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t1_jaes07m wrote

You don't pay your staff 30% more, it's a magnitude higher than that with a massively bigger staff. And with big money, comes bigger risk, therefore I stand with the point I made.


t1_jaeugwa wrote

Then you are not only dumb but willfully ignorant, which is even worse. Console games were 60 dollars and more over 20 years ago - which is over 120 dollars today when adjusted for inflation. Games are much cheaper than they used to be and companies are having record profits. Higher production cost are more than offset by higher selling unit numbers. If you try to deny this you are absolutely delusional


t1_jaeveli wrote

Dude I worked in this field and still have plenty of colleagues currently in game development. Companies have way more staff, WAY way more overhead and take on a lot more risk than 20 years ago. This more than justifies the prices. Sure, some companies sell a lot more and create record profits but all it takes is one game that flops that can throw a developer close to bankruptcy. It's very similar in the movie world too these days.


t1_jaewl8l wrote

> Companies have way more staff, WAY way more overhead and take on a lot more risk than 20 years ago

And yet games are 50 percent cheaper than 20 years ago