feature.

Meanwhile, my PS controllers might as well be wired.


KhaoticKid98 t1_j3qdx1d wrote

I hate to be that guy, but what about the environment 🤓


obliviousjd t1_j3rcxp4 wrote

I hate to be that guy, but I clearly said I use rechargeable AAs....


OnlyFreshBrine t1_j3ornv8 wrote

Wow. Stunning that isn't a priority for Sony. DS4 is dreadful.


lionheart4life t1_j3pk64k wrote

It seems worse. But I also have a couple controllers and keep two on the charge cradle all the time.

Honestly it feels like the battery is always warning that it is low but can keep going for hours like that often. So maybe they really aren't too bad.


Teyo13 t1_j3rje4f wrote

Mute the mic, it drains battery even if you're not actively using any voice chat.


Wayback_Wind t1_j3s7rbe wrote

Having recently bought a PS5, I found the DS5 had a better battery life than the DS4s I used prior. But, this is after years of use on the DS4s part versus practically new DS5.

I'm still planning on getting a second one eventually anyway, since it'd good to have spares.


dacamel493 t1_j3osjpj wrote

In theor controllers? I haven't had an issue with the PS5 controller batteries at all?