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ImpossibleGT t1_jckbbp1 wrote

...because every story is "oh no, Umbrella released another virus". That's it.

RE1? Umbrella released a virus.
RE2? Umbrella released a virus.
RE3? Umbrella released a virus.
Code Veronica? Would you believe it, Umbrella released a virus... in Antarctica!

This is not exactly peak narrative.


SpiderPidge t1_jckd1dp wrote

That's way oversimplified and not at all indicative of the story of the games. The overall story is about strain after strain of a virus becoming loose and causing havoc, yeah, but there is a lot more to it.

The story spans quite a few games and if you take the stories for what they are in their respective games, I can see where you are coming from. But you also have to be able to piece it together into one narrative and it's much deeper and enjoyable once you do that.


ImpossibleGT t1_jckel3l wrote

>but there is a lot more to it.

There really isn't. The bad guy is always an unambiguously evil corporation, the good guy is always an average Joe caught in an unexpected situation trying to survive, and that's it. Yeah, there's some lore about exactly how shitty Umbrella is if you read every note in every game, but Mass Effect this is not. You can start literally anywhere in the RE canon and you'll know what's going on. It's a simple story and it's not told in a particularly strong way.


SpiderPidge t1_jckf5ai wrote

>It's a simple story and it's not told in a particularly strong way.

If you say so. It's not on the level as Metal Gear or Nier, but it's not as shallow as you are making it out to be either.


Manjorno316 t1_jckds3g wrote

This is like saying that the Lord of the Rings films is just about throwing a ring in lava and nothing more.

LotR1: Just some small guy trying to throw a ring in lava

LotR2: Still trying to throw it in lava

LotR3: He threw it in lava


ImpossibleGT t1_jckfqwc wrote

Which is why LOTR has a shit ton of characterization. "Where's everyone going, bingo?" and "You almost became a Jill sandwich" don't count as quality characterization.


Manjorno316 t1_jckgojw wrote

No but cheesy dialogue doesn't equate to a simple story or plot either.