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justmadeforthat t1_jec65i9 wrote

probably because of the edgerunner anime


APeacefulWarrior t1_jediduz wrote

Seriously, whoever at CDP greenlit the anime was an absolute genius. Especially spending the money to work with a top-tier studio. Hiring Trigger could not have been cheap, but it turned out to be the best possible advertising they could get.


Saltpiter t1_jedsbjv wrote

I imagine the discussion went somewhat like this.
- RIOT made a nice anime and it was even watched by people that do not play games and they downloaded league. Let's do that.
- So what is the budget for this project? i know few cheap studios that could make this anime.
- Budget? I i don't know such a word.
- Say no more.


Xacktastic t1_jedut64 wrote

It was greenlit and being shopped around before Arcane came out


Saltpiter t1_jee13gx wrote

But was it before the Arcane production started? I doubt it.


Xacktastic t1_jee2ohn wrote

Sure, but it doesn't really apply as an inspiration in that case. Arcane wasn't the first video game series to be proposed.


Brave_Tangerine2471 t1_jeedtkk wrote

Something like this is 3+ years in the making. I found an article from Jan 2020 showing trigger was on board before the game even launched. Before they can announce partnerships like this things have to be approved in the pipeline for a while or you risk bad press if it falls through.

Edit: Heck even Arcane was pitched between 2014-2015. It took 8 years to come out, but it wasn't from an already existing anime studio so developing strategies for how to make it probably took some major logistics to do in house.


Next-Butterscotch385 t1_jed16a8 wrote

Not probably, absolutely. One of the Best anime I’ve seen. Rewatched like 3 times in few months!


justmadeforthat t1_jed1cok wrote

Same, actually I bought the game because of the anime


Fat_Sow t1_jedv6vs wrote

I watched the anime because of the game and absolutely loved it, it was quite emotional towards the end.


cas13f t1_jeetzok wrote

>!I am still entirely adamant that david was a fucking idiot pining over lucy when he had the most true of ride-or-die love interests RIGHT THERE!<


Shovi t1_jedll7b wrote

I watched it too but it was kinda meh, what was so great about it?


Xacktastic t1_jedurfh wrote

You just don't get it, Bro. If you think it's meh, people explaining isn't gonna change anything. Probably just not for you


Shovi t1_jee1r8i wrote

Lol, i ask for an explanation, you don't bother with it and dismiss my question nice....

It would have been better if you said nothing at all.


WMGYT t1_jee3q6a wrote

emotional stories require you to form a connection with the character (s), something you clearly didn’t do whether it’s because you were skipping around/not paying attention/not taking it seriously/something else.

cyberpunk is an incredible tragedy, but not everyone ‘gets it’. that’s not an insult or personal attack, it’s just that everyone has different tastes and yours probably just doesn’t align with edgerunners.


Xacktastic t1_jee80tw wrote

This guy gets it.

I'm not one to waste my time explaining why people should like things the don't. That never goes anywhere.


idispensemeds2 t1_jef8825 wrote

Welcome to reddit where you get downvoted for having a different opinion


MxOiE t1_jee4des wrote

If you already formed an opinion about it being “meh” after watching it then what’s the point in asking that troll bait ass question?

It would have been better if you said nothing at all.


Xacktastic t1_jee840y wrote

Exactly my man, people who ask those questions just want to argue and insult the thing they don't like. I'm not gonna waste time explaining why that thing means something to me, to someone like that


exsea t1_jedgry8 wrote

i went from liking their theme song to being emo whenever it plays.

but damn... i really cant support cdpr after how bad their initial cp launch went


emi_yagami t1_jedso1r wrote

We should support the ones who fuck up and try to actually fix it. Too many in that same situation just abandon the game or or make half steps to make us think they care


exsea t1_jedunce wrote

my counter argument is despite all the fixes they did. they never did come clean. they overpromised and downright lied to us gamers.

if the game is "just buggy", fine i m on board with what you say. yeah i will support a company that tries their best to make their game better when their launch was shitty.

a good example is godfall. not exactly buggy but their devs improved the game a huge lot. as far as i know, they did not lie.

lying and misleading. dishonesty. i can forgive bugs to an extent, i can even forgive cut content to an extent. but good will is hard to earn.

try and view it this way.

you have 2 contractors fixing up 2 rooms you own. one says everythings fine and the jobs complete. the second one sheepishly tells you they fucked up and need time fixing it.

upon inspection the first one is also fucked. both contractors agree to fix their rooms anyway.

which of the 2 is the shittier contractor? i might not be happy with both of them but i might rehire the honest one for a new contract. the first one? fuck that guy. and that guy is CDPR


TheLastPirate123 t1_jedxjw0 wrote

What exactly did they lie about? What promises did they make that aren't in the game? Genuine question.

From how I see it they overpromised because they overestimated how the game would turn out and have since gone out of their way to make the game what they intended it to be. Same goes for No Man's Sky - there's alot that gets cut because of the whim of an incompetent higher-up, there's alot of changes made throughout the process, there's alot that goes into making a game and they've done their best to complete their vision of it since it's disappointing release.


exsea t1_jedyehs wrote

if you google it, theres a few results

this is one.heres the main quote thats a huge ass lie

“Speaking earlier this week on Wednesday (and transcribed by Seeking Alpha), Kaciński said that Cyberpunk 2077's performance on the base PS4 and Xbox One consoles is "surprisingly good, I would say, for such a huge world." The CEO went on to say that although the performance on these base consoles is lower than their "pro" counterparts (the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X), it's still surprisingly good.”

surprisingly good?

thats a god damn lie.

i know a lot of people here are CDPR lovers. ngl, i too loved CDPR. they were the golden child of the gaming world. we needed CDPR to succeed. i wanted CDPR to succeed. CDPR's success is a big fuck you to the likes of EA and Ubisoft. they were the chosen one.

when other game devs were making collectors edition boxes. CDPR's witcher physical copies were all technically collectors edition with tons of goodies but with a "standard box" price tag.

if EA fucked up. i wouldnt really care so much. i was fanboying CDPR hard. for them to be dishonest its was a harsh slap.

over promising is one thing. outright saying the game is fine and releasing it as it is from a company that should know better....


TheLastPirate123 t1_jee84of wrote

Ah that's interesting. I didn't follow much of the build-up to the game before it was released as I never really fell for the hype, I've still not fallen into the Keanu Reeves hype in general. What I've heard now is that they've made it a good game, ofcourse games should be functional and work as promised upon release, however I think the work they've put in to fix it somewhat makes up for the initial release - once again I bring it back to No Man's Sky.

I don't view CD as a holy patron saint of gaming or anything, it's just another company but as of right now it's one I have a positive view on as I think they seem to be intent on making good games rather than churning them out.


exsea t1_jee98ji wrote

yeah its good that you're not attached to them as i was. they really had a very good PR with gamers in general.i m against pre-orders but for CDPR they had so much good will with gamers that i would actually pre-order from them.

its really a shame on what happened.

fixing the game... its been 2-3 years... a friend of mine bought the game this year and his playthru was buggy..

also if you play the game, you get to see a montage of you and your companion. my first impression of the montage is not "whoa thats cool". instead i thought... hmm pretty sure this is cut content.

later onwards in the game you meet a guy that you WORKED FOR in the montage. but in that meeting it appears to be your first meeting with him. that confirmed to me that the content was cut.

its ironic. i m a person who's bloody invested with CP2077, which made me react negatively to them even more. the irony is that the people who still love cyberpunk are the ones who would shit on me for pointing out how badly CDPR fell.


TheLastPirate123 t1_jeeaeri wrote

It's interesting just how invested people got into Cyberpunk, I never thought it looked all that unique. A first person shooter with some Watchdogs-esque features.

It's interesting to hear about the bugs being a problem, Skyrim is one of the buggiest games out there but it's never affected my enjoyment of the game but I saw the way it lagged on PS4 and I remember thinking "holy shit this is abysmal", at the same time they're damned if they do damned if they don't as 1 they'd miss out an alot of money only releasing on next-gen 2 you'd get a large group of people on last-gen complaining and saying they'd rather a laggy game than nothing at all.

I'm also not a fan of preorders, there's two games I've pre-ordered in my life and they were Kingdom Hearts 3 (childhood fan of the franchise and waited years for it so I was happy) and Elden Ring (huge FromSoft fan, love Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro), Elden Ring I was disappointed by but people to this day sing its praises so highly I think basing my purchase on people's reviews would've only made me more let down when I got around to playing the game. I thought FromSoft would never miss and ER was an unfortunate one for me.


exsea t1_jeebvbo wrote

i guess mine was a 2 pronged overlap of my interests. there arent too many cyberpunk type games out there, most futuristic games available usually go full geek and far off into future scifi like anarchy online and eve online.

the other was i was invested with CDPR as a company. also it was supposedly story focused rather than action focused, with many RPG elements where you had different perks to choose from.

skyrims bugs sometimes are small enough that they dont detract from the game. and the mods certainly help out a huge deal. also skyrim is full of content. to compare, skyrim is a complete game but buggy, while cp2077 is incomplete, buggy and overpromised.

in cp2077, we have cops that literally appear in the game. theres no animation. they just spawn right in front of you if you so happen to look in that direction. we also have a perk that gives you a buff while within water.

which, in the entire game you're in the water for just ONE small particular area and only in that one time.

one bug that i had bricked an optional sidequest. i dont know when it bricked i dont know how it bricked, i do not know which save i should use to revert the brick. but even if i did i m pretty sure i would have lost tons of hours of progress.

i really wanted to love the game. i gave it a fair shot. it had the potential to be a game that i would love but everything compound on one another made me just have a bad taste in my mouth. anyway i would really like to thank you for just talking to me about it in a civil manner.


TheLastPirate123 t1_jefaip4 wrote

The cops disappearing sounds hilarious but having quests and stuff bricked sounds bloody awful.

Hopefully whatever CD release next is good and washes that taste out of your mouth! My pleasure man, have a good day :)


emi_yagami t1_jedx22x wrote

This isn't debate club lol as for calling them liars, the only thing they lied about was the game being in a finished state, which wasn't the devs, it was the higher ups. So you're "argument" falls flat unless you say the boss that pays their checks lied and said it was done. We all had things we wanted out of the game that they never said was a part of it then people got mad when it wasn't there. The game was good from the start. The console versions were fucked but pc was mostly fine. They needed more time to optimize it for consoles because they game was just too much for last gen. Cry about it while I enjoy one of the best games they've ever released I'm not debating you loser


Xacktastic t1_jedusec wrote

Damn, I'm sure they will miss you


exsea t1_jedvv4u wrote

lol seems like i ve poked a hornets nest.

cdpr fanbois and simps have come to defend their beloved company.


ovDeidara t1_jed2ypk wrote

Best anime I saw last year. Period. It was amazing 10/10


Oki-Doki-4 t1_jeeia0z wrote

Cyberpunk 2077 was somewhere in the back of my head as "probably play this eventually" with no urgency, with the release well behind. Then my buddy and I decided to watch the Edgerunners anime. Bought the game the next week lol.